Sri Suka-sari-stava – 14

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Sri Suka-sari-stava
(Parrots praise Radha and Krsna)





Part Fourteen.


Chapter Two


Text 40

anga-srir iva madhuri
madhuriva gunaly asya
gunaliva su-silata


krsnasya-of Lord Krsna; anupama-incomparable; anga-of the body; srih-beauty; anga-of the body; srih-beauty; iva-like; madhuri-charming sweetness; madhuri-charming sweetness; iva-like; guna-of good qualities; ali-series; asya-of whom; guna-of good qualities; ali-series; iva-like; su-silata-exemplary good character.


The handsomeness of Krsna’s limbs is beyond compare. His sweetness is like His handsomeness. His many virtues are like His sweetness. His exemplary good character is like His virtue.


Text 41

kantavali-prema-paripluta hareh
kantavaliva pracura vidagdhata
vidagdhatevasya rasajnatottama
rasajnatevanupama vilasita


kanta-of gopis; avali-the multitude; prema-with love; pariplutah-drowned; hareh-of Lord Hari; kanta-of gopis; avali-the multitude; iva-like; pracura-great; vidagdhata-expertise; vidagdhata-expertise; iva-like; asya-of Him; rasajnata-knowledge of transcendental mellows; uttama-supreme; rasajnata-knowledge of transcendental mellows; iva-like; anupama-incomparable; vilasita-splendidly manifest.


Lord Hari is flooded with love for the beautiful gopis. His expert intelligence is like that love. His knowledge of transcendental mellows is like His intelligence. His splendid knowledge of transcendental mellows has no equal.


Text 42

sakhyam vicitram subaladikanam
krsnasya vijnaya nigudha-trsnam
sayyam nikunje viracayya yatnad
aniya kantam ramayanty amum ye


sakhyam-friendship; vicitram-wonderful; subala-adikanam-of the cowherd boys, headed by Subala; krsnasya-of Lord Krsna; vijnaya-understanding; nigudha-confidential; trsnam-desire; sayyam-a couch; nikunje-in the grove; viracayya-constructing; yatnat-with great endeavor; aniya-bringing there; kantam-their lover; ramayanti-delight; amum-Him; ye-those who.


Understanding Krsna’s wonderful friendship with Subala and the other boys, and also understanding the secret thirst in Krsna’s heart, the gopis carefully made a couch in a forest grove, brought Krsna there, and delighted Him.


Text 43

dhanyam vrndaranyam
yasmin vilasati sadaiva ramanibhih
prati-kunjam prati-pulinam
prati-giri-kandaram asau krsnah


dhanyam-opulent; vrnda-aranyam-the forest of Vrndavana; yasmin-in that; vilasati-performs pastimes; sada-eternally; eva-certainly; ramanibhih-with the beautiful gopis; prati-kunjam-in every grove; prati-in every; pulinam-place on the Yamuna’s shore; prati-in every; giri-of Govardhana Hill; kandaram-cave; asau-He; krsnah-Lord Krsna.


The forest of Vrndavana is supremely opulent and fortunate, for there in every grove, in every place on the Yamuna’s shore, and in every cave of Govardhana Hill, Lord Krsna enjoys pastimes with the beautiful gopis eternally.


Text 44

saspesu bhanti patitani hareh padabjat
alipya yani hrdaye vijahruh pulindyas


kanta-of the gopis; anga-of the bodies; sangama-from contact; vilagna-contacted; vilepanani-ointments; saspesu-on the grass; bhanti-splendidly manifest; patitani-fallen; hareh-of Lord Hari; pada-abjat-from the lotus feet; alipya-anointing; yani-that; hrdaye-on their breasts; vijahruh-were able to give up; pulindyah-the aborigine girls; tat-of Lord Krsna; venu-of the flute; gita-from the song; mukha-of His face; darsana-from the sight; kama-of amorous desires; ja-produced; adhim-anxiety.


The kunkuma powder from the gopis’ bodies that fell from Lord Hari’s lotus feet shone on the grass with great splendor. Placing it over their hearts, some Pulinda girls became cured of the Kama sickness they contracted by seeing His face as He played the flute.


Text 45

vrndavanam ati-dhanyam
yasmin kusuma-smitaih phalorojaih
pallava-kuladharair api
sukhayati krsnam lata-palih


vrndavanam-Vrndavana; ati-very; dhanyam-opulent; yasmin-in that; kusuma-of flowers; smitaih-with smiles; phala-of fruits; orojaih-with breasts; pallava-of new blossoms; kula-of a host; adharaih-with lips; api-even; sukhayati-please; krsnam-Lord Krsna; lata-palih-creepers.


Vrndavana forest is supremely fortunate and opulent, for there the vines, with the smiles of their flowers, the breasts of their fruits, and the lips of their new blossoms, delight Lord Krsna.


Text 46

susubhur acala-daryo yasu lina ramanyo
hari-hata-danujanam canda-randah pulindaih
asana-surata-satraih positas tosam aptas
tad-amala-guna-ganaih sri-harim tah stuvanti


susubhuh-appear very splendid; acala-of Govardhana Hill; daryah-the caves; yasu-in that; linah-entered; ramanyah-beautiful; hari-by Lord Hari; hata-killed; danujanam-of the demons; canda-angry; randah-widows; pulindaih-with aborigines; asana-feasts; surata-orgies; satraih-attained; tat-His; amala-pure; guna-of transcendental qualities; ganaih-with songs; sri-harim-Lord Hari; tah-they; stuvanti-glorify with prayers.


Govardhana’s caves are glorious, for in them the beautiful and passionate widows of the demons slain by the Lord celebrate great feasts and orgies with a band of aborigines, and after concluding these horrible activities nevertheless offer prayers praising the spotless transcendental qualities of Lord Hari.


Text 47

devendra-jitsu prthukat prthukopamadbhir
asmasu satsu na taveti girasuranam
kamsasya yo hrdi madah sa tu tesu sarvesv
aptesu tat-prthukagam kva gato na jane


deva-of the demigods; indra-of the leaders; jitsu-the conquerors; prthukat-from a child; prthuka-a child; upamadbhih-comparing; asmasu-among us; satsu-being so; na-not; tava-of you; iti-thus;l gira-by the statement; asuranam-of the demons; kamsasya-of Kamsa; yah-who; hrdi-in the heart; madah-false pride; sah-that; tu-but; tesu-among them; sarvesu-all; aptesu-attained; tat-prthukagam-that child; kva-where?; gatah-gone; na-not; jane-I understand.


The asuras said to Kamsa: “My dear king, when you are surrounded by us, who are so powerful that we have defeated even the leaders of the demigods, what do you have to fear from this Krsna, who is simply a helpless child?” When Kamsa heard these words his heart became filled with pride and confidence, but now that Kamsa has met Krsna, I do not know where that pride and confidence have fled?


Text 48

evam hi krsnasya guna ananta
lilapy ananta mahimapy anantah
tat-tat-kana-sparsanam atma-vacam
visuddhaye tad-gananasayalam


evam-in this way; hi-certainly; krsnasya-of Lord Krsna; gunah-the transcendental qualities; anantah-are limitless; lila-the pastimes; api-also; ananta-are limitless; mahima-the glories; api-also; anantah-are limitless; tat-tat-various; kana-tiny particles; sarsanam-the touch; atma-my own; vacam-of the statements; visuddhaye-for purification; tat-of them; ganana-complete enumeration; asaya-with the hope; alam-enough.


Krsna’s virtues are limitless, His pastimes are limitless, and His glories are limitless. To purify myself I have touched a small fragment of them with my words. How can I hope to count them all?




Aug 09, 2016 — CANADA (SUN) — A serial presentation of ‘Sri Suka-sari-stava’ by Srila Krsna das Kaviraja Gosvami –


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