Sri Suka-sari-stava
(Parrots praise Radha and Krsna)
Krsna with Parrot
Painting by Jamini RoyPart Twelve.
Chapter Two
Text 20
vadanyesas trsna-nicaya-cita-cittaih karuna-rad
vipannaih kandarpo yuvati-nikarair mrtyur aribhih
adhisah sad-bhaktaih sahaja-nija-bandhur vraja-janaih
pratitah krsno ‘sav iti vividha-lokair bahu-vidhah
vadanya-of philanthropists; isah-the king; trsna-of thirsts; nicaya-with multitudes; cita-collected; cittaih-whose minds; karuna-of mercy; rat-the monarch; vipannaih-by those who are distressed; kandarpah-cupid; yuvati-of young girls; nikaraih-by hosts; mrtyuh-death; aribhih-by His enemies; adhisah-the Supreme Personality of Godhead; sat-saintly; bhaktaih-by the devotees; sahaja-nija-bandhuh-own relative; vraja-of Vraja; janaih-by the people; pratitah-believed; krsnah-Krsna; asau-this; iti-thus; vividha-various; lokaih-by persons; bahu-in many; vidhah-ways.
Considered the king of philanthropists by those whose hearts are filled with thirst, the king of mercy by the distressed, Kamadeva by the young gopis, death personified by His enemies, the Supreme Lord by the pious devotees, and their own friend and relative by the people of Vraja, Krsna is thought of by different people in different ways.
Text 21
sammukhyat svapaco dvijo ‘sti vimukhas ced yasya vipro ‘ntyajo
yat-premapy amrtayate pranayinam hri-kalakutan api
kirtih krsna-rucin karoti visadi-kurvaty asesan janan
indur yad-virahe ‘gnir agnir amrtam krsnaya tasmai namah
sammukhyat-because of being favorably disposed; scapacah-an outcaste; dvijah-a brahmana; asti-becomes; vimukhah-averse; cet-if; yasya-to whome; viprah-a brahmana; antyajah-becomes an outcaste; yat-for whome; prema-love; api-also; amrtayate-makes into nectar; pranayinam-of those who have love; hri-of humbleness; kalakutan-bitter poison; api-even; kirtih-fame; krsna-for Krsna; rucin-with attraction; karoti-does; visadi-kurvati-makes insignificant; asesan-all other; janan-persons; indhuh-the moon; yat-of whom; viraghe-in the separation; agnih-becomes fire; agnih-fire; amrtam-becomes nectar; krsnaya-to that Lord Krsna; tasmai-to Him; namah-I offer obeisances.
Obeisances to Krsna! By becoming His devotee an outcast becomes a brahmana. If averse to Him, a brahmana becomes a degraded outcast. Love for Him turns the bitter poison of humbleness into the sweetest nectar. His fame attracts everyone to Him and makes everyone else seem insignificant. Separation from Him turns the cooling moon into a blazing fire and a raging fire into nectar moonlight.
Text 22
baki-mukhanam hi harer arinam
daurjanya-vrndany amuna hatanam
sa-hasya-karunya-mukhair gunaughair
giyanta ke ‘dyapy anisam kavindraih
baki-by Putana-mukhanam-headed; hi-certainly; hareh-of Lord Hari; arinam-of the enemies; daurjanya-of wickedness; vrndani-abundance; amuna-by Him; hatanam-killed; sa-hasya-smiling; karunya-mercy; mukhaih-headed by; guna-of transcendental virtues; aughaih-with many floods; giyanta-glorified; ke-that?; adya-today; api-even-anisam-day and night; kavi-indraih-by the best of poets.
If someone claims Lord Krsna was cruel to kill Putana and so many other enemies, then I say why do great poets and philosophers always glorify Him for His smiling compassion and host of virtues?
Text 23
na vapur idam agharer esa krsna-pravaho
na vadanam idam abjam naksini utpale te
na vitatir alakanam seyam esali-mala
sakhi nayana-yuge te dhavatah kim pralubdhe
na-not; vapuh-the form; idam-this; agha-areh-of Lord Krsna, the enemy of Agha; esah-this; krsna-pravahah-the Yamuna river; na-not; vadanam-face; idam-this; abjam-a lotus flower; na-not; aksini-two eyes; utpale-two lotus flowers; te-they; na-not; vitatih-the mass; alakanam-of curling locks of hair; sa-this; iyam-this; esa-this; ali-of bumble-bees; mala-line; sakhi-O gopi-friend; nayana-of eyes; yuge-pair; te-they; dhavatah-run; kim-why?; pralubdhe-greedy.
This is not Krsna’s form. it is the Yamuna river. This is not His face. It is a lotus flower. These are not His eyes. They are two lotus flowers. This is not His curling hair. It is a garland of black bees. O gopi-friend, why do your greedy eyes chase these things?
Text 24
nana-vikaram vraja-subhruvam manah
pravista adau madanas tatana
kalayatah sri-vraja-raja-sunor
vivesa pascan murali-ninadah
nana-various; vikaram-with ecstatic transformations; vraja-of Vraja; subhruvam-of the girls who have beautiful eyebrows; manah-the mind; pravistah-entered; adau-first; madanah-cupid; tatana-expanded; kala-yatah-expertly played; sri-vraja-raja-sunoh-of Lord Krsna, the son of the king of Vraja; vivesa-entered; pascat-afterwards; murali-of the flute; ninadah-the sound.
First Kama entered the beautiful-eyebrowed vraja-gopis’ ecstatic hearts, and then flute melodies sublimely played by the prince of Vraja also entered.
Text 25
kamotpattir dhrti-dhana-hrtih samhrtir loka-bhiter
dharmocchittah kuvalaya-drsam ahrtih patyur ankat
kampodbhutih sthiram anucare stabdhir apy apaganam
ya sa jiyan madhura-murali-kakali gokulendoh
kama-amorous desires; utpattih-arisal; dhrti-of composure; dhana-wealth; hrtih-stealing; samhrtih-removal; loka-of popular opinion; bhiteh-of the fear; dharma-the rules of piety; ucchittah-cutting at the root; kuvalaya-drsam-of the lotus-eyed gopis; ahrtih-attracting; patyuh-of their husbands; ankat-from the side; kampa-of trembling; udbhutih-arisal; sthiram-stationary living entities; anucare-in relation; stabdhih-stunning; api-also; apaganam-of moving entities; ya-that; sa-that; jiyat-all glories; madhura-sweet; murali-of the flute; kakali-sound; gokula-indoh-of Lord Krsna, the moon of Gokula.
Glory to Krsna’s sweet flute-music, which arouses the lotus-eyed gopis’ amorous desires, plunders the treasury of their calmness, removes their fear of public opinion, cuts at the root their pious chastity, drags them away from their husbands’ laps, and makes motionless beings tremble and moving beings stunned!
Text 26
guna-gana-rasa-lilaisvarya-ratnair lasanto
bahava iha jagatyam santi dhanya yadittham
vadata vadata loka akarah kintv amisam
vraja-pati-suta eko niscitah sri-munindraih
guna-of virtues; gana-of multitudes; rasa-oof nectarean mellows of love; lila-of pastimes; aisvarya-of opulences; ratnaih-with the jewels; lasantah-shining; bahavah-many; iha-here; jagatyam-in the material world; santi-are; dhanyah-opulent men; yadi-if; ittham-in this way; vadata-just tell; vadata-just tell; lokah-O people; akarah-the form; kintu-however; amisam-among them; vraja-of Vraja; pati-of the king; sutah-the son; ekah-alone; niscitah-is distinguished; sri-muni-indraih-by the best of the sages.
O people, if you say that in this world many men are splendidly decorated with many jewel virtues, nectar sweetnesses, charming pastimes, and great riches, (and therefore Krsna is not very important among them), then I say to you the greatest sages have decided that Lord Krsna, the prince of Vraja, is the greatest and no one is like Him.
Text 27
nada-vyajat ksipasi kathine garalim amrtim va
dharam vamsi pranaya-sakhi no jivanam va mrtim va
tabhyam nanyam vitara visamam ha dasam aty-asahyam
gopyah krsna-pranaya-vikala vamsikam ittham ahuh
nada-of a sound; vyajat-on the pretext; ksipasi-you emit; kathine-O cruel-one; garalim-poison; amrtim-nectar; va-or; dharam-a flood; vamsi-O flute; pranaya-sakhi-O dear friend; nah-our; jivanam-life; va-or; mrtim-death; va-or; tabhyam-for them; na-not; anyam-anything else; vitara-You extend; visamam-mysterious; ha-indeed; dasam-condition; ati-very; asahyam-intolerable; gopyah-the gopis; krsna-of Krsna; pranaya-with love; vikalah-agitated; vamsikam-to the flute; ittham-in this way; ahuh-spoke.
Overcome with love for Krsna, the gopis said to His flute: “Dear friend, cruel flute, is it a flood of poison or a flood of nectar you give us disguised as these sounds? Do these floods kill us or give us life? They create a mysterious condition we can neither understand nor bear.”
Text 28
bhogepsavah sakala-kamadam artha-lubdhah
sarvarthadam sukha-trsas ca sukha-svarupam
lokadhipatya-lasita jagad-isvaram tam
krsnam dvisanti danujah ku-dhiyo bataite
bhoga-sense-gratification; ipsavah-desiring; sakala-all; kama-desires; dam-granting; artha-after wealth; lubdhah-gredy; sarva-all; artha-wealth; dam-granting; sukha-after happiness; trsah-thirsting; ca-also; sukha-of happiness; svarupam-the personification; loka-over the entire world; adhipatya-sovereignty; lasitah-desiring; jagat-of all the universes; isvaram-the master; tam-Him; krsnam-Lord Krsna; dvisanti-hate; danujah-the demons; ku-dhiyah-not very intelligent; bata-indeed; ete-they.
The demons yearn after sense-pleasures, yet they hate Lord Krsna, who gives all pleasures to His devotees. The demons greedily run after money, yet they hate Lord Krsna, who gives all wealth to His devotees. The demons aspire for a happy situation in life, yet they hate Lord Krsna, who is the personification of all happiness. The demons desire sovereignty over the world, yet they hate Lord krsna, the master of all the universes. The demons are not very intelligent, for they have become bitter enemies of the only person able to fulfill their desires.
Text 29
tat-tal-lila_mrta-rasa-jharair bhavitatma mrgaksi-
bala kacit sva-sadana-gatapy agrato viksya vrddham
bhita parsve sva-bhuja-sirasi nyasta-hastam sphurantam
krsnam prahapasara dayita-loka-yatragateyam
tat-tat-various; lila-of pastimes; amrta-of nectar; rasa-mellows; jharaih-with the gushing mountain streams; bhavita-filled; atma-whose mind; mrga-aksi-lotus-eyed; bala-young girl; kacit-a certain; sva-from her own; sadana-home; gata-gone; api-even; agratah-before her; viksya-seeing; vrddham-an old woman; bhita-frightened; parsve-at her side; sva-her; bhuja-sirasi-on the shoulder; nyasta-placed; hastam-hand; sphurantam-manifested; krsnam-to Krsna; praha-she said; apasara-go; dayita-beloved; loka-person; yatra-journey; agata-arrived; iyam-this.
Her mind flooded by the swiftly flowing mountain stream of Lord Krsna’s transcendental pastimes, a certain doe-eyed girl traveled a little distance from her home. Seeing an old woman, and feeling a hand touch her shoulder, she became frightened, until she realized Krsna had come to her in disguise. She said to Him: “Ah, now the rendezvous with my lover is successful.”
Text 30
nikhila-guna-gabhire ksmadharoddhara-dhire
sakala-sukhada-sile ksalitasesa-pide
subhaga-nava-kisore visva-cittaksi-caure
mura-jiti yuvatinam hrn-nimagnam satinam
nikhila-all; guna-transcendental qualities; gabhire-with depth; ksmadhara-Govardhana Hill; uddhara-lifting; dhire-the hero; sakala-everyone; sukhada-delighting; sile-whose exemplary character; ksalita-washed away; asesa-all; pide-suffering; subhaga-auspicious; nava-fresh; kisore-youthful; visva-of the entire world; citta-the minds; aksi-and eyes; caure-stealing; mura-jiti-in Lord Krsna, who defeated the Mura demon; yuvatinam-of the young girls; hrt-the heart; nimagnam-immersion; satinam-saintly.
The thoughts of the pious young gopis drown in Krsna, who is deep with all virtues, who lifted Govardhana Hill, whose good character pleases everyone, who washes away all sufferings, and who, sublimely young and handsome, has stolen everyone’s eyes and hearts.
Aug 05, 2016 — CANADA (SUN) — A serial presentation of ‘Sri Suka-sari-stava’ by Srila Krsna das Kaviraja Gosvami –
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