As two śārī[1] are always present during a dice game, the two śārī birds[2] Śubhā and Sūkṣmadhī are always together during the love affairs of Rādhā and Krishna.
The birds said,
“O delight of Vṛṣabhānu! All glory to You. Your charm and wealth of love astonish all the women in the three worlds[3].”
“O lotus-faced Rādhā! Though the night has ended, You continue to sleep deeply, exhausted from the hard labor of love. There is no fault in this but please look, O chaste woman. O sakhī, just see how the eastern horizon, like Candrāvalī, has turned red in anger, as if intolerant of Your enjoyment[4].”
“Intoxicated from savoring the honey sweetness of Krishna’s lotus face, You are sleeping soundly. However, this is not proper during sunrise, so now I am waking You up[5].”
[1] Dice
[2] Parrots
[3] Krishna-bhāvanāmṛtam 1.33
[4] Govinda-līlāmṛta 1.25
[5] Krishna-bhāvanāmṛtam 1.34
This is a section of the book “Vrindavana Lila”.
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