For my spiritual master
This is a part of a preface to the book “Śyāmānanda, the joy of
Never could a Vaiṣṇava write a book without first addressing a
thought to his guru mahārāja.
My spiritual master is the light that has illuminated a path in a
dark world. Without his words so full of knowledge where would I
be now? I would have fallen into a ravine without even knowing it,
victim of lust, greed and anger.
My spiritual master is the selfless angel who gave free of
charge everything to others, without caring about his own
comfort or pleasure.
My spiritual master was sent by Nitāi Gaurāṅga to make Śrī
Nāma known all over the world. Nobody had had such power
before. In the Western world nobody knew the holy names of Rādhā
Kṛṣṇa. Now everybody knows.
My spiritual master did not care about disqualifications. He
didn’t say to anyone “you are not qualified, I’ll not give you initiation
and instructions.” He accepted everybody and anybody. He gave
us chance that we had been waiting for ages, and our fortune
is incalculable.
pātrāpātra-vicāra nāhi, nāhi sthānāsthāna
yei yāṅhā pāya, tāṅhā kare prema-dāna
“In distributing love of Godhead, Caitanya Mahāprabhu and His
associates did not consider who was a fit candidate and who was
not, nor where such distribution should or should not take place.
They made no conditions. Wherever they got the opportunity, the
members of the Pañca-tattva distributed love of Godhead.”
— Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Ādi-līlā 7.23
My spiritual master dealt with everyone – disciples and nondisciples,
with love. He gave us everything and did not expect anything in
My spiritual master gave me another life. A wonderful life.
The best life I could have desired. Had he not arrived, what would
I have done, said, felt, thought? There would have been no Kṛṣṇa
No Radharani. No Vrindavana. No Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam,
Veda, Vedanta. Nothing. I tremble at the thought.
Being unable to express in words what I feel in heart, I only
prostrate again and again at the lotus feet of my spiritual master, Śrī
Abhay Charan Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda, my Prabhupāda,
the representative of the Lord.
Manonatha Dasa
# Manonatha Maharaji
# Tributes
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