Sanskrit notes – 3

se refiere a los significados védicos, o al conocimiento.

अनुच्छेद m. anuccheda subdirectory
अस्य अनुच्छेदस्य अन्ते समापयामः
sent. asya anucchedasya ante samApayAmaH
Let us stop at the end of this paragraph.

aksaya Akshaya
means “imperishable” or “that which never diminishes”



means “to obstruct – Adinga

sub-forests of Vraja

The conception of the universal form of the Supreme Lord, which includes all the demigods and their different planets, is called adhidaivata. And present in the body along with the individual soul is the Supersoul, a plenary representation of Lord Krsna. The Supersoul is called

or withdrawing the senses from the sense objects

san, collective
ni, down
asa, from the root as, to throw, or to put

laying it all down


सरा f. sarA
सार m. sAra
real meaning
सार m. sAra
main point
सार m. sAra
सार m. sAra
सार m. sAra
सार m. n. sAra
सार n. sAra
शर m. zara
cream [ancient word] सारः adj. sAraH
सरस् n. saras
सरस् n. saras
सारक n. sAraka
cursor [computer] सारक n. sAraka
सरल adj. sarala
सरल adj. sarala
सरल adj. sarala
सरमा f. saramA
name of mythical female dog [God Indra] सारण n. sAraNa
scroll [computer] सरणि f. saraNi
सरणि f. saraNi
style [computer] सरणी f. saraNI
सरणि f. saraNi
arrangement of things
सारणी f. sAraNI
table [computer] सरणी f. saraNI
सरणी f. saraNI
शरदा f. zaradA
शरण n. zaraNa
शरण n. zaraNa
शरण n. zaraNa
शराव m. zarAva
शराव m. zarAva
pint p. pt. [liquid measure] शराव m. zarAva
pot [kind of] सारल्य n. sAralya
सारवत् adj. sAravat
सारलोह n. sAraloha
सारणिक m. sAraNika
सारयति verb sArayati
scroll [computer] शरदृतु m. zaradRtu
शराविका f. zarAvikA
दह शर m. daha zara
cream caustic [an impure form of solid caustic soda]

सारभूत adj. sArabhUta

सारचूर्ण m. sAracUrNa
Rasam powder [South Indian soup] सारस्वत adj. sArasvata
सरस्वती f. sarasvatI
सरस्वती f. sarasvatI
name of a river [mythical]

शर-मान m. zara-mAna
cream tube

शर-मान m. zara-mAna

शरद्काल m. zaradkAla
autumn season

शरणागत m. zaraNAgata

शरणागत m. zaraNAgata

शरणागति f. zaraNAgati

शरणार्थी f. zaraNArthI

शरणार्थिन् m. zaraNArthin

चूर्णक-शर m. cUrNaka-zara
cream of lime

न्यासव-शर m. nyAsava-zara
cream of tartar [Chem.]

सारककीलानि n. sArakakIlAni
cursor-movement keys [computer]

सारणशलाका f. sAraNazalAkA
scroll bar [computer]

शर-दधिक n. zara-dadhika
cream cheese

शरणस्थान n. zaraNasthAna

सारणी-रचना f. sAraNI-racanA
construction of tables [Statistics]

शोधन-सारणी f. zodhana-sAraNI
correction tables

सारतः एकसम adj. sArataH ekasama
substantially identical

शरणं व्रजति sent. zaraNaM vrajati
take refuge with

सारकचालनकीलानि n. sArakacAlanakIlAni
cursor-movement keys [computer]

अद्य अपि सारः एव? sent. adya api sAraH eva?
Just soup today also?

सर्वत्र अग्रे सरति sent. sarvatra agre sarati
He takes the initiative in everything.

संस्कृतम् अतीव सरलभाषा sent. saMskRtam atIva saralabhASA
Sanskrit is a very easy language.

शतं जीव शरदो वर्धमानाः sent. zataM jIva zaradovardhamAnAH
May you live for one hundred years.

किं अम्ब, प्रतिदिनं सारः एव? sent. kiM amba, pratidinaM sAraHeva?
Dear, why, only soup / Rasam every day?

अन्यत् किमपि नास्ति केवलं सारः sent. anyat kimapi nAsti kevalaMsAraH
There is nothing else, there is only soup.

मम घटी निमेषद्वयं अग्रे सरति sent. mama ghaTI nimeSadvayaMagre sarati
My watch is running two minutes ahead

सर adj. sara
सर adj. sara
सार adj. sAra
firm solid strong
सार adj. sAra
driving away

सर adj. sara
सार adj. sAra
सार adj. sAra
a compendium
सर adj. sara
सार adj. sAra

सार adj. sAra

सर adj. sara

सार adj. sAra
best part

सार adj. sAra

सार adj. sAra

सर adj. sara

सार adj. sAra
a chief-ingredient or constituent part of the body

सार adj. sAra

सार adj. sAra

सार adj. sAra

सार adj. sAra
strength power

सार adj. sAra
having spokes

सार adj. sAra

सार adj. sAra

सार adj. sAra

सार adj. sAra

सार adj. sAra

सार adj. sAra
full of

सार adj. sAra
substance or essence or marrow or cream or heart oressential part of anything

Krishna’s bow

Nanda Nandana
The beloved child of Nanda Maharaja

sperequazione (art.)

soggettivo, (ar65t.)

The name Sarasvati literally means “one who leads to essence of self-knowledge”. She is the Goddess of knowledge and the companion of Lord Brahma. * Camatkara Candrika

Saraswati, sometimes spelled Sarasvati, is a Sanskrit fusion word of sāra (सार)[10]which means “essence”, and sva (स्व)[11] which means “one self”, the fused word meaning “essence of one self” and Saraswati meaning “one who leads to essence of self-knowledge”.[12][13] It is also a Sanskrit composite word of surasa-vati (सुरस-वति) which means “one with plenty of water”.[14][15]

Surasa vati
one with plenty of water

that which harmonizes everything

a rabbit


सती f. satI
सती f. satI
two kinds of metre
सती f. satI
virtuous woman
साति f. sAti
सती f. satI
your ladyship
साति f. sAti
साति f. sAti

साति f. sAti

साति f. sAti
winning of spoil or property

साति f. sAti

साति f. sAti

सती f. satI
fragrant earth

सती f. satI

साति f. sAti

सती f. satI
her ladyship

सती f. satI
female ascetic

साति f. sAti
violent pain

सती f. satI
good and virtuous or faithful wife

सुवर्णकार m. suvarNakAra goldsmith
सुवर्णशत n. suvarNazata hundred golden coins
सा पित्तलस्थालिका सुवर्णस्थालिका इव अदृश्यत | sent. sA pittalasthAlikA suvarNasthAlikA iva adRzyata | That brass plate looked like a golden plate.
सुवर्ण adj. suvarNa golden
सुवर्ण adj. suvarNa made of gold
सुवर्ण adj. suvarNa bright
सुवर्ण adj. suvarNa of a good or beautiful colour
सुवर्ण adj. suvarNa brilliant in hue
सुवर्ण adj. suvarNa of a good tribe or caste
सुवर्ण adj. suvarNa gold
सुवर्ण adj. suvarNa yellow
सुवर्णा f. suvarNA turmeric
सुवर्ण m. suvarNa kind of aloe
सुवर्ण m. suvarNa thorn-apple
सुवर्ण m. suvarNa Indian hemp or country mallow plant [Sida Rhomboidea or Cordifolia – Bot.] सुवर्ण m. suvarNa bitter gourd
सुवर्ण m. suvarNa kind of bulbous plant
सुवर्ण m. suvarNa gold coin
सुवर्ण m. suvarNa kind of metre
सुवर्ण m. suvarNa good colour
सुवर्ण m. suvarNa kind of sacrifice
सुवर्ण m. suvarNa bitter cucumber [Citrullus colocynthis – Bot.] सुवर्ण m. suvarNa good tribe or class
सुवर्ण m. suvarNa particular weight of gold
सुवर्ण m. suvarNa resin of Guggul tree [Commiphora wightii – Bot.] सुवर्ण n. suvarNa property
सुवर्ण n. suvarNa wealth
सुवर्ण n. suvarNa gold
सुवर्ण n. suvarNa red ochre
सुवर्ण n. suvarNa gold
सुवर्ण n. suvarNa flower of Indian rose chestnut [Mesua Roxburghii – Bot.] सुवर्ण n. suvarNa riches
सुवर्ण n. suvarNa kind of vegetable
सुवर्ण n. suvarNa right pronunciation of sounds
सुवर्ण n. suvarNa money
सुवर्ण n. suvarNa sort of yellow sandal-wood
सुवर्णक adj. suvarNaka of a beautiful colour
सुवर्णक adj. suvarNaka golden
सुवर्णक m. suvarNaka golden shower tree [Cathartocarpus Fistula – Bot.] सुवर्णक m. suvarNaka karSa of gold
सुवर्णक n. suvarNaka lead
सुवर्णक n. suvarNaka yellow brass
सुवर्णक n. suvarNaka a kind of plant
सुवर्णक n. suvarNaka gold
सुवर्णालु m. suvarNAlu kind of bulbous plant
सुवर्णार m. suvarNAra Orchid tree [Bauhinia variegata – Bot.] सुवर्णाभ m. suvarNAbha Lapis Lazuli
सुवर्णभू f. suvarNabhU gold-country
सुवर्णाह्वा f. suvarNAhvA yellow jasmine
सुवर्णाक्ष m. suvarNAkSa golden-eyed
सुवर्णवत् adj. suvarNavat handsome
सुवर्णवत् adj. suvarNavat containing or possessing gold and having a correct pronunciation of sounds
सुवर्णवत् adj. suvarNavat beautiful
सुवर्णवत् ind. suvarNavat like gold
सुवर्णचूल m. suvarNacUla kind of bird
सुवर्णदान n. suvarNadAna gift of gold
सुवर्णहलि m. suvarNahali kind of tree
सुवर्णकण m. suvarNakaNa resin of Guggul tree [Commiphora wightii – Bot.] सुवर्णाख्य adj. suvarNAkhya called su-varNa
सुवर्णाख्य m. suvarNAkhya Indian rose chestnut [Mesua Roxburghii – Bot.] सुवर्णाख्य m. suvarNAkhya thorn-apple
सुवर्णलता f. suvarNalatA Balloon plant [Cardiospermum Halicacabum – Bot.] सुवर्णमाष m. suvarNamASa a particular weight
सुवर्णमय adj. suvarNamaya made or consisting of gold
सुवर्णमोचा f. suvarNamocA kind of banana
सुवर्णताल m. suvarNatAla golden palm
सुवर्णचौर m. suvarNacaura stealer of gold
सुवर्णधेनु f. suvarNadhenu golden offering in the shape of a cow
सुवर्णद्वीप n. suvarNadvIpa golden island
सुवर्णकर्ष m. suvarNakarSa karSa weight of gold
सुवर्णकर्तृ m. suvarNakartR gold-worker
सुवर्णकर्तृ m. suvarNakartR goldsmith
सुवर्णक्षीरी f. suvarNakSIrI kind of plant
सुवर्णलेखा f. suvarNalekhA streak of gold
सुवर्णमुष्टि f. suvarNamuSTi handful of gold
सुवर्णनाभ adj. suvarNanAbha having a golden centre
सुवर्णनाभि f. suvarNanAbhi a golden navel
सुवर्णपद्म n. suvarNapadma golden lotus flower
सुवर्णपद्म n. suvarNapadma gold-coloured lotus flower
सुवर्णपक्ष adj. suvarNapakSa gold-winged
सुवर्णफला f. suvarNaphalA kind of banana
सुवर्णपुष्प adj. suvarNapuSpa having gold for flowers
सुवर्णपुष्प f. suvarNapuSpa kind of plant
सुवर्णपुष्प m. suvarNapuSpa globe-amaranth
सुवर्णपुष्प n. suvarNapuSpa globe-amaranth flower
सुवर्णरेतस् adj. suvarNaretas having golden semen
सुवर्णरोमन् adj. suvarNaroman having golden wool
सुवर्णरोमन् adj. suvarNaroman gold-haired
सुवर्णरोमन् m. suvarNaroman ram
सुवर्णस्तेय n. suvarNasteya stealing of gold
सुवर्णसूत्र n. suvarNasUtra string of gold
सुवर्णवणिज् m. suvarNavaNij particular mixed caste
सुवर्णवणिज् m. suvarNavaNij gold-merchant
सुवर्णवर्ण adj. suvarNavarNa golden coloured
सुवर्णवर्णा f. suvarNavarNA turmeric
सुवर्णयूथी f. suvarNayUthI species of jasmine
सुवर्णशिरस् adj. suvarNaziras having a golden head
सुवर्णभाण्ड n. suvarNabhANDa jewel-box
सुवर्णगणित n. suvarNagaNita particular method of calculation in arithmetic
सुवर्णगणित n. suvarNagaNita computation of gold

kesi-nisudana (kesinisudana)
O killer of the Kesi demon.

the energy of material creation

From the same root of Shram comes Aashraya which means a platform, a support, a shelter, a recourse.

From the notion of Shram and Aashraya comes Aashram, a place which takes on the Shram i.e. the effort, the labour and the burden of providing, Aashraya, i.e.

support to those seeking recourse
shelter to those seeking support
platform for activities, exercises or projects i.e karyam meaning that which is fit or worthy to be done, from kar meaning to do, karam meaning hands. It is also a platform for education such as a gurukula, patashala etc. All collectively are seen as a Yagna, an act for spreading knowledge and good, from Ya meaning to spread.
Hence the association of Ashrams with Yagna and shelter.

To Attach or To Detach
The common root for all these words and concepts is shra.
Shraya, shrayati means to attach.
Hence aashraya also means being attached to, being supported by, belonging to, forming a part of.

From this, comes “ear”, shravan, meaning that which is attached, to the face in this case.

Hearing is therefore called shravanam.

With Fame

Thus reputation or fame which is attached to a person or act, becomes shravas and that which is an extra credit, an additional attribute, becomes shreya.

From this, that which is more praiseworthy, more prosperous, more trustworthy, more dependable etc. becomes Shreyas.

After seeing the evolution of these terms and concepts we can now go to understand Shri / Sri.

A Title?

Shri is a title as well as an entity by itself.

From all the derivatives of shra, especially Shreyas, we can see how, Shri as a title denotes one

who has a good reputation attached,
one who is worthy of that praise,
which is worthy of hearing with the shravan, ear,
which in turn is attached to the face.
Hence Sri is used as an honorific title for elevated people and the divine.

What a beauty lies in this term!

An Entity?

From how shra yields aashraya, aashrama etc., Sri, as a noun, as an entity, as a being, as a something, as an existence, denotes that which is full of resource, support, basis, platform, fruitfulness of effort (shram) and hence auspiciousness.
The Fortune

Indeed Sri is a divinity one turns to, inorder to seek support, resources or fruit of action.

Sri is that divinity in creation that yields fruit to an effort, yields effect to an act, yields effect to the acts of all divine forces and principles.

Sri as a divinity Herself, is hence held as the Goddess of Fortune, destiny.

Where is Sri?

In our work Creation – Srishti Vignana we have seen how the process of Creation unfolds from Narayana, That which is in equilibrium in the primordial waters.



श्रील zrIla adj. wealthy
श्रील zrIla adj. prosperous
श्रील zrIla adj. happy
श्रील zrIla adj. posh
श्रील zrIla adj. eminent
श्रील zrIla adj. prestigious
श्रील zrIla adj. beautiful

2¿Que significa Srila Sri y ACBSP?

La palabra sri se usa para muestrar respecto y puede significar varias cosas, como “glorioso”, “adornado”,”brillante”.
Srila significa “eminente”, y mas o meno la misma cosa de sri. En particlar el discipulo es supuesto usar esto epiteto antes del nombre del maestro espiritual, como nosostros decimo “Srila Prabhupada”. Nunca el nombre desnudo, siempre con “Srila” antes o “Maharaja” despues.

Vedi anche sri


śrīla-garbha-uda-śāyī — Garbhodakaśāyī Viṣṇu; CC Adi 1.10
śrīla-govinda-devau — and Śrī Govindadeva; CC Adi 1.16
śrīla-garbha-uda-śāyī — Garbhodakaśāyī Viṣṇu; CC Adi 5.93
śrīla-govinda-devau — and Śrī Govindadeva; CC Madhya 1.4
śrīla-govinda-devau — and Śrī Govindadeva; CC Antya 1.6
śrīla — most opulent; CC Antya 17.1
śrīla śrī-gopīnātha — the all-beautiful and opulent Gopīnāthajī; CC Antya 20.142-143
śrīla — most opulent; CC Antya 20.154

सुरत adj. surata
सूरत adj. sUrata
सूरत adj. sUrata
सुरत adj. surata
सूरत adj. sUrata
well disposed towards
सुरत adj. surata
सूरत adj. sUrata
सूरत adj. sUrata
सुरत adj. surata

सूरता f. sUratA
tractable cow

सुरता f. suratA

सुरता f. suratA

सुरता f. suratA
rice of gods

सुरत n. surata

सुरत n. surata

सुरत n. surata
sexual pleasure

सुरत n. surata

सुरत n. surata

सुरत n. surata
great joy or delight

सुरत n. surata
amorous or sexual pleasure or intercourse

सुरत n. surata
great delight

सुरत n. surata
sexual intercourse

सुरथ adj. suratha
having a good chariot

सुरथ adj. suratha
having a good vehicle

सुरथ adj. suratha
consisting in good chariot

सुरथ adj. suratha
good charioteer

सुरथ adj. suratha
yoked to a good chariot

सुरथ m. suratha
of a river

सुरथ m. suratha
son of adhiratha

सुरथ m. suratha
name of a son of janamejaya

सुरथ m. suratha
name of a son of sudeva

सुरथ m. suratha
name of a son of jahnu

सुरथ m. suratha
name of a son of raNaka

सुरथ m. suratha
name of a son of drupada

सुरथ m. suratha
good chariot

सुरथ m. suratha
name of a son of kuNDaka

सुरथ m. suratha
name of a son of caitra

सुरथ m. suratha
name of a son of jayadratha

सुरतरु m. surataru
tree of the gods

शूरतम adj. zUratama
most heroic or valiant

शूरतर adj. zUratara
more heroic or valiant

सुरतकेलि f. suratakeli
amorous game

सुरतकेलि f. suratakeli
amorous sport or dalliance

सुरतस्थ adj. suratastha
engaged in sexual intercourse

सुरतताली f. suratatAlI
female messenger

सुरतताली f. suratatAlI

सुरतताली f. suratatAlI
garland or rosary worn on the head

सुरतताली f. suratatAlI
garland for the head

सुरतताली f. suratatAlI

सुरतभेद m. suratabheda
kind of coition

सुरतग्लानि f. surataglAni
exhaustion from sexual intercourse

सुरतविधि m. suratavidhi
performance or rule or mode of sex intercourse

सुरतविधि m. suratavidhi
etiquette for sexual intercourse

सुरतबन्ध m. suratabandha
kind of coition

सुरतजनित adj. suratajanita
produced by sexual intercourse

सुरतमृदित adj. suratamRdita
worn out by sexual intercourse

सुरतरङ्गिन् adj. surataraGgin
addicted to sexual intercourse

सुरतरङ्गिन् adj. surataraGgin
delighting in or addicted to sexual intercourse

सुरतविशेष m. suratavizeSa
particular kind of sexual intercourse

सुरतनिवृत्ति f. suratanivRtti
cessation of sexual intercourse

सुरतप्रदीप m. suratapradIpa
lamp burning during sexual intercourse

सुरतरङ्गिणी f. surataraGgiNI
river of the gods

सुरतरङ्गिणी f. surataraGgiNI

सुरतसौख्य n. suratasaukhya
pleasure of sexual intercourse

सुरतवर्णन n. suratavarNana
description of sexual intercourse

सुरतप्रसङ्ग m. surataprasaGga
addiction to sexual intercourse

सुरतसम्भोग m. suratasambhoga
enjoyment of sexual intercourse

सुरतप्रसङ्गिन् adj. surataprasaGgin
addicted to sexual intercourse

सुरतवाररात्रि f. suratavArarAtri
night fit for sexual intercourse

सुरतव्यापारजातश्रम adj. suratavyApArajAtazrama
wearied by addiction to sexual intercourse

श्याम adj. zyAma
dark green

श्याम adj. zyAma

श्याम adj. zyAma
dark blue

श्याम adj. zyAma

श्याम adj. zyAma

श्याम adj. zyAma
dark blue or brown or grey or green

श्याम adj. zyAma

श्याम adj. zyAma
having a dark or swarthy complexion

श्यामा f. zyAmA

श्यामा f. zyAmA

श्यामा f. zyAmA
woman with peculiar marks or characteristics

श्यामा f. zyAmA
name or form of durgA
श्यामा f. zyAmA
kind of bird
श्याम m. zyAma
black or blue or green
श्याम m. zyAma
black bull
श्याम m. zyAma

Kokila or Indian cuckoo

श्याम m. zyAma
श्याम m. zyAma
particular rAga
श्याम n. zyAma
black pepper
श्याम n. zyAma
स्यमति verb syamati { syam }
cry aloud

स्यमति verb syamati { syam }

स्यमति verb syamati { syam }

स्यमति verb syamati { syam }

स्यमति verb syamati { syam }

स्यमति verb syamati { syam }

स्यमति verb syamati { syam }

स्यमति verb syamati { syam }

श्यामक adj. zyAmaka

श्यामक adj. zyAmaka

श्यामाक adj. zyAmAka
made of Indian barnyard millet [Panicum Frumentaceum – Bot.]

श्यामक m. zyAmaka
gramineous plant

श्यामक m. zyAmaka
Indian barnyard millet [Panicum Frumentaceum – Bot.]

श्यामाक m. zyAmAka
kind of cultivated millet

श्यामक n. zyAmaka
kind of grass

श्यामल adj. zyAmala
dark coloured

श्यामल adj. zyAmala

श्यामल adj. zyAmala

श्यामल m. zyAmala
black pepper

श्यामल m. zyAmala
sacred fig-tree

श्यामल m. zyAmala
kind of bee

श्यामल m. zyAmala
Arjuna tree [Terminalia Arjuna – Bot. ]

श्यामल m. zyAmala
form of durgA

श्यामता f. zyAmatA

श्यामता f. zyAmatA
dark colour

श्यामाङ्ग adj. zyAmAGga

श्यामाङ्ग m. zyAmAGga
planet Mercury

श्यामाम्ली f. zyAmAmlI
kind of shrub

श्यामत्व n. zyAmatva
dark colour

श्यामत्व n. zyAmatva

स्यमयति verb caus. syamayati { syam }
cause to cry or shout

श्यामभास् adj. zyAmabhAs
glossy black

श्यामभास् adj. zyAmabhAs
of a brilliant black

श्यामाचर m. zyAmAcara

श्यामाचर m. zyAmAcara

श्यामदेह m. zyAmadeha

श्यामदेश m. zyAmadeza

श्यामलक adj. zyAmalaka

श्यामलक adj. zyAmalaka

श्यामलता f. zyAmalatA
kind of climbing plant

श्यामलता f. zyAmalatA
dark colour

श्यामलता f. zyAmalatA

श्यामलिका f. zyAmalikA
indigo plant

श्यामलित adj. zyAmalita

श्यामलित adj. zyAmalita

श्यामापूजा f. zyAmApUjA
worship of zyAmA or durgA

श्यामारुण adj. zyAmAruNa

श्यामारुत n. zyAmAruta
song of the bird zyAmA

श्यामसार m. zyAmasAra
kind of black cutch tree [Acacia Catechu – Bot.]

श्यामायते verb zyAmAyate { zyAmAya }
assume a dark colour

श्यामकङ्गु m. zyAmakaGgu
black Panic

श्यामकन्दा f. zyAmakandA
Indian aconite [Aconitum Ferox -Bot.]

श्यामकाण्डा f. zyAmakANDA
kind of dUrvA grass

श्यामकर्ण adj. zyAmakarNa

श्यामकर्ण m. zyAmakarNa
horse suitable for a horse-sacrifice

श्यामलत्व n. zyAmalatva

श्यामलत्व n. zyAmalatva
black color

श्यामलत्व n. zyAmalatva
dark colour

श्यामलत्व n. zyAmalatva

श्यामलेक्षु m. zyAmalekSu
sort of sugar-cane

श्यामलिमन् m. zyAmaliman

श्यामलिमन् m. zyAmaliman

श्याममुख adj. zyAmamukha
having black nipples

श्याममुख adj. zyAmamukha

श्यामफेन adj. zyAmaphena
having black foam or froth

श्यामवल्ली f. zyAmavallI
black pepper

श्यामवर्ण adj. zyAmavarNa

श्यामव्रत n. zyAmavrata
particular ceremony

श्यामचटक m. zyAmacaTaka
kind of sparrow

श्यामकण्ठ m. zyAmakaNTha

श्यामकण्ठ m. zyAmakaNTha
kind of small bird

श्यामकण्ठ m. zyAmakaNTha

श्यामलचूडा f. zyAmalacUDA
kind of shrub

श्यामपत्त्र m. zyAmapattra
sour mangosteen [Xanthochymus Pictorius – Bot.]

श्यामावदात adj. zyAmAvadAta
dazzling black or blackish white

श्यामशबल m. zyAmazabala
yama’s two watch-dogs

श्यामशबल m. zyAmazabala
black and spotted

श्यामग्रन्थि f. zyAmagranthi
kind of dUrvA grass

श्यामाकौदन m. zyAmAkaudana
rice with millet

श्यामसुन्दर m. zyAmasundara
dark and beautiful


तरङ्ग m. taraGga

ताराङ्गण n. tArAGgaNa
observation tower

तरङ्ग m. taraGga

तरङ्ग m. taraGga
section of a literary work that contains in its name a word like sea or river

तरङ्ग m. taraGga

तरङ्ग m. taraGga

तरङ्ग m. taraGga

तरङ्ग m. taraGga

तरङ्ग m. taraGga
waving about

तरङ्ग m. taraGga

तरङ्ग m. taraGga
jumping motion

तरङ्ग m. taraGga

तरङ्ग m. taraGga
moving to and fro

तरङ्गक m. taraGgaka

ताराङ्गण n. tArAGgaNa

तरङ्गति verb 1 taraGgati { tRR }
move restlessly to and fro [wave about]

तरङ्गवती f. taraGgavatI
having waves

तरङ्गवती f. taraGgavatI

तरङ्गयति verb taraGgayati { taraMgaya }
cause to move to and fro

तरङ्गमालिन् m. taraGgamAlin

तरङ्गमालिन् m. taraGgamAlin

तरङ्गापत्रस्त adj. taraGgApatrasta
afraid of waves

that which is put in the place of another thing
una cosa che si sovrappone a un’altra – impression
Limiting attribute. It consists of upa and dha. Upa means “in the sense of” an dha means “to place”.

उपादि m. upAdi

उपाधि m. upAdhi
honorable title (such as sir, madam)

उपाधि m. upAdhi

उपाधि m. upAdhi

उपाधि m. upAdhi

उपाधि m. upAdhi

उपाधि m. upAdhi

उपदीका f. upadIkA

उपदिय adj. upadiya

उपदिष्ट adj. ppp. upadiSTa

उपदिशति verb 6 upadizati { upa- diz }

उपदिशति verb 6 upadizati { upa- diz }

उपदिशति verb 6 Par upadizati { upa- diz }

उपाधिपत्र n. upAdhipatra

उपदिपयति verb caus. upadipayati { upa- dIp}

उपदिपयति verb caus. upadipayati { upa- dIp}
set on fire

उपाधि-उत्सादन n. upAdhi-utsAdana
abolition of titles

उपदी f. upadI
parasitical plant

उपादि m. upAdi

उपधि m. upadhi

उपाधि m. upAdhi

उपाधि m. upAdhi

उपाधि m. upAdhi

उपधि m. upadhi

उपाधि m. upAdhi

उपाधि m. upAdhi

उपधि m. upadhi

उपाधि m. upAdhi

उपाधि m. upAdhi
anything defining more closely

उपाधि m. upAdhi
reflection on duty

उपधि m. upadhi
part of the wheel between the nave and the circumference

उपाधि m. upAdhi
qualifying term added to a too general middle term to prevent ativyApti

उपाधि m. upAdhi
that which is put in the place of another thing

उपधि m. upadhi

उपाधि m. upAdhi

उपाधि m. upAdhi

उपाधि m. upAdhi
virtuous reflection

उपधि m. upadhi

उपाधि m. upAdhi
that which is placed under

उपाधि m. upAdhi

उपाधि m. upAdhi

उपाधि m. upAdhi
anything which may be taken for or has the mere name or appearance of anotherthing

उपधि m. upadhi

उपाधि m. upAdhi

उपधि m. upadhi
act of putting to

उपाधि m. upAdhi
discriminative appellation

उपाधि m. upAdhi
man who is careful to support his family

उपधि m. upadhi

उपाधि m. upAdhi

उपाधि m. upAdhi

उपधि m. upadhi
one of the requisites for the equipment of a jaina ascetic

उपाधि m. upAdhi
point of view

उपधि m. upadhi

उपाधि m. upAdhi

उपदिश् adj. upadiz

उपदिश् adj. upadiz
pointing out to

उपदिश् f. upadiz
intermediate region or point of the compass

उपादिक m. upAdika
kind of insect

उपाधिक adj. upAdhika

उपाधिक adj. upAdhika

उपधिक m. upadhika

उपधिक m. upadhika

उपादीप्त adj. upAdIpta

उपादीप्त adj. upAdIpta

उपदिष्ट adj. upadiSTa

उपदिष्ट adj. ppp. upadiSTa

उपदिष्ट adj. ppp. upadiSTa

उपदिष्ट adj. ppp. upadiSTa

उपदिष्ट adj. ppp. upadiSTa

उपदिष्ट adj. ppp. upadiSTa

उपदिष्ट adj. ppp. upadiSTa

उपदिष्ट n. upadiSTa
persuasive speech in conformity with the prescribed rules

उपदिष्ट n. upadiSTa

उपदिष्ट n. upadiSTa

उपादित्सा f. upAditsA
wish or readiness to accept

उपदिशम् ind. upadizam
in an intermediate region

उपदिशम् ind. upadizam
between two regions

उपदिश्य ind. upadizya
having indicated or taught

उपदिश्य ind. upadizya

उपदिश्य ind. upadizya

उपाधितस् ind. upAdhitas
in consequence of any qualification or condition

उपदिग्ध adj. upadigdha

उपदिग्ध adj. upadigdha

उपदिग्ध adj. upadigdha

उपदीकृत adj. upadIkRta
offered as a present

उपदीक्षिन् adj. upadIkSin
one who has been initiated in addition to

उपदीक्ष्य ind. upadIkSya
having initiated in addition to

उपदीयते verb pass. upadIyate { upadA }
be offered or granted

उपदिशते verb upadizate { upadiz }

उपदिशते verb upadizate { upadiz }

उपदिशते verb upadizate { upadiz }

उपदिशते verb upadizate { upadiz }

उपदिशते verb upadizate { upadiz }

उपदिशते verb upadizate { upadiz }

उपदिशते verb upadizate { upadiz }

उपदिशते verb upadizate { upadiz }

उपदिशते verb upadizate { upadiz }
point out to

उपदिशते verb upadizate { upadiz }

उपदिशते verb upadizate { upadiz }

उपदिशते verb upadizate { upadiz }

उपादि m. upAdi degree
उपाधि m. upAdhi honorable title (such as sir, madam)
उपाधि m. upAdhi byname
उपाधि m. upAdhi appearance
उपाधि m. upAdhi substitution
उपाधि m. upAdhi title
उपाधि m. upAdhi peculiarity
उपदीका f. upadIkA ant
उपदिय adj. upadiya acceptable
उपदिष्ट adj. ppp. upadiSTa instructed
उपदिशति verb 6 upadizati { upa- diz } propose
उपदिशति verb 6 upadizati { upa- diz } train
उपदिशति verb 6 Par upadizati { upa- diz } teach
उपाधिपत्र n. upAdhipatra diploma
उपदिपयति verb caus. upadipayati { upa- dIp } inflame
उपदिपयति verb caus. upadipayati { upa- dIp } set on fire
उपाधि-उत्सादन n. upAdhi-utsAdana abolition of titles
उपदी f. upadI parasitical plant
उपादि m. upAdi circumstance
उपधि m. upadhi condition
उपाधि m. upAdhi postulate
उपाधि m. upAdhi disguise
उपाधि m. upAdhi aim
उपधि m. upadhi addition
उपाधि m. upAdhi qualification
उपाधि m. upAdhi substitute
उपधि m. upadhi peculiarity
उपाधि m. upAdhi deception
उपाधि m. upAdhi anything defining more closely
उपाधि m. upAdhi reflection on duty
उपधि m. upadhi part of the wheel between the nave and the circumference
उपाधि m. upAdhi qualifying term added to a too general middle term to prevent ativyApti
उपाधि m. upAdhi that which is put in the place of another thing
उपधि m. upadhi attribute
उपाधि m. upAdhi deceit
उपाधि m. upAdhi attribute
उपाधि m. upAdhi virtuous reflection
उपधि m. upadhi fraud
उपाधि m. upAdhi that which is placed under
उपाधि m. upAdhi condition
उपाधि m. upAdhi nickname
उपाधि m. upAdhi anything which may be taken for or has the mere name or appearance of another thing
उपधि m. upadhi support
उपाधि m. upAdhi species
उपधि m. upadhi act of putting to
उपाधि m. upAdhi discriminative appellation
उपाधि m. upAdhi man who is careful to support his family
उपधि m. upadhi circumvention
उपाधि m. upAdhi supposition
उपाधि m. upAdhi phantom
उपधि m. upadhi one of the requisites for the equipment of a jaina ascetic
उपाधि m. upAdhi point of view
उपधि m. upadhi adding
उपाधि m. upAdhi limitation
उपदिश् adj. upadiz showing
उपदिश् adj. upadiz pointing out to
उपदिश् f. upadiz intermediate region or point of the compass
उपादिक m. upAdika kind of insect
उपाधिक adj. upAdhika exceeding
उपाधिक adj. upAdhika supernumerary
उपधिक m. upadhika cheat
उपधिक m. upadhika knave
उपादीप्त adj. upAdIpta flaming
उपादीप्त adj. upAdIpta blazing
उपदिष्ट adj. upadiSTa initiated
उपदिष्ट adj. ppp. upadiSTa mentioned
उपदिष्ट adj. ppp. upadiSTa specified
उपदिष्ट adj. ppp. upadiSTa prescribed
उपदिष्ट adj. ppp. upadiSTa particularized
उपदिष्ट adj. ppp. upadiSTa commanded
उपदिष्ट adj. ppp. upadiSTa taught
उपदिष्ट n. upadiSTa persuasive speech in conformity with the prescribed rules
उपदिष्ट n. upadiSTa counsel
उपदिष्ट n. upadiSTa advice
उपादित्सा f. upAditsA wish or readiness to accept
उपदिशम् ind. upadizam in an intermediate region
उपदिशम् ind. upadizam between two regions
उपदिश्य ind. upadizya having indicated or taught
उपदिश्य ind. upadizya indicating
उपदिश्य ind. upadizya teaching
उपाधितस् ind. upAdhitas in consequence of any qualification or condition
उपदिग्ध adj. upadigdha smeared
उपदिग्ध adj. upadigdha covered
उपदिग्ध adj. upadigdha fat
उपदीकृत adj. upadIkRta offered as a present
उपदीक्षिन् adj. upadIkSin one who has been initiated in addition to
उपदीक्ष्य ind. upadIkSya having initiated in addition to
उपदीयते verb pass. upadIyate { upadA } be offered or granted
उपदिशते verb upadizate { upadiz } settle
उपदिशते verb upadizate { upadiz } explain
उपदिशते verb upadizate { upadiz } name
उपदिशते verb upadizate { upadiz } admonish
उपदिशते verb upadizate { upadiz } prescribe
उपदिशते verb upadizate { upadiz } inform
उपदिशते verb upadizate { upadiz } call
उपदिशते verb upadizate { upadiz } mention
उपदिशते verb upadizate { upadiz } point out to
उपदिशते verb upadizate { upadiz } command
उपदिशते verb upadizate { upadiz } instruct
उपदिशते verb upadizate { upadiz } exhibit

Upa = near
Ni = down
Sad = sit

Upa = down
Anisa = humble
Le dodici Upanisad piu’ importanti see art.

Cogito ergo sum
Descartes (art.)

Un paradosso (paradox), dal greco παρά (contro) e δόξα (opinione), è, genericamente, la descrizione di un fatto che contraddice l’opinione comune o l’esperienza quotidiana, riuscendo perciò sorprendente, straordinaria o bizzarra; più precisamente, in senso logico-linguistico, indica sia un ragionamento che appare invalido, ma che deve essere accettato, sia un ragionamento che appare corretto, ma che porta a unacontraddizione. (art.)

वरदक्षिणा f. varadakSiNA

वरधर्मी करोति verb varadharmI karoti { varadharmIkR }
do a noble act towards any one

वरद adj. varada
conferring a boon

वरद adj. varada
ready to fulfil requests or answer prayers

वरद adj. varada
granting wishes

वरदा f. varadA
root of yam

वरदा f. varadA
clammyweeds plant [Polanisia Icosandra – Bot.]

वरदा f. varadA
common flax [Linum Usitatissimum – Bot.]

वरदा f. varadA

वरदा f. varadA
sunflower [Helianthus – Bot.]

वरदा f. varadA

वरदा f. varadA
young woman

वरद m. varada
fire for burnt offerings of a propitiatory character

वरद m. varada

वरदान n. varadAna
granting a boon or request

वरदान n. varadAna
giving compensation or reward

वरदारु varadAru
teak [Tectona Grandis – Bot.]

वरदातु m. varadAtu
teak [Tectona Grandis – Bot.]

वरदत्त adj. varadatta
presented with the choice of a boon

वरदत्त adj. varadatta
granted in consequence of a request

वरदत्त adj. varadatta
given as a boon

वरदारुक varadAruka
kind of plant with poisonous leaves

वरदायाक m. varadAyAka
particular samAdhi

वरधर्म m. varadharma
excellent work

वरधर्म m. varadharma
noble act of justice

वरदहस्त m. varadahasta
beneficent hand

वरदक्षिणा adj. varadakSiNA
at which excellent fees are given

वरदक्षिणा f. varadakSiNA
term for expense or costs incurred in fruitless endeavours to recover aloss

वरदक्षिणा f. varadakSiNA
present made to the bridegroom by the bride’s father in giving heraway

वरदक्षिणा f. varadakSiNA
gifts to the bridegroom by bride\’s father during the wedding

वरदानमय adj. varadAnamaya
caused by the granting of a request

वरदानमय adj. varadAnamaya
arising from the bestowal of a favour or boon

vedi sotto articoli
वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa

वार्ण n. vArNa
font [computer]

वर्ण- varNa-
chrom- [Chem. (chromium)]

वर्णक m. varNaka
chrome [Chem.]

वर्णकी f. varNakI

वर्णना f. varNanA

वर्णन n. varNana

वर्णन n. varNana

वर्णन n. varNana

वर्णमाला f. varNamAlA

वर्णराशि m. varNarAzi

वर्णावलि m. varNAvali
string [computer]

वर्णयति verb varNayati

वर्णयति verb denom varNayati { varNaya }

जल-वर्ण m. jala-varNa
water color

वर्णभेद m. varNabheda
reverse video [computer]

वर्णचित्र n. varNacitra
font [computer]

वर्णगण m. varNagaNa
character set [computer]

वर्णकार्य n. varNakArya
string operation [computer]

वर्णालेख m. varNAlekha
font [computer]

वर्णमुख n. varNamukha
font [computer]

द्वि-वर्णाय n. dvi-varNAya

वर्ण-विद्या f. varNa-vidyA

वर्णबन्ध m. varNabandha
string [computer]

वर्णलेखनी f. varNalekhanI
drawing pencil

वर्णमुद्रक n. varNamudraka
color printer [computer]

वर्णनात्मक adj. varNanAtmaka

वर्णफलक n. varNaphalaka
palette [computer]

वर्ण-, वार्ण varNa-, vArNa
chrom- [colour, pigment]

वर्णसङ्ग्रह m. varNasaGgraha
palette [computer]

वर्णव्यत्यास m. varNavyatyAsa
reverse video [computer]

वर्णव्यत्यय m. varNavyatyaya
reverse video [computer]

वर्णक-रूपक adj. varNaka-rUpaka

वर्ण-विपथन n. varNa-vipathana
chromatic aberration [Optics]

वर्णप्रदर्शक n. varNapradarzaka
color monitor [computer]

वर्णक्रमानुसारिन् adj. varNakramAnusArin

अतिशयेन वर्णयति verb denom. atizayena varNayati { varN }

वर्णलेपनं करोति verb 8 varNalepanaM karoti

अस्य कार्पासकस्य वर्ण m. asya kArpAsakasya varNa
the colour of this shirt

का वेला अधुना वर्नते ? sent. kA velA adhunA varnate ?
What is the time now?

वर्णक-रोचातु वज्रायस n. varNaka-rocAtu vajrAyasa
chrome-vanadium steel

वर्णक-रूपक वज्रायस n. varNaka-rUpaka vajrAyasa
chrome-nickel steel

वर्णनात्मक अर्थशास्त्र n. varNanAtmaka arthazAstra
descriptive economics

वार्ण adj. vArNa
relating to a sound or letter

वर्णा f. varNA
Pigeon pea [Cajanus Indicus Spreng – Bot.]

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa
kind of measure

वर्ण m. varNa
outward appearance

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa
musical sound or note

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa
order or arrangement of a song or poem

वर्ण m. varNa
class of men

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa
good colour or complexion

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa
unknown magnitude or quantity

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa
colour of the face

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa
one who wards off

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa
religious observance

वर्ण m. varNa
expeller on

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण m. varNa

वर्ण n. varNa

वर्ण n. varNa
character , letter

वर्णद varnada
Dyeing, colouring

वर्णद adj. varNada
giving tribe

Krsna-varnam can also mean that Caitanya describes (varnayati) Krsna

वसन्त m. vasanta spring season

Srimati Radharani again inquired from Krsna,
“Where did You pass Your night?”
The exact Sanskrit word used in this connection was yaminyamusitah. Yaminyam means “at night,” and usitah means “pass.”
Krsna, however, divided the word yaminyamusitah into two separate words, namely yaminya and musitah. By dividing this word into two, it came out to mean that He was kidnapped by Yamini, or night. Krsna therefore replied to Radharani,
“My dear Radharani, is it possible that night can kidnap Me?”
In this way He was answering all of the questions of Radharaniso cunningly that He gladdened this dearest of the gopis. – Nectar of Devotion

dress, abode, living
वसा f. vasA fat
वसा f. vasA marrow
वास m. vAsa staying
वास m. vAsa garment
वास m. vAsa dwelling
वास m. vAsa living
वस n. vasa authorization [amer.] वस n. vasa authorisation [brit.] वशात् abl. + gen. vazAt by command of
वासना f. vAsanA knowledge derived from memory
वसन m. vasana vestment
वसन n. vasana garment
वसन n. vasana cloth
वासर n. m. vAsara day
वसति f. vasati habitation
वसति f. vasati housing
वसति f. vasati dwelling
वसति verb 1 vasati { vas } abide
वसति verb 1 vasati { vas } live [dwell] वासव m. vAsava Indra
गो-वसा f. go-vasA beef fat
वशत्व n. vazatva political dependence
वासयति verb caus. vAsayati { vas } colonize
वशक्रिया f. vazakriyA spell
वशम्वद adj. vazamvada under the influence of
वशंवद adj. vazaMvada obedient
ते वसन्तु sent. te vasantu let them reside
वसतिगृह n. vasatigRha dormitory
वसतिगृह n. vasatigRha hotel or motel
वशवर्तिन् adj. vazavartin acting obedientlyसा गृहे वसति sent. sA gRhe vasati She lives at home
वायुरोध- वश m. vAyurodha- vaza choke control [automotive] अद्य कः वासरः ? sentence adya kaH vAsaraH ? What day is today?
इदानीं कुत्र वासः? sent. idAnIM kutra vAsaH? Where are you put up?
स मया सह वसति sent. sa mayA saha vasati he lives with me [at my place] वासान्तरं गच्छति verb 1 vAsAntaraM gacchati { gam } move out [of appartment] भवान् कुत्र वसति ? sent. bhavAn kutra vasati ? Where do you reside?
बेङ्गलूरुनगरे वसामि sent. beGgalUrunagare vasAmi I live in Bengaluru.
पञ्चदशदिनाङ्के कः वासरः? sent. paJcadazadinAGke kaH vAsaraH? Which / What day is 15th?
अहम् अद्य अशोक वसतिगृहे अस्मि. sent. aham adya azoka vasatigRhe asmi. Now I am at Ashoka lodge.
भवन्तः सर्वे सहैव वसन्ति वा? sent. bhavantaH sarve sahaiva vasanti vA? Do all of you live together? आम् वयं चेम्स्फोर्द् नगरे अमरिका-देशे वसामः न तु आङ्लदेशे sent. Am vayaM cemsphord nagare amarikA-deze vasAmaH na tu AGladeze Yes, we live in Chelmsford in the US, not in [Chelmsford,] England. लक्ष्मणपुरे सः नूतनं गृहं निर्माय वसति इति मया शृतम् | sent. lakSmaNapure saH nUtanaM gRhaM nirmAya vasati iti mayA zRtam | I heard that he has built a new house in Lucknow and lives there.
भोजनस्य अनन्तरम् सः भाटकयानं स्वीकर्तुं प्रयत्नं कृतवान् | किन्तु तत् अप्राप्य सः पादाभ्यां वसतिगृहं प्राप्तवान् | sent. bhojanasya anantaram saH bhATakayAnaM svIkartuM prayatnaM kRtavAn | kintu tat aprApya saH pAdAbhyAM vasatigRhaM prAptavAn | He tried to hire a cab after the dinner. He could not find one, so he walked back to the hotel.
वसा f. vasA shining
वसा f. vasA any fatty or oily substance
वसा f. vasA lard
वसा f. vasA serum or marrow of the flesh
वसा f. vasA particular root similar to ginger वसा f. vasA suet
वसा f. vasA grease
वसा f. vasA melted fat
वसा f. vasA white
वसा f. vasA brain
वास m. vAsa dress
वास m. vAsa perfume
वास m. vAsa to take up one’s abode
वास m. vAsa habitation
वास m. vAsa willow-leaved justicia shrub [Gendarussa Vulgaris – Bot.] वास m. vAsa day’s journey
वास m. vAsa abiding
वास m. vAsa abide
वस m. vasa residence
वास m. vAsa residence
वास m. vAsa abode
वास m. vAsa condition
वास m. vAsa state
वास m. vAsa dwelling or living in
वास m. vAsa remaining overnight
वास m. vAsa place or seat of
वास m. vAsa clothes
वास m. vAsa situation
वास m. vAsa dwell
वास m. vAsa perfuming
वास m. vAsa living in
वस n. vasa dwelling
वश adj. vaza willing
वश adj. vaza obedient
वाश adj. vAza sounding
वश adj. vaza submissive
वश adj. vaza licentious
वाश adj. vAza roaring
वश adj. vaza subject to or dependent on
वश adj. vaza docile
वश adj. vaza free
वशा f. vazA barren woman
वशा f. vazA female elephant
वशा f. vazA daughter
वशा f. vazA ewe
वशा f. vazA cow
वशा f. vazA any woman or wife
वशा f. vazA araNi tree [Premna serratifolia – Bot.] वाशा f. vAzA species of plant
वश m. vaza will
वश m. vaza authority
वश m. vaza son of a vaizya and a karaNI
वश m. vaza controlling power


वसुमत् adj. vasumat wealthy
वसुत्ति f. vasutti enrichment
वसु adj. vasu ray of light
वसु adj. vasu good
वसु adj. vasu dry
वसु adj. vasu symbolical name of the number eight
वसु adj. vasu beneficent
वसु adj. vasu sweet
वसु adj. vasu excellent
वसु adj. vasu particular ray of light
वसु f. vasu particular drug
वसु f. vasu radiance
वासू f. vAsU maiden
वासू f. vAsU young girl
वसु f. vasu light
वासु m. vAsu spirit or soul considered as the Supreme Being or Soul of the universe
वसु n. vasu kind of salt
वसु n. vasu jewel
वसु n. vasu goods
वसु n. vasu dwelling or dweller
वसु n. vasu horse
वसु n. vasu property
वसु n. vasu wealth
वसु n. vasu any valuable or precious object
वसु n. vasu gold
वसु n. vasu pearl
वसु n. vasu riches
वसु n. vasu gem
वसु n. vasu water
वसुद adj. vasuda granting wealth or treasures
वसुदा adj. vasudA granting wealth
वसुदा adj. vasudA generous
वसुदा f. vasudA earth
वसूजू adj. vasUjU raising wealth
वसुक m. vasuka kind of measure
वसूक m. vasUka species of tree
वसूक n. vasUka kind of salt
वसूक n. vasUka flower of vasUka tree
वसुक n. vasuka kind of salt
वासुकि vAsuki name of divine being
वसुल m. vasula god
वसुल m. vasula endearing form for vasudatta
वसुन m. vasuna sacrifice
वसुर adj. vasura rich
वसुर adj. vasura vasula
वसुर adj. vasura valuable
वासुरा f. vAsurA earth
वसूरा f. vasUrA prostitute
वासुरा f. vAsurA woman
वासुरा f. vAsurA night
वसूरा f. vasUrA harlot
वासुरा f. vAsurA female elephant
वसुता f. vasutA wealth
वसुता f. vasutA riches or liberality
वसूया ind. vasUyA through desire of wealth
वसूयु adj. vasUyu desiring wealth
वाशुरा f. vAzurA night
वसुभ n. vasubha constellation dhaniSThA
वसुधा adj. vasudhA producing wealth
वसुधा adj. vasudhA liberal
वसुधा adj. vasudhA giving wealth
वसुधा f. vasudhA ground
वसुधा f. vasudhA country
वसुधा f. vasudhA soil
वसुधा f. vasudhA anapaest
वसुधा f. vasudhA kingdom
वसुधा f. vasudhA Earth
वसुजित् adj. vasujit gaining wealth
वासुक्र adj. vAsukra composed by vasukra
वसुमत् adj. vasumat rich
वसुमत् adj. vasumat having or possessing or containing treasures
वसुमत् adj. vasumat attended by the vasus
वसुरुच् adj. vasuruc bright like the vasus or the gods
वसुत्ति f. vasutti granting of wealth
वसुत्व n. vasutva riches
वसुत्व n. vasutva wealth
वसुवत् adj. vasuvat united with the vasus
वसुविद् adj. vasuvid bestowing wealth
वासुदेव adj. vAsudeva relating to kRSNa
वासुदेव m. vAsudeva horse
वसुदेव m. vasudeva father of Krishna
वसुदेव n. vasudeva lunar mansion dhaniSThA
वासुदेवी f. vAsudevI shatavari plant [Asparagus Racemosus – Bot.] वसुदेय n. vasudeya liberality
वसुदेय n. vasudeya granting of wealth
वासुकेय m. vAsukeya serpent vAsuki
वासुकिज adj. vAsukija descended from vAsuki
वसुकीट m. vasukITa suppliant
वसुकीट m. vasukITa money-worm
वसुकीट m. vasukITa beggar
वासुमत adj. vAsumata containing the word vasu-mat
वसुमता f. vasumatA wealth
वसुमति f. vasumati kingdom
वसुमति f. vasumati ground
वसुमति f. vasumati earth
वसूमती f. vasUmatI rich or wealthy woman
वसुमति f. vasumati country
वसुमति f. vasumati region
वसुमय adj. vasumaya consisting of wealth or of good things
वसुनीति adj. vasunIti bringing wealth

calf, son

removed (BG)
विगत adj. vigata
विघात m. vighAta
warding off
विघात m. vighAta
विघटन m. vighaTana
विघटन n. vighaTana
breaking up
विघटन n. vighaTana
विघटन n. vighaTana
विघटन n. vighaTana
विगत adj. vigata
abstaining or desisting from
विगत adj. vigata
विगत adj. vigata
gone asunder
विगत adj. vigata

विगत adj. vigata
destitute of light

विगत adj. vigata

विगत adj. vigata

विगत adj. vigata

विगत adj. vigata

विगत adj. vigata

विगत adj. vigata

विगत adj. vigata

विगत adj. vigata
come from

विगत adj. vigata

विगता f. vigatA
girl in love with another or unfit for marriage

विगत n. vigata
in twain

विगत n. vigata
flight of birds

विगत ppp. vigata
gone away

विघात m. vighAta

विघात m. vighAta

विघात m. vighAta

विघात m. vighAta
driving back

विघात m. vighAta

विघात m. vighAta

विघात m. vighAta
want of success

विघात m. vighAta

विघात m. vighAta
breaking off or in pieces

विघात m. vighAta

विघात m. vighAta

विघात m. vighAta
blow with

विघात m. vighAta

विघात m. vighAta

विगतासु adj. vigatAsu

विगतासु adj. vigatAsu

विगतभी adj. vigatabhI

विगतत्व n. vigatatva
having disappeared

विगतत्व n. vigatatva

विघातक adj. vighAtaka

विघातक adj. vighAtaka

विघातन adj. vighAtana
warding off

विघातन adj. vighAtana

विघातन n. vighAtana

विघातन n. vighAtana

विघटन n. vighaTana

विघटन n. vighaTana

विघातन n. vighAtana

विघटते verb vighaTate { vighaT }
be broken or interrupted or marred or frustrated or destroyed

विघटते verb vighaTate { vighaT }
go or fly apart

विघटते verb vighaTate { vighaT }
become separate

विघटते verb vighaTate { vighaT }

विगतराग adj. vigatarAga
devoid of passion or affection

विगतराग adj. vigatarAga
free from passion

विगतभय m. vigatabhaya
free from fear

विगतज्ञान adj. vigatajJAna
lost wits

विगतज्ञान adj. vigatajJAna
one who has lost his wits

विगतज्वर adj. vigatajvara
exempt from decay

विगतज्वर adj. vigatajvara
cured of fever

विगतज्वर adj. vigatajvara
freed from trouble or distress of mind

विगतज्वर adj. vigatajvara
freed from feverishness or morbid feeling

विगतक्लम adj. vigataklama
relieved from fatigue

विगतक्लम adj. vigataklama
one whose fatigues have ceased

विगतमन्यु adj. vigatamanyu
free from resentment

विगतार्तवा f. vigatArtavA
woman in whom the menstrual excretion has ceased

विगतस्नेह adj. vigatasneha
void of affection

विगतस्पृह adj. vigataspRha
devoid of wish or desire

विगतस्पृह adj. vigataspRha

विगतश्रीक adj. vigatazrIka
destitute of fortune or splendour

विगतश्रीक adj. vigatazrIka

विघातयते verb caus. vighAtayate { vihan }

विघातयते verb caus. vighAtayate { vihan }

विघातयते verb caus. vighAtayate { vihan }

विघातयते verb caus. vighAtayate { vihan }

विघातयते verb caus. vighAtayate { vihan }

विघातयते verb caus. vighAtayate { vihan }

विघातयते verb caus. vighAtayate { vihan }

विघातयते verb caus. vighAtayate { vihan }
disturb on

विघातयति verb caus. vighAtayati { vihan }

विघातयति verb caus. vighAtayati { vihan }

विघटयति verb caus. vighaTayati { vighaT }

विघातयति verb caus. vighAtayati { vihan }

विघटयति verb caus. vighaTayati { vighaT }
tear or rend asunder

विघटयति verb caus. vighaTayati { vighaT }

विघातयति verb caus. vighAtayati { vihan }

विघटयति verb caus. vighaTayati { vighaT }

विघातयति verb caus. vighAtayati { vihan }

विघटयति verb caus. vighaTayati { vighaT }

विघातयति verb caus. vighAtayati { vihan }
disturb on

विघटयति verb caus. vighaTayati { vighaT }

विघातयति verb caus. vighAtayati { vihan }

विघातयति verb caus. vighAtayati { vihan }

विघटयति verb caus. vighaTayati { vighaT }

विगतनासिक adj. vigatanAsika

means ‘absorbed in pastimes’

The conclusion is that only when we talk about devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead can we refrain from useless nonsensical talk. We should always endeavor to use our speaking power solely for the purpose of realizing Krsna consciousness.
As for the agitations of the flickering mind, they are divided into two divisions.
The first is called avirodha-priti, or unrestricted attachment, and
the other is called virodha-yukta-krodha, anger arising from frustration.

The vines are called “vratati” because they have taken a firm vow (vrata) to serve Krishna.

Yoga Pitha
“Yoga” means connection, “Yoga Pitha” means the place where the Lord connects Himself to this earth, or descends to this earth. This is the home of Jagannatha Mishra.

Another meaning of Yoga Pitha is “a meeting place.” At this place all the associates of the Lord meet with Him to participate in His pastimes.

Ratna Jewel
The nine jewels (nava-ratna) are: (1) manikya (ruby), (2) mukta (pearl), (3) vidruma (coral), (4) marakata (emerald), (5) padmaraga [pusparaga] (yellow sapphire, topaz), (6) vajra (diamond), (7) nila (blue sapphire), (8) gomeda and (9) vaidurya (cat’s eye).
रत्न n. ratna jewel
रल n. rala jewel
आभूषणानि n. AbhUSaNAni jewellery [pl.] वेषभूषणानि n. pl. veSabhUSaNAni jewellery
कर्णाभरन n. karNAbharana ear jewelry
कन्यायाः कृते किं किं आभरणं दास्यन्ति? sent. kanyAyAH kRte kiM kiM AbharaNaM dAsyanti? What all jewellery are they giving the girl?
गुणनिका f. guNanikA jewel
आमुक्ता f. AmuktA jewel
आमुक्तिका f. AmuktikA jewel
मात्रा f. mAtrA jewel
चारुशिला f. cAruzilA jewel
विच्छाय m. vicchAya jewel
त m. ta jewel
मणिक m. maNika jewel
न m. na jewel
उपल m. upala jewel
प्रस्तर m. prastara jewel
अल्पसर m. alpasara jewel
मणि m. maNi jewel
त m. ta jewel
शेवधि m. zevadhi jewel
रौहिणिक n. rauhiNika jewel
आकरज n. Akaraja jewel
मणिरत्न n. maNiratna jewel
सरक n. saraka jewel
वसु n. vasu jewel
आनूक n. AnUka jewels
आनूक n. AnUka jewels
मणिमत् adj. maNimat jewelled
वैघटिक m. vaighaTika jeweller
गौञ्जिक m. gauJjika jeweller
वैकटिक m. vaikaTika jeweller
माणिक m. mANika jeweller
वेकट m. vekaTa jeweller
माषवर्धक m. mASavardhaka jeweller
साधु m. sAdhu jeweller
रत्नबन्धक m. ratnabandhaka jeweller
मणिकार m. maNikAra jeweller
रत्नपञ्चक n. ratnapaJcaka 5 jewels
नवरत्न n. navaratna 9 jewels
मणिधनु m. maNidhanu jewel-bow
जतुमणि m. jatumaNi lac-jewel
द्युमणि m. dyumaNi sky-jewel
जतुमणि m. jatumaNi lac-jewel
नभोमणि m. nabhomaNi sky-jewel
मणिधनु m. maNidhanu jewel-bow
अम्बरमणि m. ambaramaNi sky-jewel
मणिधनु m. maNidhanu jewel-bow
अम्बरमणि m. ambaramaNi sky-jewel
वासरमणि m. vAsaramaNi day-jewel
नभोमणि m. nabhomaNi sky-jewel
वासरमणि m. vAsaramaNi day-jewel
दिनमणि m. dinamaNi day-jewel
दिनमणि m. dinamaNi day-jewel
वियन्मणि m. viyanmaNi sky-jewel
द्युमणि m. dyumaNi sky-jewel
दिवामणि m. divAmaNi day-jewel
स्वर्मणि m. svarmaNi sky-jewel
दिवामणि m. divAmaNi day-jewel
स्वर्मणि m. svarmaNi sky-jewel
वियन्मणि m. viyanmaNi sky-jewel
व्योमरत्न n. vyomaratna sky-jewel
सुवर्णभाण्डक n. suvarNabhANDaka jewel-box
रविरत्नक n. raviratnaka sun-jewel
रविरत्नक n. raviratnaka sun-jewel
तरणिरत्न n. taraNiratna sun-jewel
मणिधनुस् n. maNidhanus jewel-bow
व्योमरत्न n. vyomaratna sky-jewel
द्युरत्न n. dyuratna sky-jewel
मणिधनुस् n. maNidhanus jewel-bow
अलङ्कारभाण्ड n. alaGkArabhANDa jewel-boxसुवर्णभाण्ड n. suvarNabhANDa jewel-box
सुवर्णभाण्ड n. suvarNabhANDa jewel-box
तरणिरत्न n. taraNiratna sun-jewel
मणिधनुस् n. maNidhanus jewel-bow
तरणिरत्न n. taraNiratna sun-jewel
अलङ्कारभाण्ड n. alaGkArabhANDa jewel-box
अलङ्कारभाण्ड n. alaGkArabhANDa jewel-box
सुवर्णभाण्डक n. suvarNabhANDaka jewel-box
सुवर्णभाण्डक n. suvarNabhANDaka jewel-box
सुवर्णभाण्ड n. suvarNabhANDa jewel-box
द्युरत्न n. dyuratna sky-jewel
रत्नभूत adj. ratnabhUta jewel-like
रत्नभूत adj. ratnabhUta jewel-like
रत्नभूत adj. ratnabhUta jewel-like
भूषापेटी f. bhUSApeTI jewel-case
भूषापेटी f. bhUSApeTI jewel-case
भूषापेटी f. bhUSApeTI jewel-case
मणिराज m. maNirAja jewel-king
मणिराज m. maNirAja jewel-king
रत्नाकर m. ratnAkara jewel-mine
मणितारक m. maNitAraka jewel-eyed
रत्नराज् m. ratnarAj jewel-king
रत्नराज् m. ratnarAj jewel-king
मणितारक m. maNitAraka jewel-eyed
मणितारक m. maNitAraka jewel-eyed
मणिराज m. maNirAja jewel-king
गञ्ज m. ganja jewel room
शुचिमणि m. sucimaNi pure jewel
रत्नाकर m. ratnAkara jewel-mine

मणि m. maNi bead
मणि m. maNi precious stone
मणिक m. maNika big pot
मानित adj. mAnita honoured
मानित adj. mAnita respected
मणिमय adj. maNimaya beaded [Bot.] मनिरूप adj. manirUpa beaded [Bot.] मणिबन्ध m. maNibandha wrist
मनी करोति verb manI karoti { manIkR } take to heart
अधिकार मानिन् m. adhikAra mAnin bureaucrat
मानी f. mAnI measure
मणि m. maNi wrist
मणि m. maNi loadstone
मणि m. maNi crystal
मणि m. maNi dependent fleshy excrescences on a goat’s neck
मणि m. maNi ornament
मणि m. maNi magnet
मणि m. maNi gem
मणि m. maNi pearl
मणि m. maNi hump of a camel
मणि m. maNi amulet
मणि m. maNi bell
मणि m. maNi jewel
मणि m. maNi clitoris glans
मणि m. maNi globule
मणि m. maNi large water jar
मणि m. maNi glans penis
मानिन् adj. mAnin highly honoured or esteemed
मानिन् adj. mAnin proud towards or of
मानिन् adj. mAnin applying a measure
मानिन् adj. mAnin high-minded
मानिन् adj. mAnin thinking
मानिन् adj. mAnin being of opinion
मानिन् adj. mAnin thinking to be or have
मानिन् adj. mAnin haughty
मानिन् adj. mAnin measurable
मानिन् adj. mAnin highly esteeming or honouring
मानिन् adj. mAnin measuring
मानिन् adj. mAnin appearing as or passing for
मानिन् m. mAnin clover herb [Marsilea Dentata – Bot.] मानिन् m. mAnin kind of metre
मानिन् m. mAnin wife of
मानिन् m. mAnin Chinese rice flower plant [Aglaia Odorata – Bot. ] मणीच n. maNIca flower
मणीच n. maNIca hand
मणीच n. maNIca pearl
माणिका f. mANikA particular weight
मानिका f. mAnikA particular weight or measure
मणिक m. maNika water-jar or pitcher
माणिक m. mANika jeweller
मणिक m. maNika gem
मणिक m. maNika globular formations of flesh on an animal’s shoulder
मणिक m. maNika precious stone
मणिक m. maNika jewel
मनीक n. manIka eye-salve
माणिक n. mANika ruby
मनीक n. manIka lotion or wash for eyes
मणिल adj. maNila having fleshy excrescences
मानिनी f. mAninI disdainful or sulky woman
मानिनी f. mAninI proud woman
मनीषा f. manISA prayer
मनीषा f. manISA wish
मनीषा f. manISA desire
मनीषा f. manISA reflection
मनीषा f. manISA hymn
मनीषा f. manISA request
मनीषा f. manISA idea
मनीषा f. manISA thought
मनीषा f. manISA conception
मनीषा f. manISA intelligence
मनीषा f. manISA wisdom
मनीषा f. manISA consideration
मनीषा f. manISA prudence
मनित adj. manita understood
मनित adj. manita known
मानिता f. mAnitA esteeming
मानिता f. mAnitA fancying that one possesses
मानिता f. mAnitA honouring
मानिता f. mAnitA pride
मानिता f. mAnitA imaginary possession of
मणित n. maNita ecstatic moaning
मणित n. maNita woman’s utterings during amorous activity
मानित n. mAnita showing honour or respect
मणित n. maNita inarticulate sound uttered by women during amorous activities
मणिभू f. maNibhU floor inlaid with jewel
माणिक्या f. mANikyA kind of small house-lizard
माणिक्य n. mANikya ruby
मणिमत् adj. maNimat adorned with jewel
मणिमत् adj. maNimat jewelled
मणिमत् m. maNimat sun
मनीषिन् adj. manISin thoughtful
मनीषिन् adj. manISin offering prayers or praises
मनीषिन् adj. manISin devout
मनीषिन् adj. manISin prudent
मनीषिन् adj. manISin wise
मनीषिन् adj. manISin intelligent
मनीषिन् m. manISin sage
मनीषिन् m. manISin Pandit
मनीषिन् m. manISin teacher
मनीषिन् m. manISin wise man

मन adj. mana imaginary
मान m. mAna arrogance
मान m. mAna self-respect
मान m. mAna respect
मान m. mAna respectability
मन n. mana thought
मन n. mana view
मान n. mAna measure
मन n. mana belief
मान n. mAna rate
मान n. mAna base [computer] मन n. mana idea
मन n. mana opinion
मान n. mAna meter [length] मनस् n. manas imagination
मानक n. mAnaka scalar [computer] मनन adj. manana thoughtful
मानन n. mAnana respecting
मनन n. manana thinking
मानन n. mAnana honouring
मानस adj. mAnasa mental
मानस adj. mAnasa spiritual
मनति verb 1 manati { mnA } remember
मनति verb 1 Par manati { mnA } repeat over in the mind
मानव m. mAnava human being
मन आप adj. mana Apa gaining the heart
मानहानि m. mAnahAni defamation
माननीय adj. mAnanIya fit to be honoured
मानसिक adj. mAnasika mental
मानसिक adj. mAnasika spiritual
मनस्विन् adj. manasvin determined
मनस्विन् adj. manasvin bright-minded
मनस्विन् adj. manasvin high-minded
मानवत् adj. mAnavat scalar [computer] मानवीय adj. mAnavIya human
मन ऋङ्ग adj. mana RGga directing or guiding the mind
मानचित्र n. mAnacitra map
मनःपूत adj. manaHpUta mentally pure
मनःपूत adj. manaHpUta pure in heart
मनःशिला f. manaHzilA red arsenic
मानमान्य adj. mAnamAnya to be held in honour
मनस्ताप m. manastApa anxiety
मनस्ताप m. manastApa trepidation
मनस्ताप m. manastApa mental pain
मनस्ताप m. manastApa mental distress
मानस्तिक adj. mAnastika mental
मनस्विनी f. manasvinI proud woman
मानात्मक n. mAnAtmaka scalar [computer] शर-मान m. zara-mAna creamo-meter
शर-मान m. zara-mAna cream tube
शति-मान m. zati-mAna centimeter [cm] अणु – मान n. aNu – mAna micron [length 0.000001 meter] दशि- मान dazi- mAna decimeter
मान , मा. n. mAna , mA. m. [length] मानविकीय adj. mAnavikIya anthropological
मनःक्षोभ m. manaHkSobha affect
मनःस्थिति f. manaHsthiti temper
मनस् दत्ते verb 3 manas datte { dA } direct the mind to
मानसचित्र n. mAnasacitra image
मानचिरावली f. mAnacirAvalI atlas
मनःविज्ञान n. manaHvijJAna psychology
मनस् ददाति verb 3 manas dadAti { dA } direct the mind to
मानसशास्त्र n. mAnasazAstra ideology
मानव-पण्य n. mAnava-paNya traffic in human beings
प्रशीत-मान m. prazIta-mAna cryo-meter [Phys.] मानचित्रकला f. mAnacitrakalA cartography
मानचित्रावली f. mAnacitrAvalI atlas
मनःसंस्कार m. manaHsaMskAra mood
मनसि करोति verb 8 manasi karoti { kR } take to heart
मनसि करोति verb 8 manasi karoti { kR } heed
शून्य-मनस्क adj. zUnya-manaska absent [inattentive] शून्य-मनस्क adj. zUnya-manaska inattentive
शून्य-मनस्क adj. zUnya-manaska absent-minded
मननं करोति verb mananaM karoti { kR } think
मानव-विक्रय m. mAnava-vikraya traffic in human beings
मानवशस्त्रीय adj. mAnavazastrIya anthropological
प्रयुति – मान n. prayuti – mAna micrometer [length 0.000001 meter] शून्य-मनस्कता f. zUnya-manaskatA absent-mindedness
शून्य-मनस्कता f. zUnya-manaskatA absence of mind
मानस्तिकावरोध m. mAnastikAvarodha mental block
मानवजानिशास्त्र n. mAnavajAnizAstra anthropology
भूमि – मानचित्र n. bhUmi – mAnacitra cadastral map [land register map] मनसा विचारयति verb caus. manasA vicArayati { vi- car } muse
मनसा सङ्कल्पयति verb manasA saGkalpayati { saGklRp } resolve or strive for
मानव-क्रयविक्रय m. mAnava-krayavikraya traffic in human beings
कृपया मनसि पठतु sent. kRpayA manasi paThatu Read silently, please.
मानकदत्तांशप्रकार m. mAnakadattAMzaprakAra scalar data-type [computer] इति प्रतिभाति मे मनसि sent. iti pratibhAti me manasi so it seems to my mind
इमी उत्तमाः माणवकाः न. sent. imI uttamAH mANavakAH na. These are not good students.
माननीय प्रधान मन्त्रिन् m. mAnanIya pradhAna mantrin The Honourable Prime Minister
अपि इमी उत्तमः माणवकाः? sent. api imI uttamaH mANavakAH? Are these students good ones?
इमे बालकाः अस्माकम् माणवकाः. sent. ime bAlakAH asmAkam mANavakAH. These boys are our students.
भवतः सौकर्यं मनसिकृत्य एव एवं मया कृतम् sent. bhavataH saukaryaM manasikRtya eva evaM mayA kRtam Only keeping your convenience in mind, I have done this way.
भोजनापणानां पुरतः दृश्यमाना अनुपङ्क्तिः मम मनसि आतङ्कं वर्धयति स्म | sent. bhojanApaNAnAM purataH dRzyamAnA anupaGktiH mama manasi AtaGkaM vardhayati sma | The line of people in front of the food shops used distress me.
मना f. manA eagerness
मना f. manA zeal
मना f. manA envy
मना f. manA attachment
मना f. manA jealousy
मना f. manA devotion

Acyuta—He who never fails His devotees and who never falls down from His position. (1.21, 11.42, 18.73)

Adhiyajña—the Lord of sacrifice; the Super-soul, the plenary expansion of the Lord in the heart of every living being. (8.2, 8.4)

Adideva—the original Supreme God. (11.38)

Adikarta—the supreme creator. (11.37)

Amitavikrama—having unlimited strength. (11.40)

Ananta-rupa—unlimited form. (11.38) See also: Visvamurti, Visvarupa.

Anantavirya—having unlimited potency. (11.19, 11.40)

Aprameya—who is immeasurable. (11.17, 11.42)

Apratimaprabhava—whose power is immeasurable. (11.43)

Arisudana—killer of the enemies. (2.4)

Bhutabhavana—source of all manifestations; origin of everything. (9.5, 10.15)

dharma-ksetre—in the place of pilgrimage;
kuru-ksetre—in the place named Kuruksetra;
yuyutsavah—desiring to fight;
mamakah— my party (sons);
pandavah—the sons of Pandu;
eva— certainly;
akurvata—did they do;
drstva—after seeing;
pandava-anikam—the soldiers of the Pandavas;
vyudham—arranged in a military phalanx;
duryodhanah—King Duryodhana;
tada—at that time;
raja—the king;
pandu-putranam—of the sons of Pandu;
camum—military force;
drupada-putrena—by the son of Drupada;
dhimata—very intelligent.
atra—here; surah—heroes; maha-isu-asah—mighty bowmen; bhlma-arjuna—to Bhima and Arjuna; samah—equal; yudhi—in the fight; yuyudhanah—Yuyudhana; viratah—Virata; ca—also; drupadah—Drupada; ca—also; maha-rathah—great fighter.
dhrstaketuh—Dhrstaketu; cekitanah—Cekitana; kasirajah—Kasi- raja; ca—also; virya-van—very powerful; purujit—Purujit; kunlibhojah—Kuntibhoja; ca—and; Saibyah—Saibya; ca—and; nara-pungavah—hero in human society.
yudhamanyuh—Yudhamanyu; ca—and; vikrantah—mighty; uttamaujah—Uttamauja; ca—and; viryavan—very powerful; sau- bhadrah—the son of Subhadra; draupadeyah—the sons of Draupadi; ca—and; sarve—all; eva—certainly; maha-rathah— great chariot fighters.
asmakam—our; tu— but; visistah—especially powerful; ye—who; tan—them; nibodha—just take note of, be informed; dvija-uttama —O best of the brahmanas; nayakah—captains; mama—my; sainyasya—of the soldiers; samjha-artham—for information; tan— them; bravimi—I am speaking; te—to you.
bhavan—your good self; bhismah—Grandfather Bhisma; ca—also; karnah—Karna; ca—and; krpah—Krpa; ca—and; samitim-jayah—always victorious in battle; asvatthama—Asvatthama; vikarnah—Vikarna; ca—as well as; saumadattih—the son of Somadatta; tatha—as well as; eva—certainly; ca—also.
anye—others; ca—also; bahavah—in great numbers; surah— heroes; mat-arthe—for my sake; tyakta-jivitah—prepared to risk life; nana—many; sastra—weapons; praharanah—equipped with; sarve—all of them; yuddha-visaradah—experienced in military science.
aparyaptam—immeasurable; tat—that; asmakam—of ours; balam strength; bhisma—by Grandfather Bhlsma; abhiraksitam— perfectly protected; paryaptam—limited; tu—but; idam—all this; etesam—of the Pandavas; balam—strength; bhima—by Bhima; abhiraksitam—carefully protected.
ayanesu—in the strategic points; ca—also; sarvesu—everywhere; yatha-bhagam—as differently arranged; a vasthitah—situated; bhismam—unto Grandfather Bhisma; eva—certainly; abhi-raksantu—should give support; bhavantah—you; sarve—all respectively; eva hi—certainly.
tasya—his; sanjanayan—increasing; harsam—cheerfulness; kuru- vrddhah—the grandsire of the Kuru dynasty (Bhlsma); pita-mahah—the grandfather; simha-nadam—roaring sound, like that of a lion; vinadya—vibrating; uccaih—very loudly; sankham— conchshell; dadhmau—blew; pratapa-van—the valiant.
tatah—thereafter; sankhdh—conchshells; ca—also; bheryah—large drums; ca—and, panava-anaka—small drums and kettledrums; go- mukhah—horns; sahasd—all of a sudden; eva—certainly; abhyahanyanta—were simultaneously sounded; sah—that; sabdah— combined sound; tumulah—tumultuous; abhavat—became.
tatah—therafter, svetaih—with white; hayaih—horses; yukte— being yoked; mahati—in a great; syandane—chariot; sthitau— situated; madhavah—Krsna (the husband of the goddess of fortune); pandavah—Arjuna (the son of Pandu); ca—also; ever—certainly; divyau—transcendental; sahkhau—conchshells; pradadhmatuh— sounded.
pancajanyam—the conchshell named Pancajanya; hrsika-isah— Hrsikesa (Krsna, the Lord who directs the senses of the devotees); devadattam—the conchshell named Devadatta; dhanam-jayah— Dhananjaya (Arjuna, the winner of wealth); paundram—the conch named Paundra; dadhmau—blew; maha-sankham—the terrific conchshell; bhima-karma—one who performs herculean tasks; vrka-udarah—the voracious eater (Bhima).
anantavijayam—the conch named Anantavijaya; raja—the king; kunti-putrah—the son of Kunti; yudhisthirah—Yudhisthira; nakulah—Nakula; sahadevah—Sahadeva; ca—and; sughosa-mani- puspakau—the conches named Sughosa and Manipuspaka; kasyah— the King of Kasi (Varanasi); ca—and; parama-isu-asah—the great archer; Sikhandi—Sikhandi; ca—also;
maha-rathah—one who can fight alone against (ten) thousands;
dhrstadyumnah—Dhrstadyumna (the son of King Drupada); viratah—Virata (the prince who gave shelter to the Pandavas while they were in disguise); ca—also; satyaki—Satyaki (the same as Yuyudhana, the charioteer of Lord Krsna); ca—and; aparajitah—who had never been vanquished; drupadah—Drupada, the King of Pancala; draupadeyah—the sons of Draupadl; ca—also; sarvasah—all; prthivi-pate—O King; saubhadrah—Abhimanyu, the son of Subhadra; ca—also; maha-bahuh—mighty-armed; sahkhan—conchshells; dadhmuh—blew; prthak prthak—each separately.
sah—that; ghosah—vibration; dhartarastranam—of the sons of Dhrtarasfra; hrdayani— hearts; vyadarayat—shattered;
nabhah—the sky; ca—also; prthivim—the surface of the earth; ca—also; eva— certainly; tumulah—uproarious; abhyanunadayan—resounding.
vyavasthitan—situated; drstva—looking upon; dhartarastran—the sons of Dhrtarastra; kapi-dhvajah—he whose flag was marked with Hanuman; pravrtte—while about to engage; sastra-sampate—in releasing his arrows; dhanuh—bow; udyamya— taking up;pandavah—the son of Pancju (Arjuna); hrsikesam—unto Lord Krsna; vakyam—words; idam—these; aha—said; mahi-pate—O King.
arjunah uvaca—Arjuna said; senayoh—of the armies; ubhayoh— both; madhye—between; ratham—the chariot; sthdpaya—please keep; me—my; acyuta—O infallible one; ydvat—as long as; etdn— all these; nirikse—may look upon; aham—I; yoddhu-kaman— desiring to fight; avasthitan—arrayed on the battlefield; kaih—with whom; maya—by me; saha—together; yoddhavyam—have to fight; asmin—in this; rana—strife; samudyame—in the attempt.
yotsyamanan—those who will be fighting; avekse—let me see; aham— I ye—who; ete—those; atra—here; samagatah—assembled; dharta-rastrasya—for the son of Dhrtarastra; durbuddheh—evil-minded; yuddhe—in the fight; priya—well; cikirsavah—wishing.
evam—thus; uktah—addressed; hnikesah—Lord Krsna; guddkesena—by Arjuna; bharata—O descendant of Bharata; senayoh—of the armies; ubhayoh—both; madhye—in the midst; sthapayitva—placing; ratha-uttamam—the finest chariot.
bhisma—Grandfather Bhlsma; drona—the teacher Drona; pramukhatah—in front of; sarvesam—all; ca—also; mahi-ksitam— chiefs of the world; uvaca—said; partha—O son of Prtha; pasya— just behold; etdn—all of them; samavetan—assembled; kurun—the members of the Kuru dynasty; iti—thus.
tatra—there; apasyat—he could see; sthitan—standing; parthah— Arjuna; pitrn—fathers; pitamahan—grandfathers; matulan—maternal uncles; bhratrn—brothers; putran—sons; pautran—grandsons; sakhin—friends; tathd—too; svasuran—fathers-in-law; suhrdah—well-wishers; ca—also; eva— certainly; senayoh—of the armies; ubhayoh—of both parties; api—including.

kevalaih — purified;
kevalam — entirely.
the pure state – Nectar of Devotion

केवल adj. kevala categorical [Logic] केवल adj. kevala bare
केवलम् adverb kevalam alone
केवलम् indecl. kevalam simply
केवलम् indecl. kevalam only
केवलाघ adj. kevalAgha completely guilty
केवलपठ्य adj. kevalapaThya read-only [computer] केवल संवाक्य n. kevala saMvAkya categorical syllogism [Aristotelian Logic] अन्ने केवलं पाषाणाः sent. anne kevalaM pASANAH A lot of stones in the rice.
न केवलम् – परन्तु phrase na kevalam – parantu not only – but also [sent. Structure] एषा केवलं किंवदन्ती sent. eSA kevalaM kiMvadantI It is only gossip.
केवलं धनं व्यर्थम् sent. kevalaM dhanaM vyartham It is only a waste of money.
मम केवलं भ्रातास्ति. sent. mama kevalaM bhrAtAsti. I have an only brother.
तत् केवलम् अर्चकेन क्रियते | sent. tat kevalam arcakena kriyate | It is done only by the priest.
अन्यत् किमपि नास्ति केवलं सारः sent. anyat kimapi nAsti kevalaM sAraH There is nothing else, there is only soup.
केवलं निःसारं, जामिता भवति sent. kevalaM niHsAraM, jAmitA bhavati Just bogus, terribly boring.
इतः केवलं दशनिमेषाणां गमनम् sent. itaH kevalaM dazanimeSANAM gamanam From here it is mere ten minutes walk.
पठनं नास्ति, किमपि नास्ति, केवलं अटति sent. paThanaM nAsti, kimapi nAsti, kevalaM aTati Doesn’t read at all, just roams about.
एतत् पुष्पसस्यं केवलं किञ्चित् जलेन प्रतिदिनं सेचनीयम् sent. etat puSpasasyaM kevalaM kiJcit jalena pratidinaM secanIyam This flower plant should be watered everyday with only little water.
केवलम् शिरश्चालं न पर्यापप्तम् | भवता कार्याणि सम्यक् करणीयानि झटिति | sent. kevalam zirazcAlaM na paryApaptam | bhavatA kAryANi samyak karaNIyAni jhaTiti | Shaking your head is not enough. You must do all the work quickly as well.
केवल adj. kevala unmingled
केवल adj. kevala peculiar
केवल adj. kevala selfish
केवल adj. kevala entirely
केवल adj. kevala alone
केवल adj. kevala whole
केवल adj. kevala not connected with anything else
केवल adj. kevala sole
केवल adj. kevala simple
केवल adj. kevala abstract
केवल adj. kevala envious
केवल adj. kevala exclusive
केवल adj. kevala absolutely
केवल adj. kevala wholly
केवल adj. kevala one
केवल adj. kevala uncommon
केवल adj. kevala unconnected
केवल adj. kevala excluding others
केवल adj. kevala isolated
केवल adj. kevala all
केवल adj. kevala absolute [Math.] केवल adj. kevala only
केवल adj. kevala sheer
केवल adj. kevala uncompounded
केवल adj. kevala exclusively one’s own
केवल adj. kevala mere
केवल adj. kevala but
केवल adj. kevala pure
केवल adj. kevala entire
केवल m. kevala certainly
केवल m. kevala dancer
केवल m. kevala decidedly
केवल m. kevala tumbler
केवल n. kevala highest possible knowledge
केवल n. kevala doctrine of the absolute unity of spirit
केवलम् ind. kevalam merely
केवलम् indecl. kevalam solely
केवलादिन् adj. kevalAdin eating by one’s self alone
केवलाघ adj. kevalAgha alone guilty
केवलतस् ind. kevalatas only
केवलत्व n. kevalatva state of standing by itself or alone
केवलशस् ind. kevalazas completely
केवलात्मन् adj. kevalAtman one whose nature is absolute unity
केवलज्ञान n. kevalajJAna highest possible knowledge
केवलबर्हिस् adj. kevalabarhis having its own sacrificial straw
केवलद्रव्य n. kevaladravya black pepper
केवलद्रव्य n. kevaladravya mere matter or substance
केवलज्ञानिन् m. kevalajJAnin arhat
केवलज्ञानिन् m. kevalajJAnin possessing the kevalajJAna
केवलकर्मिन् adj. kevalakarmin performing mere works
केवलमानुष m. kevalamAnuSa mere man
केवलान्वयिन् adj. kevalAnvayin pertaining only to connection
केवलवातिक adj. kevalavAtika applied for diseases of a simple rheumatic kind
केवलनैयायिक m. kevalanaiyAyika mere logician
केवलव्यतिरेकिन् adj. kevalavyatirekin pertaining only to separateness
केवलवैयाकरण m. kevalavaiyAkaraNa mere grammarian

tan—all of them; samiksya—after seeing; sah—he; kaunteyah—the son of Kunti; sarvan—all kinds of; bandhun—relatives; ava¬sthitan—situated; krpaya—by compassion; paraya—of a high grade; avistah—overwhelmed; visidan—while lamenting; idam— thus; abravit—spoke.
arjunah uvaca—Arjuna said; drsfva—after seeing; imam—all these; sva-janam—kinsmen; krsna—0 Krsna; yuyutsum—all in a fighting spirit; samupasthitam—present; sidanti—are quivering; mama— my; gatrani—limbs of the body; mukham—mouth; ca—also; pariiusyati—is drying up.
vepathuh—trembling of the body; ca—also; sarire—on the body; me—my; roma-harsah—standing of hair on end; ca—also; jdyale— is taking place; garidivam—the bow of Arjuna; sramsate—is slip¬ping; hastat—from the hand; tvak—skin; ca—also; eva—certainly; paridahyate—is burning.
na—nor; ca—also; saknomi—am I able; avasthatum—to stay; bhramati—forgetting; iva—as; ca—and; me—my; manah—mind; nimittani—causes; ca—also; pasyami—I see; viparitani—just the opposite;
na—nor; ca—also; sreyah—good; anupasyami—do I foresee; hatva—by killing; sva-janam—own kinsmen; ahave—in the fight; na—nor; karikse—do I desire; vijayam—victory; krsna—O Krsna; na—nor; ca—also; rajyam—kingdom; sukhani—happiness thereof; ca—also.
kim—what use; nah—io us; rajyena—is the kingdom; govinda—O Krsna; kim—what; bhogaih—enjoyment; jivitena—living; va— either; yesdm—of whom; arthe—for the sake; kanksitam—is desired; nah—by us; rajyam—kingdom; bhogdh—material enjoyment; sukhani—all happiness; ca—also;
re—all of them; ime—these; avasthitah situated; yuddhe—on this battlefield; pranan—lives; tyaktva—giving up; dhanani— riches; ca—also; acaryah—teachers; pitarah—fathers; putrah—sons; tatha—as well as; eva—certainly; ca—also; pitamahah—grandfathers; matulah—maternal uncles; svasurah fathers-in-law; pautrah—grandsons; syalah—brothers- in-law; sambandhinah—relatives; tatha—as well as; etan—all these; na—never; hantum—to kill; icchami—do I wish; ghnatah—being killed; api—even; madhusudana—O killer of the demon Madhu (Krsna); api—even if; trai-lokya—of the three worlds; rajyasya—for the kingdom; hetoh—in exchange; kim nu—what to speak of; mahi-krte—for the sake of the earth; nihatya—by killing; dhartarasfran—the sons of Dhrtarastra; nah—our; ka—what; pritih—pleasure; syat—will there be; janardana—O maintainer of all living entities.
papam—vices; eva—certainly; asrayet—must come upon; asman—us; halva—by killing; etan—all these; ataiayinah—aggres¬sors; tasmat—therefore; na—never; arhah—deserving; vayam—we; hantum—to kill; dhartarastran—the sons of Dhrtarastra; sa- bandhavan—along with friends; sva-janam—kinsmen; hi—certainly; katham—how; halva—by killing; sukhinah—happy; syama—will we become; madhava—O Krsna, husband of the goddess of fortune.
yadi—if; api—even; ete—they; na—do not; lobha— by greed; upahata—overpowered; cetasah—their hearts; kula- ksaya—in killing the family; krtam—done; dosam—fault; mitra-drohe—in quarreling with friends; ca—also;patakam—sinful reactions; katham—why; na—should not; jneyam—be known; asmabhih—by us; papat—from sins; asmat—these; nivartitum—to cease; kula-ksaya—in the destruction of a dynasty; krtam—done; dosam—crime; prapasyadbhih—by those who can see; jandrdana— O Krsna.
kula-ksaye—in destroying the family; pranasyanti—become van¬quished; kula-dharmah—the family traditions; sanatanah—eternal; dharme—religion; naste-—being destroyed; kulam—family; krts¬nam—whole; adharmah—irreligion; abhibhavati—transforms; uta—it is said.
adharma—irreligion; abhibhavat—having become predominant; krsna—O Krsna; pradusyanti—become polluted; kula-striyah— family ladies; strisu—by the womanhood; dustasu—being so polluted; varsneya—O descendant of Vrsni; jayate—comes into being; varrya-sahkarah—unwanted progeny.
sankarah—such unwanted children; narakaya—make for hellish life; eva—certainly; kula-ghnanam—for those who are killers of the family; kulasya—for the family; ca—also; patanti—fall down; pitarah—forefathers; hi—certainly; esam—of them; lupta— stopped;
pinda—of offerings of food;
udaka—and water; kriyah—performances.
dosaih—by such faults; etaih—all these; kula-ghnanam—of the destroyers of the family; varrya-sahkara—of unwanted children; karakaifr—which are causes; utsadyante—are devastated; jati- dharmah—community projects; kula-dharmah—family traditions; ca—also; Safvatah—eternal.
utsanna—spoiled; kula-dharmariam—of those who have the family traditions; manusyanam—of such men; janardana—O Krsna; narake—in hell; niyatam—always; vasah—residence; bhavati—it so becomes; iti—thus; anususruma—I have heard by disciplic succession.
aho—alas; bata—how strange it is; mahat—great; papam—sins; kartum—to perform; vyavasitah—have decided; vayam—we; yat— because; rajya-sukha-lobhena—driven by greed for royal happiness; hantum—to kill; sva-janam—kinsmen; udyatah—trying.
yadi—even if; mam—me; apratikaram—without being resistant; asastram—without being fully equipped; sastra-panayah—those with weapons in hand; dhartarastrah—the sons of Dhftarastra; rape— on the battlefield; hanyuh—may kill; tat—that; me—for me; ksema-taram—better; bhavet—would be.
sanjayah uvaca—Sanjaya said; evam—thus; uktva saying; arjunah—Arjuna; safikhye—in the battlefield; ratha—of the chariot; upasthe—on the seat; upavisat—sat down again; visrjya putting aside; sa-saram—along with arrows; capam the bow; soka—by lamentation; samvigna—distressed; manasah within the mind.
tam—unto Arjuna; tatha—thus; krpaya—by compassion; avistam—overwhelmed; asru-purna- akula—full of tears; iksanam—eyes; visidantam—lamenting; idam—these; vakyam—words; uvaca—said; madhu-sudanah—the killer of Madhu.
kutah—wherefrom; tva—unto you; kasmalam—dirtiness; idam— this lamentation; visame—in this hour of crisis; samupasthitam— arrived; anarya—persons who do not know the value of life; justam—practiced by; asvargyam—which does not lead to higher planets; akirti—infamy; karam—the cause of; arjuna—O Arjuna.
klaibyam—impotence; ma sma—do not; gamah—take to;partha— O son of Prtha; na—never; etat—this; tvayi—unto you; upapadyate—is befitting; ksudram—petty; hrdaya— the heart; daur-balyam—weakness; tyaktva—giving up; uttistha—get up; param-tapa—O chastiser of the enemies.
arjunah uvaca—Arjuna said; katham—how; bhismam—Bhlsma; aham—I; sahkhye—in the fight; ca—also; madhu-sudana—O killer of Madhu; isubhih—with arrows; pratiyotsyami—shall counterattack; puja-arhau—those who are worshipable; ari-sudana—O killer of the enemies.
gurun—the superiors; ahatva—not killing; hi—certainly; mahd- anubhavan—great souls; Sreyah—it is better; bhoktum—to enjoy life; bhaiksyam—by begging; api—even; iha—in this life; loke—in this world; hatva—killing; artha—gain; kaman—desiring; tu—but; gurun—superiors; iha—in this world; eva—certainly; bhuhjiya— one has to enjoy; bhogan—enjoyable things; rudhira—blood; pradigdhan—tainted with.
na—nor; ca—also; etat—this; vidmah—do we know; katarat— which; nah—for us; gariyah—better; yat va—whether Jayema- we may conquer; yadi—if; va—or; nah—us; jayeyuh—they conquer; yan—those who; eva—certainly; hatva—by killing; na—never; jijivisamah—we would want to live; te—all of them; avasthitah—are situated; pramukhe—in the front; dhartarastrah—the sons of Dhrtarastra.
karpanya—of miserliness; dosa—by the weakness; upahata—being afflicted; sva-bhavah—characteristics; prcchami—I am asking; tvam—unto You; dharma—religion; sammudha—bewildered; cetah—in heart; yat—what; sreyah—all-good; syat—may be; niicitam—confidently; tat—that; me—unto me; sifyah—disciple; te—Your; aham—I am; sadhi—just instruct; mam—me; tvam—unto You; prapannam—surrendered.
na—do not; hi—certainly; prapasyami—I see; mama—my; apanudyat—can drive away; yat—that which; sokam— lamentation; ucchosanam—drying up; indriyanam—of the senses; avapya—achieving; bhumau—on the earth; asapatnam—without rival; rddham—prosperous; rajyam—kingdom; suranam—of the demigods; api—even; ca—also; adhipatyam—supremacy.
sahjayah uvaca—Sanjaya said; evam—thus; uktva—speaking; hrisikesam—unto Krsna, the master of the senses; gudakesah— Arjuna, the master of curbing ignorance; parantapah—the chastiser of the enemies; na yotsye—l shall not fight; iti—thus; govindam— unto Krsna, the giver of pleasure to the senses; uktva—saying; tusnim—silent; babhuva—became; ha—certainly.

तद् adverb tad therefore
तद् ind. tad so [therefore] तद् adverb tad thither
तद् adverb tad equally
तद् adverb tad on that account
तद् adverb tad thus
तद् adverb tad for that reason
तद् adverb tad so also
तद् adverb tad at that time
तद् adverb tad to that spot
तद् adverb tad for that reason
तद् adverb tad in that case
तद् adverb tad then
तद् adverb tad consequently
तद् adverb tad various
तद् adverb tad in this manner
तद् adverb tad in that place
तद् adverb tad there
तद् adverb tad different
तद् adverb tad with regard to that

tam—unto him;
masculine accusative singular stem: tad
tam cl.4. t/āmyati- (;rarely A1. ; perfect tense tatāma- ; Aorist Passive voice atami- ;Ved. infinitive mood t/amitos-,with /ā-preceding,”till exhaustion” ; perfect tense Passive voice parasmE-pada -tānt/a- q.v) to gasp for breath (as one suffocating), choke, be suffocated, faint away, be exhausted, perish, be distressed or disturbed or perplexed (n/a mā tamat-[aor. subj.]”may I not be exhausted”) etc. ; to stop (as breath), become immovable or stiff ; to desire (see 2. ma-, mata-) : Causal tam/ayati- (Aorist Passive voice atāmi- ) to suffocate, deprive of breath ; see /a-tameru-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
wishing, desiring

uvaca—said; hrikesah—the master of the senses, Krsna; prahasan—smiling; iva—like that; bharata—O Dhrtarastra, descendant of Bharata; senayoh—of the armies; ubhayoh—of both parties; madhye—between; visidantam—unto the lamenting one; idam—the following; vacah—words.

asocyan—not worthy of lamentation; anvasocah—you are lamenting; tvam—you;prajna-vadsn—learned talks; ca—also; bhasase— speaking; gata—lost; asun—life; agata—not past; asun—life; ca—also; na—never; anusocanti—lament; panditah—the learned.
na—never; tu—but; eva—certainly; aham—I; na—did not; asam—exist;
na—not; tvam—you; na—not; ime—all these; jana-adhipah—kings;
na—never; ca—also; eva—certainly; na—not; bhavisyamah—shall exist;
sarve vayam—all of us;
dehinah—of the embodied; asmin—in this; yatha—as; dehe—in the body; kaumaram—boyhood; yauvanam—youth; jara—old age; tatha—similarly; deha-antara—of transference of the body; praptih—achievement; tatra—thereupon; na— never; muhyati—is deluded.
matra-sparsah—sensory perception; tu—only; kaunteya—O son of Kuntl, sita winter; usna—summer; sukha—happiness; duhkha— and pain; dah—giving; agama—appearing; apayinah—disappearing; anityah—nonpermanent; tan—all of them; titiksasva—just try to tolerate; bharata—O descendant of the Bharata dynasty.
yam—one to whom; hi—certainly; na—never; vyathayanti—are distressing; etc—all these; purusam—to a person; purusa-rsabha— O best among men; sama—unaltered; duhkha—in distress; sukham—and happiness;—he; amrtatvaya— for liberation; kalpate—is considered eligible.
na—never; asatah—of the nonexistent; vidyate—there is; bhavah— endurance; na—never; abhavah—changing quality; vidyate—there is; satah—of the eternal; ubhayoh—of the two; api—verily; drstah—observed; antah—conclusion; tu—indeed; anayoh—of them; tattva—of the truth; darsibhih—by the seers.
avinasi—imperishable; tu—but; tat—that; viddhi—know it; yena— by whom; sarvam—all of the body; id am—this; tatam—pervaded; vinasam—destruction; avyayasya—of the imperishable; asya—of it; na kascit—no one; kartum—to do; arhati—is able.
anta-vantah perishable; ime—all these; dehah—material bodies; nityasya—eternal in existence; uktah—are said; saririnah—of the embodied soul; anasinah—never to be destroyed; aprameyasya— immeasurable; tasmat—therefore; yudhyasva—fight; bharata—O descendant of Bharata.
yah—anyone who; enam—this; vetti— knows; hantaram—the killer; anyone who; ca—also; enafil— this; manyate—thinks; hatam—killed; ubhau—both; tau—they; na—never; vijanitah—are in knowledge; na—never; ayam—this; hand—kills; na—nor; hanyate—is killed.
na—never; jayate—takes birth; mriyate—dies; va—either; kadacit—at any time (past, present or future); na—never; ayam— this; bhutva—having come into being; bhavita—will come to be; va or; na—not; bhuyah—or is again coming to be; ajah—unborn; nityah eternal; ayam—this; puranah—the oldest; na—never; hanyate—is killed; hanyamane—being killed; sarire—the body.


veda—knows; avinasinam—indestructible; nityam—always existing; yah—one who; enam—this (soul); ajam—unborn;

The sanskrit term in the verse is Avyaya, which is a name of Visnu which appears often in Vedic literature. Here is some meanings of avyaya: immutable, imperishable, without deterioration, unchangeable, inexhaustible, everlasting, eternal, without deterioration, unchangeable, everlasting, indestructible, irreproachable. From the Maha-bharata Adi

katham—how; sah—that; purusah—person; partha—O Partha (Arjuna); kam—whom; ghatayati—causes to hurt; hanti—kills; kam—whom.
vasamsi—garments; jirnani—old and worn out; yatha—just as; vihaya—giving up; navani—new garments; grhnati—does accept; narah—di man; aparani—others; tatha—in the same way; sarirani— bodies; vihaya—giving up; jirnani—old and useless; anyani— different; samyati—verily accepts; navani—new sets; dehi—the embodied.
Database – A database is an organized collection of data, generally stored and accessed electronically from a computer system. Where databases are more complex they are often developed using formal design and modeling techniques. (art.)

na—never; enam—this soul; chindanti—can cut to pieces; sastrani—weapons; na—never; enam—this soul; dahati—burns; pavakah—fire; na—never; ca—also; enam—this soul; kledayanti— moistens; apah—water; na—never; sosayati—dries; marutah—wind.
acchedyah unbreakable; ayam—this soul; adahyah—unable to be burned; ayam—this soul; akledyah—insoluble; asosyah—not able to be dried; eva—certainly; ca—and; nityah—everlasting; sarva-gatah—all-pervading; sthariuh—unchangeable; acalah— immovable; ayam—this soul; sanatanah—eternally the same.
avyaktah—invisible; ayam—this soul; acintyah—inconceivable; ayam—this soul; avikaryah—unchangeable; ayam—this soul; ucyate—is said; tasmat—therefore; evam—like this; viditva— knowing it well; enam—this soul; na—do not; anusocitum—to lament; arhasi—you deserve.
ca—also; enam—this soul; nitya-jatam—always born; nityam—forever; va—either; manyase—you so think; mrtam—dead; tathaapi—still; tvam—you; maha-baho—O mighty- armed one; na—never; enam—about the soul; socitum—to lament; arhasi—deserve.
jatasya—of one who has taken his birth; hi—certainly; dhruvah—a fact; mrtyuh—death; dhruvam—it is also a fact; janma—birth; mrtasya—of the dead; ca—also; tasmat—therefore; apariharye—of that which is unavoidable; arthe—in the matter; na—do not; tvam— you; socitum—to lament; arhasi—deserve.
avyakta-adini—in the beginning unmanifested; bhutani—all that are created; vyakta—manifested; madhyani—in the middle; bharata—O descendant of Bharata; avyakta—nonmanifested; nidhanani—when vanquished; eva—it is ail like that; tatra— therefore; ka—what; paridevana—lamentation.
ascarya-vat—as amazing; pasyati—sees; kascit—someone; enam— this soul; ascarya-vat—as amazing; vadati—speaks of; tatha—thus; eva—certainly; ca—also; anyah—another; ascarya-vat—similarly amazing; ca—also; enam— this soul; anyah—another; srnoti— hears of; srutva—having heard; api—even; enam—this soul; veda— knows; na—never; ca—and; eva—certainly; kascit—someone.
dehi—the owner of the material body; nityam—eternally; avadhyah—cannot be killed; ay am—this soul; dehe—in the body; sarvasya—of everyone; bharata—O descendant of Bharata; tasmat therefore; sarvani—all; bhutani—living entities (that are born); na—never; tvam—you; socitum—to lament; arhasi—deserve.
sva-dharmam—one’s own religious principles; api—also; ca— indeed; aveksya—considering; na—never; vikampitum—to hesi¬tate; arhasi—you deserve; dharmyat—for religious principles; hi—indeed; yuddhat—than fighting; sreyah—better engagement; anyat—any other; ksatriyasya—of the ksatriya; na—does not; vidyate—exist.
yadrcchaya—by its own accord; ca—also; upapannam—arrived at; dvaram—door; apdvrtam—wide open; sukhinah—very happy; ksatriyah—the members of the royal order; partha—O son of Prtha; labhante—do achieve; yuddham— war; idrsam—like this.
cet—if; tvam—you; imam—this; dharmyam—as a religious duty; sahgramam—fighting; na—do not; karisyasi— perform; tatah—then; sva-dharmam—your religious duty; kirtim— reputation; ca—also; hitva—losing; papam—sinful reaction; avapsyasi—will gain.
akirtim—infamy; ca—also; api—over and above; bhutani—all peo¬ple; kathayisyanti—will speak; te—of you; sambhavitasya—for a respectable man; ca—also; akirtih—ill fame; maranat—than death; atiricyate—becomes more.
bhayat—out of fear; randt—from the battlefield; uparatam— ceased; mamsyante—they will consider; tvam—you; maha- rathah—the great generals; yesam—for whom; ca—also; tvam—you; bahu-malah—va great estimation; bhutva—having been; yasyasi—you will go; laghavam—decreased in value.
avacya—unkind; vadan—fabricated words; ca—also; bahun— many; vadisyanti—will say; tava—your; ahitah—enemies; nindantahi—while vilifying; tava—your; samarthyam—ability; tat ah—than that; duhkha-taram—more painful; nu—of course; kim—what is there.
hatah—being killed; va—either; prapsyasi—you gain; svargam— the heavenly kingdom; jitva—by conquering; va—or; bhoksyase— you enjoy; mahim—the world; tasmat—therefore; uttistha—get up; kaunteya—O son of KuntI; yuddhaya—to fight; krta—determined; niscayah—in certainty.
sukha—happiness; duhkhe—and distress; same—in equanimity;) krtva—doing so; labha-alabhau—both profit and loss; jaya- ajayau—both victory and defeat; tatah—thereafter; yuddhaya—for the sake of fighting; yujyasva—engage (fight); na—never; evam—in this way; papam—sinful reaction; avapsyasi—you will gain.
esa—all this; te—unto you; abhihita—described; sahkhye—in analytical study; buddhih—intelligence; yoge— in work without fruitive result; tu— but; imam— this; srnu—just hear; buddhya—by intelligence; yuktah—dovetailed; yaya—by which; partha—O son of Prtha; karma-bandham—bondage of reaction; prahasyasi—you can be released from.
na—there is not; iha—in this yoga; abhikrama—in endeavoring; nasah—loss; asti—there is; pratyavayah—diminution; na—never; vidyate—there is; su-alpam—a little; api—although; asya of this; dharmasya—occupation; tray ate—releases; mahatah—from very great; bhayat—danger.
vyavasaya-atmika—resolute in Krsna consciousness; buddhih—in-telligence; eka—only one; iha—in this world; kuru-nandana— O beloved child of the Kurus; bahu-sakhah—having various branches; hi—indeed; ca—also; buddhayah— intelligence; avyavasayinam—of those who are not in Krsna consciousness.
yam imam—all these; puspitam—flowery; vacam—words; pra- vadanti—say; avipascitah—men with a poor fund of knowledge; veda-vada-ratah—supposed followers of the Vedas; part ha—O son of Prtha; na—never; anyat—anything else;

iti—thus; vadinah—the advocates; kama-atmanah—desirous of sense gratification; svarga-parah—aiming to achieve heavenly planets; janma- karma-phala-pradam—resulting in good birth and other fruitive reactions; kriya-visesa—pompous ceremonies; bahulam—various; bhoga—in sense enjoyment; aisvarya—and opulence; gatim— progress;
bhoga to material enjoyment; aisvarya—and opulence; prasaktanam for those who are attached; taya—by such things; apahrta-cetasam—bewildered in mind; vyavasaya-atmika—fixed in determination; buddhih—devotional service to the Lord; samadhau—in the controlled mind; na—never; vidhiyate—does take place.
trai-gunya—pertaining to the three modes of material nature; visayah—on the subject matter; vedah—Vedic literatures; nistrai-gunyah—transcendental to the three modes of material nature; bhava—be; arjuna—O Arjuna; nirdvandvah—without duality; nitya-sattva-sthah—in a pure state of spiritual existence; niryoga- ksemah—free from ideas of gain and protection; atma-van— established in the self.
yavan all that; art hah—is meant; uda-pane—in a well of water; sarvatah in all respects; sampluta-udake—in a great reservoir of water, tavan similarly; sarvesu—in all; vedesu—Vedic literatures; brahmanasya—of the man who knows the Supreme Brahman; vijanatah—who is in complete knowledge.
karmani—in prescribed duties; eva—certainly; adhikdrah—right; te—of you; ma—never; phalesu—in the fruits; kaddcana—at any time; ma—never; karma-phala—in the result of the work;
bhuh—become; ma—never; te—of you; sahgah— attachment; astu—there should be; akarmani—in not doing prescribed duties.
yoga-sthah—equipoised; kuru—perform; karmani—your duties; sangam—attachment; tyaktva—giving up; dhananjaya—O Arjuna; siddhi-asiddhyoh—in success and failure; samah—equipoised;bhutva—becoming; samatvam—equanimity; yogah—yoga; ucyate— is called.
durena-discard it at a long distance; hi—certainly; avaram— abominable; karma—activity; buddhi-yogat—on the strength of Krsna consciousness; dhananjaya—O conqueror of wealth; buddhau—in such consciousness; saranam—full surrender; anviccha—try for; krpanah—misers; phala-hetavah—those desiring fruitive results.
buddhi-yuktah—one who is engaged in devotional service; ja-hati—can get rid of; iha—in this life; ubhe—both; sukfta-duskrte— good and bad results; tasmat—therefore; yogaya—for the sake of devotional service; yujyasva—be so engaged; yogafy—Krsna consciousness; karmasu—in all activities; kausalam—art.
karma-jam—due to fruitive activities; buddhi-yuktah—being engaged in devotional service; hi—certainly;phalam—results; tyaktva— giving up; manisinah—great sages or devotees; janma-bandha— from the bondage of birth and death; vinirmuktah—liberated; gacchanti—they reach; anamayam—without miseries.
yada—when; te—your; moha—of illusion; kalilam—dense forest; buddhih—transcendental service with intelligence; vyatitarisyati— surpasses; tadd—at that time; ganta asi—you shall go; nirvedam— callousness; srotavyasya—toward all that is to be heard; srutasya— all that is already heard; ca—also.
sruti—of Vedic revelation; vipratipanna—without being influenced by the fruitive results; te—your; yada—when; sthasyati—remains; niscala—unmoved; samadhau—in transcendental consciousness, or Krsna consciousness; acala—unflinching; buddhih—intelligence; yogam—self-realization; avapsyasi—you will achieve.
sthita-prajnasya—of one who is situated in fixed Krsna consciousness; ka—what; bhasa—language; samadhi-sthasya—of one situated in trance; sthita-dhih—one fixed in Krsna consciousness; kim—what; prabhaseta—speaks; kim—how; asita—does remain still; vrajeta— walks; kim—how.
prajahati—gives up, yada—when; kaman—desires for sense gratifi-cation; sarvan—of all varieties; partha—O son of Prtha; manah-gatan—of mental concoction; atmani—in the pure state of the soul; eva—certainly; atmana—by the purified mind; tustah—satisfied; sthita-prajnah—transcendentally situated; ucyate—is said.
duhkhesu—in the threefold miseries; anudvigna-manah—without being agitated in mind; sukhesu—in happiness; vigata-sprhah— without being interested; vita—free from; raga—attachment; bhaya—fear; krodhah—and anger; sthita-dhih—whose mind is steady; munih—a sage; ucyate—is called.
yah—one who; sarvatra—everywhere; anabhisnehah—without affection; tat—that; tat—that; prapya—achieving; asubham—evil; na—never; abhinandati—praises; na—never; dvesti—envies; tasya—his; prajna—perfect knowledge; pratisthita—fixed.
yada—when; samharate—winds up; ca—also; ayam—he; kur- mah—tortoise; ahgani—limbs; iva—like; sarvasah—altogether; indriyani—senses; indriya-arthebhyah—from the sense objects; tasya—his; prajna—consciousness; pratisthita—fixed.
visayah—objects for sense enjoyment; vinivartante—are practiced to be refrained from;
niraharasya—by negative restrictions; dehinah—for the embodied;
rasa-varjam—giving up the taste; rasah—sense of enjoyment; api—although there is; asya—his;
param—far superior things; drstva—by experiencing; nivartate—he ceases from.
yatatah—while endeavoring; hi—certainly; api—in spite of; kaunteya—O son of KuntI; purusasya—of a man; vipascitah—full of discriminating knowledge; indriyani—the senses; pramathini— agitating; haranti—throw; prasabham—by force; manah—the mind.
tani—those senses; sarvarii—all; samyamya—keeping under control; yuktah—engaged; asita—should be situated; mat-parah—in relationship with Me; vase—in full subjugation; hi—certainly; yasya—one whose; indriyani—senses; tasya—his; prajna— consciousness; pratisthita—fixed.
dhyayatah—while contemplating; visayan—sense objects; pumsah—of a person; sahgah—attachment; tesu—in the sense objects; upajayate—develops; sangat—from attachment; sanjayate—de¬velops; kamah—desire; kamat—from desire; krodhah—anger; abhijayate—becomes manifest.
krodhat—from anger; bhavati—takes place; sammohah—perfect illusion; sammohat—from illusion; smrti—of memory; vi- bhramah—bewilderment; smrti-bhramsat—after bewilderment of memory; buddhi-nasah—loss of intelligence; buddhi-nasat—and from loss of intelligence; pranasyati—one falls down.
raga – attachment; dvesa—and detachment; vimuktaih—by one who has become free from; tu—but; visayan— sense objects; indriyaih—by the senses; caran— acting upon; atma-vasyaih— under one’s control; vidheya-atma—one who follows regulated freedom; prasadam— the mercy of the Lord; adhigacchati—attains.
prasade—on achievement of the causeless mercy of the Lord; sarva—of all; duhkhanam—material miseries; hanih—destruction; asya—his; upajayate—takes place; prasanna-cetasah—of the happy-minded; hi—certainly; asu—very soon; buddhih—intelligence; pari—sufficiently; avatisthate—becomes established.
na asti—there cannot be; buddhih—transcendental intelligence; ayuktasya—of one who is not connected (with Krsna consciousness); na—not; ca—and; ayuktasya—of one devoid of Krsna consciousness; bhavana—fixed mind (in happiness); na—not; ca—and; abhavayatah—of one who is not fixed; santih—peace; asantasya— of the unpeaceful; kutah—where is; sukham—happiness.
indriyanam—of the senses; hi—certainly; caratam -while roaming; yat—with which; manah—the mind; anuvidhiyate—becomes con¬stantly engaged; tat—that; asya—his; harati—takes away; prajnam—intelligence; vayuh—wind; navam—a boat; iva—like; ambhasi—on the water.
tasmat—therefore; yasya—whose; maha-baho—O mighty-armed one; nigrhitani—so curbed down; sarvasah—all around; indriyani – the senses; indriya-arthebhyah—from sense objects; tasya—his; prajna—intelligence; pratisthita—fixed.
ya—what; nisa—is night; sarva—all; bhutanam—of living entities; tasyam—in that; jagarti—is wakeful; samyami—the self-controlled; yasyam—in which; jagrati—are awake; bhutani—all beings; sa— that is; nisa—night; pasyatah—for the introspective; muneh—sage.
apuryamanam—always being filled; acala-pratistham—steadily situated; samudram—the ocean; apah—waters; pravisanti—enter; yadvat—as; tadvat—so; kamah—desires; yam—unto whom; pravisanti—enter; sarve—all; sah—that person; santim—peace; apnoti—achieves; na—not; kama-kami—one who desires to fulfill desires.
vihaya—giving up; kaman—material desires for sense gratification; yah—who; sarvan—all; puman—a person; carati—lives; nihsprhah—desireless; nirmamah—without a sense of proprietorship; nirahankarah—without false ego; sah—he; santim—perfect peace; adhigacchati—attains.
esa—this; brahtni—spiritual; sthitih—situation; partha—O son of Prtha; na never; enam—this; prapya—achieving; vimuhyati—one is bewildered; sthitva—being situated; asyam—in this; anta-kale—at the end of life; api—also; brahma-nirvanam—the spiritual kingdom of God; rcchati—one attains.
arjunah uvaca—Arjuna said; jyayasi—better; cet—if; karmanah— than fruitive action; te—by You; mata—is considered; buddhih— intelligence; janardana—O Krsna; tat—therefore; kim—why; karmani—in action; ghore—ghastly; mam—me; niyojayasi—You are engaging; kesava—O Krsna.
vyamisrena—by equivocal; iva—certainly; vakyena—words; buddhim—intelligence; mohayasi—You are bewildering; iva— certainly; me—my; tat—therefore; ekam—only one; vada— please tell; niscitya—ascertaining; yena—by which; sreyah—real benefit; aham—I; apnuyam—may have.
loke—in the world; asmin—this; dvi-vidha—two kinds of; nistha— faith; pura—formerly; prokta—were said; maya—by Me; anagha— O sinless one; jnana-yogena—by the linking process of knowledge; sahkhyanam—of the empiric philosophers; karma-yogena—by the linking process of devotion; yoginam—of the devotees.
na—not; karmanam—of prescribed duties; anarambhat—by non- performance; naiskarmyam—freedom from reaction; purusah—a man; asnute—achieves; na—nor; ca—also; sannyasanat—by renun¬ciation; eva—simply; siddhim—success; samadhigacchati—attains.
hi—certainly; kascit—anyone; ksanam—a moment;

jatu—at any time, ever
lac, bitumen
जातु adv. jAtu perhaps
जातु n. jAtu knee
जतुका f. jatukA bat
जतुकी f. jatukI bitumen
जतुक्य-अभिपूर m. jatukya-abhipUra bituminous grout
रुधिर – चुष – जतू f. rudhira – cuSa – jatU bloodsucking bat
अस्य जतुलेपं कारयन्तु sent. asya jatulepaM kArayantu Get this vessel gilted.
जातु adverb jAtu at all
जातु adverb jAtu ever
जतु f. jatu bat
जातु ind. jAtu not at all
जातु ind. jAtu once
जातु ind. jAtu once upon a time
जातु ind. jAtu by no means
जातु ind. jAtu possibly
जातु ind. jAtu never
जातु ind. jAtu some day
जतु m. jatu rubber
जतु n. jatu gum
जतु n. jatu lac
जतुका f. jatukA cockroach
जतुका f. jatukA lac
जातुक m. jAtuka plant from which Asa foetida is obtained [Ferula Asa Foetida – Bot.] जतुक n. jatuka gum
जतुक n. jatuka Asa foetida [Ferula Asa Foetida – Bot.] जातुक n. jAtuka Asa foetida [Ferula Asa Foetida – Bot.] जतुक n. jatuka lac
जातुष adj. jAtuSa See also jAtuka
जातुष adj. jAtuSa adhesive
जातुष adj. jAtuSa made of or covered with lac or gum
जतुकृत् f. jatukRt kind of Oldenlandia [Oldenlandia – Bot.] जतुकृत् f. jatukRt lac-maker
न जातु indecl. na jAtu never
जतुगृह n. jatugRha house plastered with lac and other combustible substances
जतुगृह n. jatugRha place of torture
जतुकारि f. jatukAri red lac
जतुमणि m. jatumaNi lac-jewel
जतुमणि m. jatumaNi mole
जतुमय adj. jatumaya plastered with lac
जतुरस m. jaturasa lac
जतुरस m. jaturasa lac-juice
जतूकर्ण m. jatUkarNa bat-eared
जतुमुख m. jatumukha kind of rice
जतुमुख m. jatumukha lac-faced
जातूष्ठिर adj. jAtUSThira ever solid
जातूष्ठिर adj. jAtUSThira never yielding
जातूभर्मन् adj. jAtUbharman ever nourishing or protecting
जतुपुत्रक m. jatuputraka lac-figure
जतुपुत्रक m. jatuputraka man at chess or backgammon

akarma-krt—without doing something; karyate—is forced to do; hi—certainly; avasah— helplessly; karma—work; sarvah—all; prakrti-jaih—born of the modes of material nature; gunaih—by the qualities.
karma-indriyayi—the five working sense organs; samyamya— controlling; yah—anyone who; aste—remains; manasa—by the mind; smaran— thinking of; indriya-arthdn—sense objects; vimudha—foolish; alma—soul; mithya-acarah—pretender; sah— he; ucyate—is called.
yah—one who; tu—but; indriyani—the senses; manasa by the mind; niyamya—regulating; arabhate—begins; arjuna—O Arjuna; karma-indr iyaih—by the active sense organs; karma-yogam devotion; asaktah—without attachment; sah—he; visisyate is by far the better.
niyatam—prescribed; kuru—do; karma—duties; tvam—you; karma—work; jyayah—better; hi—certainly; akarmanah—than no work; sarira—bodily; yatra—maintenance: api—even; ca—also; te—your; na—never; prasiddhyet—is effected; akarmanah— without work.
yajha-arthat—done only for the sake of Yajna, or Visnu; karmanah—than work; anyatra—otherwise; lokah—world; ay am— this; karma-bandhanah—bondage by work; tat—of Him; artham— for the sake; karma—work; kaunteya—O son of Kunti; mukta-sangah—liberated from association; samacara—do perfectly.
saha—along with; yajnah—sacrifices; prajah—generations; srs- tvci creating; pura—anciently; uvaca—said; praja-patih—the Lord of creatures; anena—by this; prasavisyadhvam—be more and more prosperous; esah—this; vah—your; astu—let it be; ista—of all desirable things; kama-dhuk—bestower.
devan—demigods; bhavayata—having pleased; anena—by this sac-rifice; te—those; devah—demigods; bhavayantu—will please; vah— you; parasparam—mutually; bhavayantah—pleasing one another; sreyah—benediction; param—the supreme; avapsyatha—you will achieve.
istan—desired; bhogan—necessities of life; hi—certainly; vah— unto you; devah—the demigods; dasyante—will award; yajna-bhavitah—being satisfied by the performance of sacrifices; taih—by them; dattan—things given; apradaya—without offering; ebhyah— to these demigods; yah—he who; bhunkte—enjoys; stenah—thief; eva—certainly; sah—he.
yajna-sista—of food taken after performance of yajna; asinah— eaters; santah—the devotees; mucyante—get relief; sarva—all kinds of; kilbisaih—from sins; bhunjate—enjoy; te—they; tu—but; agham—grievous sins;papah—sinners; ye—who;pacanti—prepare food; atma-karanat—for sense enjoyment.
annat—from grains; bhavanti—grow; bhutdni—the material bodies; parjanyat—from rains; anna—of food grains; sambhavah— production; yajnat—from the performance of sacrifice; bhavati— becomes possible; parjanyah—rain; yajnah—performance of yajha; karma—prescribed duties; samudbhavah—bom of.
karma—work; brahma—from the Vedas; udbhavam—produced; viddhi—you should know; brahma—the Vedas; aksara—from the Supreme Brahman (Personality of Godhead); samudbhavam—direct¬ly manifested; tasmat—therefore; sarva-gatam—all-pervading; brahma—transcendence; nityam—eternally; yajhe—in sacrifice; pratisthitam—situated.
evam—thus; pravartitam—established by the Vedas; cakram— cycle; na—does not; anuvartayati— adopt; iha—in this life; yah— one who; agha-ayuh—whose life is full of sins; indriya-aramah—satisfied in sense gratification; mogham—uselessly; partha—O son of Prtha (Arjuna); sah—he; jivati—lives.
yah—one who; tu—but; atma-ratih—taking pleasure in the self; eva—certainly; syat—remains; atma-trptah—self-illuminated; ca— and; manavah—a man; atmani—in himself; eva—only; ca—and; santustah—perfectly satiated; tasya—his; karyam—duty; na—does not; vidyate—exist.
na—never; eva—certainly; tasya—his; krtena—by discharge of duty; arthah—purpose; na—nor; akrtena—without discharge of duty; iha—in this world; kascana—whatever; na—never; ca—and; asya—of him; sarva-bhutesu—among all living beings; kascit—any; artha—purpose; vyapasrayah—taking shelter of.
tasmat—therefore; asaktah—without attachment; satatam— constantly; karyam—as duty; karma—work; samacara—perform; asaktah—unattached; hi—certainly; acaran—performing; karma— work; param—the Supreme; apnoti—achieves; purusah—a man.
karmana—by work; eva—even; hi—certainly; samsiddhim—in per-fection; asthitah—situated; janaka-adayah—Janaka and other kings; loka-sahgraham—the people in general; eva

sampasyan—considering; kartum—to act; arhasi—you deserve.
yat yat—whatever; acarati—he does; sresthah—a respectable leader; tat—that; tat—and that alone; eva—certainly; itarah— common; janah—person; sah—he; yat—whichever; pramanam— example; kurute—does perform; lokah—all the world; tat—that; anuvartate—follows in the footsteps.

na—not; me—Mine; part ha—O son of Prtha; asti—there is; kartavyam—prescribed duty; trisu—in the three; lokesu—planetary systems; kincana—any; na—nothing; anavaptam—wanted; avap-tavyam—to be gained; varte—I am engaged; eva—certainly; ca—also; karmarii—in prescribed duty.
yadi—if; hi—certainly; aham—I; na—do not; varteyam—thus engage; karmani—in the performance of prescribed duties; atandritah—with great care; mama—My; vartma—path; anuvartante -would follow; manusyah—all men; partha—O son of Pftha; sarvasah—in all respects.
utsideyuh—would be put into ruin; ime—all these; lokah—worlds; na—not; kuryam—1 perform; karma—prescribed duties; cet—if; aham—I; sahkarasya—of unwanted population; ca—and; karta— creator; syam—would be; upahanyam—would destroy; imah—all these; prajah—living entities.
saktah—being attached; karmani—in prescribed duties; avid- vamsah—the ignorant; yatha—as much as; kurvanti—they do; bharata—O descendant of Bharata; kuryat—must do; vidvan—the learned; tatha—thus; asaktah—without attachment; cikirsuh— desiring to lead; loka-sahgraham—the people in general.
na—not; buddhi-bhedam—disruption of intelligence; janayet—he should cause; ajnanam—of the foolish; karma-sanginam—who are attached to fruitive work; josayet—he should dovetail; sarva—all; karmani—work; vidvan—a learned person; yuktah—engaged; samacaran—practicing.
prakrteh—of material nature: kriyamanani—being done; gunaih— by the modes; karmani—activities; sarvasah—all kinds of; ahankara-vimudha—bewildered by false ego; atma—the spirit soul; karta—doer; aham—I; iti—thus; manyate—he thinks.
tattva-vit—the knower of the Absolute Truth; tu—but; maha- baho—O mighty-armed one; guna-karma—of works under material influence; vibhagayoh—differences; gunah—senses; gunesu— in sense gratification; vartante—are being engaged; iti—thus; matva—thinking; na—never; sajjate—becomes attached.
prakrteh—of material nature; guna—by the modes; sammudhdh— befooled by material identification; sajjante—they become engaged; guna-karmasu—in material activities; tan—those; akrtsna-vidah— persons with a poor fund of knowledge; mandan—lazy to understand self-realization; krtsna-vit—one who is in factual knowledge; na—not; vicalayet—should try to agitate.
mayi – unto Me; sarvani – all sorts of; karmani – activities; sannyasya – giving up completely; adhyatma – with full knowledge of the self; cetasa – by consciousness; nirasih – without desire for profit; nirmamah—without ownership; bhulva—so being; yudhyasva—fight; vigata-jvarah—without being lethargic.
ye—those who; me—My; matam—injunctions; idam—these; nityam—as an eternal function; anutisfhanti—execute regularly; manav-jp—human beings; sraddha-vantah—with faith and devotion; anazuyantah—without envy; mucyante—become free; te—all of them; karmabhih—from the bondage of the law of fruitive actions.
ye—those; tu—however; etat—this; abhyasuyantah—out of envy; na—do not; anutisthanti—regularly perform; me—My; matam— injunction; sarva-jhdna—in all sorts of knowledge; vimudhdn— perfectly befooled; tan—they are; viddhi—know it well; nastan—all ruined; acetasah—without Krsna consciousness.
sadrsam—accordingly; cestate—tries; svasyah—by his own; prakrteh—modes of nature; jhana-van—learned; prakrtim—nature; yanti—undergo; bhutani—all living entities; nigrahah—repression; kim—what; karisyati—can do.
indriyasya—of the senses; indr iy asya art he—in the sense objects;
raga—attachment; dvesau—also detachment; vyavasthitau—put under regulations;
tayoh—of them; na—never; vasam—control; agacchet— one should come;
tau—those; hi—certainly; asya—his; paripantinau—stumbling blocks.
sreyan—far better; sva-dharmah—one’s prescribed duties; vigunah—even faulty;
para-dharmat—than duties mentioned for others; su-anusthitat—perfectly done;
sva-dharme—in one’s prescribed duties; nidhanam—destruction; sreyah—better;
para- dharmah—duties prescribed for others; bhaya-avahah—dangerous.
arjunah uvaca—Arjuna said; kena—by what; prayuktah—impelled; ayam—one; papam—sins; carati—does; purusah—a man; anicchan—without desiring; varsneya—O descendant of Vrsni; balat—by force; iva—as if; niyojitah—engaged.
kamah— lust; esah—this; krodhah—wrath; esah—this; rajah-guna—the mode of passion; samudbhavah—born of; maha-asanah—all- devouring; maha-papma—greatly sinful; viddhi—know; enam— this; iha—in the material world; vairinam—greatest enemy.
dhumena—by smoke; avriyate—is covered; vahnih—fire; yatha— just as; adarsah—mirror; malena—by dust; ca—also; yatha—just as; ulbena—by the womb; avrtah—is covered; garbhah—embryo; tatha—so; tena—by that lust; idam—this; avrtam—is covered.
avrtam—covered; jnanam—pure consciousness; etena—by this; jfianinan—of the knower; nitya-vairina—by the eternal enemy; kama-rupena—in the form of lust; kaunteya—O son of Kunti; duspurena—never to be satisfied; analena—by the fire; ca—also.
indriyani—the senses; manah—the mind; buddhih—the intelligence; asya—of this lust; adhisthanam—sitting place; ucyate— is called; etaih—by all these; vimohayati—bewilders; esah—this lust; jnanam—knowledge; avrtya—covering; dehinam—of the embodied.
tasmat—therefore; tvam—you; indriyani—senses; adau—in the beginning; niyamya—by regulating; bharata-rsabha—O chief amongst the descendants of Bharata; papmanam—the great symbol of sin; prajahi—curb; hi—certainly; enam—this; jnana—of knowledge; vijnana—and scientific knowledge of the pure soul; nasanam—the destroyer.
indriyani—senses; parani—superior; ahuh—are said; indriyebhyah—more than the senses; param—superior; manah—the mind; manasah—more than the mind; tu—also; para—superior; bud- dhih—intelligence; yah—who; buddheh—more than the intelli¬gence; paratah—superior; tu—but; sah—he.
evam—thus; buddheh—to intelligence; param—superior; buddh¬va—knowing; samstabhya—by steadying; atmanam -the mind; atmana—by deliberate intelligence; jahi—conquer; satrum—the enemy; maha-baho—0 mighty-armed one; kama-rupam—in the form of lust; durasadam—formidable.
imam—this; vivasvate—unto the sun-god; yogam—the science of one’s relationship to the Supreme; proktavan—instructed; aham—I; vivasvan—Vivasvan (the sun-god’s name); manave—unto the father of mankind (of the name Vaivasvata); praha—told; manuh—the father of mankind; iksvakave—unto King Iksvaku; abravit—said.
evam—thus; parampara—by disciplic succession; praptam— received; imam—this science; raja-rsayah—the saintly kings; viduh—understood; sah—that knowledge; kalena—in the course of time; iha—in this world; mahata—great; yogah—the science of one’s relationship with the Supreme; nastah— scattered;
sah—the same; eva—certainly; ayam—this; maya—by Me; te—unto you; adya—today; yogah—the science of yoga; proktah—spoken; puratanah—very old; bhaktah—devotee; asi—you are; me—My; sakha—friend; ca—also; iti—therefore; hi— certainly; etat—this; uttamam—transcendental.
arjunah uvaca—Arjuna said; aparam—junior; bhavatah—Your; janma—birth; param—superior; janma—birth; vivasvatah—of the sun-god; katham—how; etat—this; vijaniyam—shall I understand; tvam—You; adau—in the beginning; proktavan—instructed; iti—thus.
bahuni— many; me—of Mine; vyatitani—have passed; janmani—births; tava—of yours; ca—and also; arjuna—O Ariuna; tani—those; aham—I; veda—do know; sarvani—all; na—not; tvam—you; vettha—know;
ajah—unborn; san—being so; atma—body; bhutanam—of all those who are born; isvarah—the Supreme Lord; san -being so; prakrtim—in the transcendental form; svam—of Myself; adhisthaya—being so situated; sambhavami— I do incarnate; atma- mayaya—by My internal energy.
yada yada—whenever and wherever; hi—certainly; dharmasya—of religion; glanih—discrepancies; bhavati—become manifested; bharata—O descendant of Bharata; abhyutthanam—predominance; adharmasya—of irreligion; atmanam—self; srjami—manifest; aham—I.
paritranaya—for the deliverance; sadhunam—of the devotees; vinasaya—for the annihilation; ca—and; duskrtam—of the miscreants; dharma—principles of religion; samsthapana-arthaya—to reestablish; sambhavami—I do appear; yuge—millennium; yuge— after millennium.
janma—birth; karma—work; ca—also; me—of Mine; divyam— transcendental; evam—like this; yah—anyone who; vetti—knows; tattvatah—in reality; tyaktva—leaving aside; deham—this body; punah—again; janma—birth; na—never; eti—does attain; mam— unto Me; eti—does attain; sah—he; arjuna—O Arjuna.
vita—freed from; raga—attachment; bhaya—fear; krodhah—and anger; mat-maya—fully in Me; mam—in Me; upasritah—being fully situated; bahavah—many; jnana—of knowledge; tapasa—by the penance; putah—being purified; mat-bhavam—transcendental love for Me; agatah—attained.
ye — all who; yatha — as; mam — unto Me; prapadyante — surrender; tan — them; tatha — so; bhajami — reward; aham — I; mama — My; vartma — path; anuvartante — follow; manusyah — all men; partha— O son of Prtha; sarvasah — in all respects.
kanksantah—desiring; karmanam—of fruitive activities; siddhim— perfection; yajante—they worship by sacrifices; iha—in the material world; devatah—the demigods; ksipram—very quickly; hi— certainly; manuse—in human society; loke—within this world; siddhih—success; bhavati—comes; karma-ja—from fruitive work.
catuh-varnyam—the four divisions of human society; maya—by Me; srstam—created; guna—of quality; karma—and work; vibhagasah—in terms of division; tasya—of that; kartaram—the father; mam—Me; viddhi—you may know; akartaram—as the nondoer;
na—never; mam—Me; karmani—all kinds of work; limpanti—do affect; na—nor; me—My; karma-phale—in fruitive action; sprha— aspiration; iti—thus; mam—Me; yah—one who; abhijanati—does know; karmabhih—by the reaction of such work; na—never; sah— he; badhyate—becomes entangled.
evam—thus; jnatva—knowing well; krtam—was performed; karma—work; purvaih—by past authorities;; mumuksubhih—who attained liberation; kuru—just perform; karma—prescribed duty; eva—certainly; tasmat—therefore; tvam—you;purvaih—by the predecessors;purva-taram—in ancient times; krtam—as performed.
kim—what is; karma—action; kim—what is; akarma—inaction; iti—thus; kavayah—the intelligent; atra—in this matter; mohitah—are bewildered; tat—that; te—unto you; karma—work; pravaksyami—I shall explain; yat—which; jnatva—knowing; moksyase—you will be liberated; asubhat—from ill fortune.
karmanah—of work; hi—certainly; boddhavyam—should be understood; boddhavyam—should be understood; ca—also; vikarmanah—of forbidden work; akarmanah—of inaction; ca—also;
boddhavyam—should be understood; gahana—very difficult; karmanah—of work; gatih—entrance.
karmani—in action; akarma—inaction; yah—one who; pasyet— observes; akarmani—in inaction; ca—also; karma—fruitive action; yah—one who; sah—he; buddhi-man—is intelligent; manusyesu—in human society; sah—he; yuktah—is in the transcendental position; krtsna-karma-krt—although engaged in all activities.
yasya—one whose; sarve—all sorts of; samarambhah—attempts; fcawa—based on desire for sense gratification; varjitah—are devoid of; jnana—of perfect knowledge; agni—by the fire; dagdha—burned; karmariam—whose work; ahuh—declare; panditam—learned; budhah—those who know.

kalpa, a period of time.
Same name, the customary proceedings of yajnas.
See articles

tyaktva—having given up; karma-phala-asahgam—attachment for fruitive results; nitya—always; trptah—being satisfied; nirasrayah— without any shelter; karmani—in activity; abhipravrttah—being fully engaged; api—in spite of; na—does not; eva—certainly; kincit—anything; karoti—do; sah—he.
nirasih—without desire for the result; yata—controlled; citta- atma—mind and intelligence; tyakta—giving up; sarva—all; parigrahah—sense of proprietorship over possessions; sariram—in keeping body and soul together;

karma—work; kurvan—doing; na—never; apnoti—does acquire; kilbisam—sinful reactions.
yadrccha—out of its own accord; labha—with gain; santustah— satisfied; dvandva—duality; a tit ah—surpassed; vimatsarah—free from envy; samah—steady; siddhau—in success; asiddhau—failure; ca—also; krtva—doing; api—although; na—never; nibadhyate— becomes affected.
gata-sangasya—of one unattached to the modes of material nature; muktasya—of the liberated; jnana-avasthita—situated in tran¬scendence; cetasah—whose wisdom; yajnaya—for the sake of Yajna (Krsna); acaratah—acting; karma—work; samagram—in total; praviliyate—merges entirely.
brahma—spiritual in nature; arpanam—contribution; brahma—the Supreme; havih—butter; brahma—spiritual; agnau- -in the fire of consummation; brahmana—by the spirit soul; hutam—offered; brahma—spiritual kingdom; eva—certainly; tena by him; gantavyam—to be reached; brahma—spiritual; karma —in activities; samadhina—by complete absorption.
daivam—in worshiping the demigods; eva—like this; apare—some others; yajnam—sacrifices; yoginah—mystics; paryupasate—wor¬ship perfectly; brahma—of the Absolute Truth; agnau—in the fire; apare—others; yajham—sacrifice; yajhena—by sacrifice; eva—thus; upajuhvati—offer.
srotra-adini—such as the hearing process; indriyani—senses; anye—others; samyama—of restraint; agnisu—in the fires; juhvati—offer; sabda-adin—sound vibration, etc.; visayan—objects of sense gratification; anye—others; indriya—of the sense organs; agnisu—in the fires; juhvati—they sacrifice.
sarvani—of all; indriya—the senses; karmani—functions; prana- karmani—functions of the life breath; ca—also; apare— others; atma-samyama—of controlling the mind; yoga—the linking process; agnau—in the fire of; juhvati—offer; jhana-dipite—because of the urge for self-realization.
dravya-yajnah — sacrificing one’s possessions; tapah-yajnah — sacrifice in austerities; yoga-yajnah — sacrifice in eightfold mysticism; tatha — thus; apare — others; svadhyaya — sacrifice in the study of the Vedas; jnana-yajnah — sacrifice in advancement of transcendental knowledge; ca — also; yatayah — enlightened persons; samsita-vratah — taken to strict vows.
apane—in the air which acts downward; juhvati—offer; pranam— the air which acts outward; prane—in the air going outward; apanam—the air going downward; tathd—as also; apare—others; prana—of the air going outward; apana—and the air going downward; gatl—the movement; ruddhva—checking; prana-ayama— trance induced by stopping all breathing; parayanah—so inclined; apare—others; niyata—having controlled; aharah—eating; pranan— the outgoing air; pranesu—in the outgoing air; juhvati—sacrifice.
sarve—all; api—although apparently different; eie—these; yajna- vidah—conversant with the purpose of performing sacrifices; yajna- ksapita—being cleansed as the result of such performances; kalmasah—of sinful reactions; yajna-sista—of the result of such performances of yajha; amrta-bhujah—those who have tasted such nectar; yanti—do approach; brahma—the supreme; sanatanam— eternal atmosphere.
na—never; ayam—this; lokah—planet; asti—there is; ayajriasya—for one who performs no sacrifice; kutah—where is; anyah—the other; kuru-sattama—O best amongst the Kurus.
evam—thus; bahu-vidhah—various kinds of; yajhah—sacrifices; vitatah—are spread; brahmanah—of the Vedas; mukhe—through the mouth; karma-jan—born of work; viddhi—you should know; tan—them; sarvan—all; evam—thus; jnatva—knowing; vz- moksyase—you will be liberated.
sreyan—greater; dravya-mayat—of material possessions; yajhat— than the sacrifice; jnana-yajnah—sacrifice in knowledge; sarvam—all; karma—activities; akhilam—in totality; partha—O son of Prtha; jnane—in knowledge; parisamapyate—end.
yat—which; jnatva—knowing; na—never; punah—again; moham— to illusion; evam—like this; yasyasi—you shall fo; pandava—O son of Pantu; yena—by which; bhutani—living entities; atesanti—all; draksyasi—you will see; atmani—in the Supreme Soul; mayi—in Me.
api—even; cet—if; asi—you are; papebhyah—of sinners; sarvebhyah— of all; papa-krt-tamah—the greatest sinner; sarvam—all such sinful reactions; jnana-plavena—by the boat of transcendental knowledge; eva—certainly; vrjinam—the ocean of miseries; santarisyasi—you will cross completely.
yatha—just as; edhamsi—firewood; samiddhah—blazing; agnih— fire; bhasma-sat—ashes; kurute—turns; arjuna—O Arjuna; jnana-agnih—the fire of knowledge; sarva-karmani—all reactions to material activities; bhasma-sat—to ashes; kurute—it turns; tatha—similarly.
na—nothing; hi—certainly Jhanena—with knowledge; sadrsam—in comparison; pavitram—sanctified; iha—in this world; vidyate— exists; tat—that; svayam—himself; yoga—in devotion; sam- siddhah—he who is mature; kalena—in course of time; atmani—in himself; vindati—enjoys.
sraddha-van—a faithful man; labhate—achieves; jnanam— knowledge; tat-parah—very much attached to it; samyata— controlled; indriyah—Senses; jnanam—knowledge; labdhva—having achieved; paratn—transcendental; santim—peace; acirena—very soon; adhigacchati—attains.
ajnah—a fool who has no knowledge in standard scriptures; ca—and; asraddadhanah—without faith in revealed scriptures; ca—also;

atma—a person; vinasyati—falls back; na— never; ayam—in this; lokah—world; asti—there is; na—nor; parah—in the next life; wa—not; sukham—happiness; atmanah—of the person.
yoga—by devotional service in karma-yoga; sannyasta—one who has renounced; karmanam—the fruits of actions; jnana—by knowledge; sanchinna—cut; atma-vantam—situated in the self; na—never; karmani—works; nibadhnanti—do bind; dhananjaya—O conqueror of riches.
tasmat—therefore; ajnana-sambhutam—born of ignorance; hrt-stham—situated in the heart; jnana—of knowledge; asina—by the weapon; atmanah—of the self; chittva—cutting off; enam—this; yogam—in yoga; atistha—be situated; uttistha—stand up to fight; bharata—O descendant of Bharata.
arjunah uvaca — Arjuna said; sannyasam — renunciation; karmanam — of all activities; krsna — O Krsna; punah — again; yogam — devotional service; ca — also; samsasi — You are praising; yat — which; sreyah — is more beneficial; etayoh — of these two; ekam — one; tat — that; me — unto me; su-niscitam — definitely.
sannyasah — renunciation of work; karma-yogah — work in devotion; ca — also; nihsreyasa-karau — leading to the path of liberation; ubhau — both; tayoh — of the two; tu — but; karma-sannyasat — in comparison to the renunciation of fruitive work; karma-yogah — work in devotion; visisyate — is better.
jneyah — should be known; sah — he; sannyasi — renouncer; yah — who; na — never; dvesti — abhors; na — nor; kanksati — desires; nirdvandvah — free from all dualities; hi — certainly; maha-baho — O mighty-armed one; sukham — happily; bandhat — from bondage; pramucyate — is completely liberated.
sankhya — analytical study of the material world; yogau — work in devotional service; prthak — different; balah — the less intelligent; pravadanti — say; na — never; panditah — the learned; ekam — in one; api — even; asthitah — being situated; samyak — complete; ubhayoh — of both; vindate — enjoys; phalam — the result.
yat — what; sankhyaih — by means of Sankhya philosophy; prapyate — is achieved; sthanam — place; tat — that; yogaih — by devotional service; api — also; gamyate — one can attain; ekam — one; sankhyam — analytical study; ca — and; yogam — action in devotion; ca — and; yah — one who; pasyati — sees; sah — he; pasyati — actually sees.
sannyasah — the renounced order of life; tu — but; maha-baho — O mighty-armed one; duhkham — distress; aptum — afflicts one with; ayogatah — without devotional service; yoga-yuktah — one engaged in devotional service; munih — a thinker; brahma — the Supreme; na cirena — without delay; adhigacchati — attains.
yoga-yuktah — engaged in devotional service; visuddha-atma — a purified soul; vijita-atma — self-controlled; jita-indriyah — having conquered the senses; sarva-bhuta — to all living entities; atma-bhuta-atma — compassionate; kurvan api — although engaged in work; na — never; lipyate — is entangled.
na — never; kincit — anything; karomi — I do; yuktah — engaged in the divine consciousness; manyeta — thinks; tattva-vit — one who knows the truth; pasyan — seeing; srnvan — hearing; sprsan — touching; jighran — smelling; asnan — eating; gacchan — going; svapan — dreaming; svasan — breathing; pralapan — talking; visrjan — giving up; grhnan — accepting; unmisan — opening; nimisan — closing; api — in spite of; indriyani — the senses; indriya-arthesu — in sense gratification; vartante — let them be so engaged; dharayan — considering.
brahmani — unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead; adhaya — resigning; karmani — all works; sangam — attachment; tyaktva — giving up; karoti — performs; yah — who; lipyate — is affected; na — never; sah — he; papena — by sin; padma-patram — a lotus leaf; iva — like; ambhasa — by the water.
kayena — with the body; manasa — with the mind; buddhya — with the intelligence; indriyaih — with the senses; api — even; yoginah — Krsna conscious persons; karma — actions; kurvanti — they perform; sangam — attachment; tyaktva — giving up; atma — of the self; suddhaye — for the purpose of purification.
yuktah — one who is engaged in devotional service; karma-phalam — the results of all activities; tyaktva — giving up; santim — perfect peace; apnoti — achieves; naisthikim — unflinching;; kama-karena — for enjoying the result of work; phale — in the result; saktah — attached; nibadhyate — becomes entangled.
sarva — all; karmani — activities; manasa — by the mind; sannyasya — giving up; aste — remains; sukham — in happiness; vasi — one who is controlled; nava-dvare — in the place where there are nine gates; pure — in the city; dehi — the embodied soul; na — never; kurvan — doing anything; na — not; karayan — causing to be done.
na — never; kartrtvam — proprietorship; na — nor; karmani — activities; lokasya — of the people; srjati — creates; prabhuh — the master of the city of the body; na — nor; karma-phala — with the results of activities; samyogam — connection; svabhavah — the modes of material nature; tu — but; pravartate — act.
na — never; adatte — accepts; kasyacit — anyone’s; papam — sin; na — nor; ca — also; su-krtam — pious activities; vibhuh — the Supreme Lord; ajnanena — by ignorance; avrtam — covered; jnanam — knowledge; tena — by that; muhyanti — are bewildered; jantavah — the living entities.
jnanena — by knowledge; tu — but; tat — that; ajnanam — nescience; yesam — whose; nasitam — is destroyed; atmanah — of the living entity; tesam — their; aditya-vat — like the rising sun; jnanam — knowledge; prakasayati — discloses; tat param — Krsna consciousness.
tat-buddhayah — those whose intelligence is always in the Supreme; tat-atmanah — those whose minds are always in the Supreme; tat-nisthah — those whose faith is only meant for the Supreme; tat-parayanah — who have completely taken shelter of Him; gacchanti — go; apunah-avrttim — to liberation; jnana — by knowledge; nirdhuta — cleansed; kalmasah — misgivings.
vidya — with education; vinaya — and gentleness; sampanne — fully equipped; brahmane — in the brahmana; gavi — in the cow; hastini — in the elephant; suni — in the dog; ca — and; sva-pake — in the dog-eater (the outcaste); ca — respectively; panditah — those who are wise; sama-darsinah — who see with equal vision.
iha — in this life; taih — by them; jitah — conquered; sargah — birth and death; yesam — whose; samye — in equanimity; sthitam — situated; manah — mind; nirdosam — flawless; hi — certainly; samam — in equanimity; brahma — like the Supreme; tasmat — therefore; brahmani — in the Supreme; te — they; sthitah — are situated.
na — never; prahrsyet — rejoices; priyam — the pleasant; prapya — achieving; na — does not; udvijet — become agitated; prapya — obtaining; ca — also; apriyam — the unpleasant; sthira-buddhih — self-intelligent; asammudhah — unbewildered; brahma-vit — one who knows the Supreme perfectly; brahmani — in the transcendence; sthitah — situated.
bahya-sparsesu — in external sense pleasure; asakta-atma — one who is not attached; vindati — enjoys; atmani — in the self; yat — that which; sukham — happiness; sah — he; brahma-yoga — by concentration in Brahman; yukta-atma — self-connected; sukham — happiness; aksayam — unlimited; asnute — enjoys.
ye — those; hi — certainly; samsparsa-jah — by contact with the material senses; bhogah — enjoyments; duhkha — distress; yonayah — sources of; te — they are; adi — beginning; anta — end; vantah — subject to; kaunteya — O son of Kunti; na — never; tesu — in those; ramate — takes delight; budhah — the intelligent person.
saknoti — is able; iha eva — in the present body; yah — one who; sodhum — to tolerate; prak — before; sarira — the body; vimoksanat — giving up; kama — desire; krodha — and anger; udbhavam — generated from; vegam — urges; sah — he; yuktah — in trance; sah — he; sukhi — happy; narah — human being.
yah — one who; antah-sukhah — happy from within; antah-aramah — actively enjoying within; tatha — as well as; antah-jyotih — aiming within; yah — anyone; sah — he; yogi — a mystic; brahma-nirvanam — liberation in the Supreme; brahma-bhutah — being self-realized; adhigacchati — attains.
labhante — achieve; brahma-nirvanam — liberation in the Supreme; rsayah — those who are active within; ksina-kalmasah — who are devoid of all sins; chinna — having torn off; dvaidhah — duality; yata-atmanah — engaged in self-realization; sarva-bhuta — for all living entities; hite — in welfare work; ratah — engaged.
kama — from desires; krodha — and anger; vimuktanam — of those who are liberated; yatinam — of the saintly persons; yata-cetasam — who have full control over the mind; abhitah — assured in the near future; brahma-nirvanam — liberation in the Supreme; vartate — is there; vidita-atmanam — of those who are self-realized.
sparsan — sense objects, such as sound; krtva — keeping; bahih — external; bahyan — unnecessary; caksuh — eyes; ca — also; antare — between; bhruvoh — the eyebrows; prana-apanau — up- and down-moving air; samau — in suspension; krtva — keeping; nasa-abhyantara — within the nostrils; carinau — blowing; yata — controlled; indriya — senses; manah — mind; buddhih — intelligence; munih — the transcendentalist; moksa — for liberation; parayanah — being so destined; vigata — having discarded; iccha — wishes; bhaya — fear; krodhah — anger; yah — one who; sada — always; muktah — liberated; sah — he is.Sanskrit notes – 2

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