The roosters woke up, craned their necks, flapped their wings and crowed five or six times. Rādhā felt distressed at their noise. Their crowing had stopped Her from embracing Krishna, so Rādhā angrily cursed them.
“Hey roosters! Quickly go to hell and crow there!”
Rādhā slightly slackened Her embrace of Krishna’s chest while cursing the roosters. The roosters kept quiet for a few minutes, and Rādhā thought that they had suffered the effects of Her curse. Rādhā, disregarding the imminent sunrise, fell asleep again in Krishna’s tight embrace[1].
The minnow-like eyes of the sakhīs, who would trade millions of their lives for even a particle of the profuse rays of beauty emanating from the joyous young couple, cavorted in the currents of charm and beauty flowing out of the lattice window of the cottage.
Viśākhā said,
“Look Lalitā! Even though Rādhā-Mādhava are niraṁśuka[2], They are āmśuka[3]. Though They are vihārī[4], Rādhā-Mādhava look atihārī[5] with the signs of erotic love on Their limbs.
Though Rādhā-Mādhava are an-aṅgada[6], They are aṅanga-da[7]. Even though They are nir-añjana[8], They are ni-rañjana[9]. Even though the attraction for each other’s lips has waned[10], Their messed up bed tells the story of a furious battle of love[11].”
Lalitā said,
“O sakhīs! Please decide who won last night’s love-battle? I cannot tell because both Krishna’s topknot and Rādhā’s braid loosened in the battle and are now tangled together. Moreover, both have bite marks on Their lips and nail scratches on Their chests.”
Viśākhā said,
“O sakhī! Look! With the kuṅkuma on Her breasts, Rādhā colors Acyuta’s lotus feet with Her heart’s attachment! And Krishna proclaims His love for Rādhikā’s lotus feet with the red lac smeared on His head.”
Unseen by the Divine Couple, the sakhīs quietly described the wonder of Rādhā-Śyāma’s pastimes. They submerged in an ocean of bliss while praising their own good fortune[12].
[1] Krishna-bhāvanāmṛtam 1.20-22
[2] Without cloth
[3] Covered by an extraordinary effulgence
[4] Without necklaces
[5] Extremely beautiful
[6] Without bracelets
[7] Giving incomparable erotic joy to each other
[8] Without eye make up
[9] Very pleasing to each other
[10] Visrasta-rāga-adharatā-abhilakṣitau
[11] Viprastara-agādha-rata-abhilakṣitau
[12] Krishna-bhāvanāmṛtam 2.1-6
This is a section of the book “Vrindavana Lila”.
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