Jun 28, 2016 — SRIDHAM MAYAPUR (SUN) —
Srila Prabhupada: Modern age means all rascals and fools. So we haven’t got to follow the rascals and fools. You have to follow the most perfect, Krsna.
Paramahamsa: The problem is that everyone is cheating. Everyone is presenting some knowledge of this or that…
Srila Prabhupada: Therefore we have accepted Krsna, who will not cheat. You are cheater, therefore you are believing cheaters. We do not cheat, and we accept a person who does not cheat. That is the difference between you and me.
Ganesa: But we were all cheaters before we came to you, Srila Prabhupada. So how is it that we’re not accepting a cheater? How is it that we cheaters have accepted some knowledge from you?
Srila Prabhupada: Yes, because you are speaking what Krsna said. He is not cheater. He is God. I am talking to you, but not my own knowledge. I am presenting to you what Krsna said. That’s all. Therefore I am not cheater. I might have been a cheater, but since I am talking only the words of Krsna, since then I am not cheater. Krsna says, vedaham samatitani (BG 7.26), “I know past, present and future.” Therefore He is not cheater. But so far we are concerned, we do not know what was the past and what is future. And we do not know perfectly the present also. And if we speak something, then we are cheater. That is cheating.
Our Krsna consciousness movement is that don’t hear the cheaters and don’t try to cheat others. Be honest, and hear from the authority. This is Krsna. Our Krsna consciousness movement is, that don’t hear the cheaters and don’t try to cheat others. Be honest and hear from the authorities. That is Krsna consciousness.
(Morning Walk – May 10, 1975, Perth, Australia)
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