Surya Kunda, Krishna disguised as Brahmin

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Once, Madhumangal was dressed as a Brahmin as usual and Krishna came disguised as a Brahmin. 

Radharani, Jatila and Kutila had arrived and where looking for Brahmins for the surya puja. 

No sooner than she said it, did the 2 brahmins arrive. 

Jatila asked

“what are you doing here?  And who is this dark skinned Brahmin?” 

Krishna replied

“I am a very pakka Brahmin from the Surya dynasty”. 

Krishna recites strange mantras

He started to chant mantras – not normal mantras.

He was actually speaking to Radharani in cryptic terms saying

“I would like to meet you. 

Please grant me the benediction of your side-long glances”.

He was speaking intimate words to her but he presented it in such a way it can mean something else. 


Jatila suspicions

Jatila was listening and asked what those mantras were. 

She never heard it before. 

Madhu Mangal said haughtily:

“what do you know of our vedic mantras? 

All you know is village songs of the cowherd ladies. 

These are very traditional mantras!” 

After the puja was over they had to pay dakshina. 

Jatila asked

“how much?” 

Madhu Mangal said

“10,000 ladoos”. 

Jatila said

“I did not carry so many”. 

Madhu Mangala:

“no problem, I will come to your house”. 


“what about my daughter-in-law?” 

Madhu Mangal: 

“My friend will look after her – he is from the Surya dynasty”.


Jatila and Madhumangala go to Javat

Jatila went with Madhu Mangal to Yavat. 

Krishna and Radharani were left alone.



As they began to associate, along came Mukhara, the grandmother of Srimati Radharani. 

She said:

“You rascal, what are you doing with my grand daughter?”,

and she ran at him with her stick. 


Mukhara rans after Krishna and Sankhacuda

Krishna ran into the bushes. 

Mukhara followed him waving her stick.

Little did she know that hiding in this forest was Shankacuda – a big demon and is described in the 10th canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam. 

This demon has a big jewel fixed on his head. 

Mukhara is half blind and is running looking for Krishna shouting “where are you?” 

She saw someone and thought it was Krishna. 

She couldn’t really tell and she said

“You rascal, I caught you!” 

Shankacuda thought:

“who is this fearless old woman,

and he ran with Mukhara chasing him. 


Radha kidnapped

He came running where Radharani was and he kidnapped her. 

Mukhara saw the fangs and the big sharp teeth and realised it is a demon and not Krishna who has kidnapped Radharani. 

Krishna came.

Mukhara begged him to rescue her. 

Krishna put on a big show. 

He rolled up his sleeves, he tightened his belt and he shouted out to the demon

“How will I torture you? 

I want to torture you forever, you offender of Radharani, but how will I do that if you simply die?” 

Madhu Mangal was impressed. 


Krishna kills the demon

He thought he was so brave. 

Krishna gave him one blow and he killed the demon.

He took the jewel and he gave it to Balarama and asked him to give it to one of the gopis. 

He gave it to Radharani. 


This is the main pastime at Surya Kund.


This is a section of the book “Vrindavana Lila”.

To buy the complete book, click above


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