The lotus footprints.

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Another gopī spoke thus to her friends about Kṛṣṇa: “Dear friends, our Vṛndāvana is proclaiming the glories of this entire earth because this planet is glorified by the lotus footprints of the son of Devakī. Besides that, when Govinda plays His flute, the peacocks immediately become mad, as if they had heard the rumbling of a new cloud. When all the animals and trees and plants, either on the top of Govardhana Hill or in the valley, see the dancing of the peacocks, they all stand still and listen to the transcendental sound of the flute with great attention. We think that this boon is not possible or available on any other planet.” Although the gopīswere village cowherd women and girls, they had extensive Vedic knowledge. Such is the effect of Vedic civilization. People in general would learn the highest truths of the Vedas simply by hearing from authoritative sources.

From twenty-first chapter of Kṛṣṇa book.


On Krishna’s feet there are 19 symbols of Narayana. On His right foot are a Lotus, flag, chakra, umbrella, four swastikas, uddhava rekha (upcurving line), barley corn, elephant goad, ashtakon(octagon), four blackberry fruits, and vajra. On His left foot are four water pots, a conch, an unstrung bow, cow’s hoof, fish, crescent moon, akash (sky), and a triangle. The Skanda Purana states the reasons for these marks.

DISC:- This clears/ reduces all our six enemies for devotional life such as: desire, anger, jealousy, moha, pride and vengeance.

LOTUS:- which increases the greed for Him in the minds of the bee like devotees who meditate on His feet.’

Conch:- which reveals all the knowledge to the devotee.

THUNDER BOLT:-which smashes the mountains of His devotees’ reactions to past sins,

ELEPHANT GOAD:- which brings the elephants of His devotees’ minds under control.

BARLEY CORN:- represents that Lord carries all kinds of enjoyable opulences for the devotees.

BOW:- gives relief from one’s distress and get a blissful feeling with tears due to Prem.

FLAG:- gives security and safe protection from all sorts of fear.

Umbrella:- It also denotes that those who sit in the shade of His feet become exalted just like maharajas (great kings), who usually have umbrellas held over their heads.

FISH:- This mark shows that just as a fish cannot live without water, similarly the surrendered devotees cannot live a moment without directly associating with His feet. It also means that the mind is very fickle, just like a fish that waver this way and that, and so only after much meditation on His feet can one have a control of the mind.

HALF-MOON (ardha-candra) this mark symbolizes how His feet truly provide the desired objectives of the devotees.

PITCHER – This mark shows Lord’s feet hold the golden pitcher full of purely nectarean ambrosia to be freely consumed by the surrendered souls, which bring ripples of happiness emanating from divine auspiciousness. Threse pots are called Bakthi and they show that they contain amritha (Holy Food) and Krishna distributes them free of cost to all the devotees who surrender to Him. These pots never become dry and they are always distributing Amirtha to the devotees!

COW-HOOF:- – This mark signifies that for those who have taken full shelter of uninterrupted meditation on His feet, the great ocean of worldly existence becomes very small and insignificant like the water held in a calf ’s hoof-print and is thus easily crossed over.

SWASTIKA:-This symbol gives all the auspicious events in our family.

OCTAGON:- This symbol protects us from all the distress coming to us from all the eight

BLACK BERRY FRUITS:- This symbol indicates the islands available in higher planets and this symbols takes us there!

TRIANGLE:- If a devotee surrenders this triangle sign, the devotees will get relief fro THREE distress of life, ie, Birth, Death, and Disease, free from three gunas (Satva, Rajas, Thamas), saves us from the bad habits available in all the three worlds, indicates that Krishna protects three types of livings, Celestials, Humans and animals, also indicates that we should keep our body, mind and words only on Krishna!

UP CURVING LINE:- To take a devotee straightaway to Krishna’s world without interruption!

AKASH:- Clears all the sins of devotees and takes them to Devotion step by step.



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