ŚB 1.14.39
अलब्धमानोऽवज्ञात: किं वा तात चिरोषित: ॥ ३९ ॥
bhraṣṭa-tejā vibhāsi me
alabdha-māno ’vajñātaḥ
kiṁ vā tāta ciroṣitaḥ
My brother Arjuna, please tell me whether your health is all right. You appear to have lost your bodily luster. Is this due to others disrespecting and neglecting you because of your long stay at Dvārakā?
From all angles of vision, the Mahārāja inquired from Arjuna about the welfare of Dvārakā, but he concluded at last that as long as Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa Himself was there, nothing inauspicious could happen. But at the same time, Arjuna appeared to be bereft of his bodily luster, and thus the King inquired of his personal welfare and asked so many vital questions.
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