“शतं जीव शरदो वर्धमान:” इित जन्मदिने शुभेच्छा: ।। [ऋग्वेद:]
(“Shatam jiva sharado vardhamaanaha” iti janmadine shubhecchaahaa” [from Rig Veda])
“May you live for 100 prosperous autumns!”, (Samskrita blessing for prosperity and longevity on the occasion of your birthday).
Also wish you: aarogyam (freedom from disease), aishvaryam (opulence/wealth), dhirghaayusham (long life), vedavidyaa (knowledge from the “vedas” – ancient India’s “spiritual” literature), and bhagavad-bhakti (devotion to God)!
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