Jun 22, 2016 — SRIDHAM MAYAPUR (SUN) —
Srila Prabhupada….”So there must be faith, faith in the right person. Then it is all right…. Faith is required, but to the right person. Then it will be all right. You know that one barber is honest: then you can make your neck like this and he is with a sharpened razor. But you have faith that “He will not cut my throat; he will shave me.” This is faith. And if you do not know him and if you put your neck like this and if he is a rogue, he will cut your throat. That’s all.
The same faith, if you put it to the right person, you become cleansed, shaved, and the same faith put in the wrong person—your throat is cut off. So you must know where to put the faith. So our Vedic injunction is: “Put your faith to the brahma-nistam,one who is God-realized”…. Otherwise there will be disaster. Right faith.”
(Morning Walk—November 26, 1975, New Delhi )
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