Sat Kriya Sara Dipika, Part Twenty

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by Shrila Gopala Bhatta Gosvami


Vivaha Karma (marriage)


The groom should now face East; the father of the bride should face North or West.


The groom and bride should perform acamana and then smear kum-kum, gorocana and candana on their right hands.


The groom should take the bride’s right hand and place it on top of his right hand, and a married woman with a son should bind the two hands with kusha and garlands, while auspicious sounds are made by the women.


The father of the bride should take a pot of water mixed with gandha, flowers, tulasi and fruit @and recite vishnu smaranam (see Appendix ???????????).


The father should give the bride, saying:


om vishnu
om tat sat
adya brahmano dvitiya-parardhe,
sveta varaha kalpe, vaivasvatakhya manvantare,
ashtavimshati kali-yugasya prathama sandhyayam
brahma vimshatau vartamanayam
…..samvatsare (year)
…..ayane (course of the sun)
…..ritau (season)
…..masi (month)
…..pakshe (fortnight)
…..rashi sthite bhaskare (sun sign)
…..tithau (lunar day)
…..varanvitayam (day of the week)
…..nakshatra samyutayam (constellation)
jambudvipe bharata khande
medhibhutasya sumeroh dakshine
lavanarnavasyottare kone
gangayah pashcime bhage
shri shalagrama shila go brahmana vaishnava vahni sannidhau
…..sharmanah prapautraya (to the great grandson of….)
…..sharmanah pautraya (to the grandson of….)
…..sharmanah putraya (to the son of….)
shri …..sharmane visishta varaya (to the groom named…)
…..sharmanah prapautrim (the great grand daughter of ….)
…..sharmanah pautrim (the great granddaughter of….)
…. sharmanah putrim (the daughter of……)
shrimatim….abhidhanam etam kanyam (the bride named….)
sa vastram yatha shakty-alankritam
aroginim apravasinim yatha kalopasthapinim
om prajapati vishnu devatakam
shri shri radha-krishna smarana purvakam
…..sharma dvara [through the agency of …….(father)]
svayam shri shri radha-krishnau dattam


“May Radha and Krishna personally give this bride named….(identified by father’s ancestors), equipped with cloth and ornaments, healthy, of age and fixed residence, to the groom named……(identified by his father’s ancestors) at the time…….., at the place……with shalagrama, the cow, the brahmana, vaishnava and fire as witness.”


The father should pour the water over their bound hands.


The groom should say:


om svasti
om narayanaya vidmahe
vasudevaya dhimahi
tanno vishnuh pracodayat(e)
om trailokya-mohanaya vidmahe
kamadevaya dhimahi
tanno vishnuh pracodayat(e)


Then he should meditate upon Shri Shri Radha-Krishna chanting:




hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare
om kanyeyam om prajapati vishnu devataka


“This bride belongs to Prajapati Vishnu.”


Touching the bride’s heart he should recite the Kama Stuti :


om ka idam kasma adat
kamah kamayadat
kamo data kamah pratigrahita
kamah samudram avishat
kamena tva pratigrihnami
kamaitat te


“Who has given this heart and to whom? Love has given unto love. Love is the giver, love is the receiver. Love has entered the ocean of love. I receive you through love. Oh love, this heart is yours.”


The father should say:


om vishnuh
om tat sat
adya shrimate…..sharmane varaya (name of groom)
kritaitat kanya sampradana supratishthartham
dakshinam suvarna mulyopakalpitam
shri shri radha krishna smarana purvakam
shri…. dvara (name of father)
shri shri radha krishnau dattam


“May Radha and Krishna, on this day of …. to firmly establish this act of bestowal, present a suitable dowry of valuable items in remembrance of Radha and Krishna, to …..(groom) through the agency of ….(father).”


The groom should say:


om svasti


Then he should recite the Kama Stuti:


om ka idam kasma adat
kamah kamayadat
kamo data kamah pratigrahita
kamah samudram avishat
kamena tva pratigrihnami
kamaitat te
om narayanaya vidmahe
vasudevaya dhimahi
tanno vishnuh pracodayat
om trailokya-mohanaya vidmahe
kamadevaya dhimahi
tanno vishnuh pracodayat(e)


Then he should meditate upon Shri Shri Radha-Krishna chanting:




hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare


He should then meditate upon his favourite Deitys’ name such as Narayana, Vishnu, Rama, Nrisimha, Hari, Vamana etc



Oct 28, 2016 — CANADA (SUN) — By Shrila Gopala Bhatta Gosvami. Printed by The Bhaktivedanta Academy, Mayapur (1995).



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