Who is Citra
Citra is the fourth of the varistha gopis.
Her age is 14 years, 7 months and 14 days.
26 days younger than Radharani
Her father’s name is Catura,
Her mother’s Carccika,
her husband’s Pitharaka (or Pithara).
her home is in Yavata.
And in Ciksauli
Citra’s home in Goloka
On the eastern petal of Madana Sukhada Kunja lies the multicolored Padma Kinjalka Kunja, where Sri Citra resides.
On the eastern petal of Madana Sukhada Kunja lies the multicolored Padma Kinjalka Kunja, where Sri Citra resides.
What she does
Citra-devi can read between the lines of books and letters written in many different languages, perceiving the hidden intentions of the author.
She is a skilled gourmet and can understand the testes of various foods made with honey, milk, and other ingredients simply by glancing at them.
She is expert in playing music on pots filled with varying degrees of water.
She is learned in the literature describing astronomy and astrology,
and she is well versed in the theoretical and practical activities of protecting domestic animals.
She is especially expert at gardening and she can nicely make various kinds of nectarean beverages.
E’ molto esperta in provocare bisticci amorosi tra Radha e Krishna. Lei e Krishna hanno un rapporto molto affettuoso.
Conosce molte lingue e puo’ capire messaggi nascosti. E’ esperta a riconoscere beveraggi e a farli.
Esperta in musica, specialmente suonando su pentole piene di acqua a diversi livelli. Esperta a proteggere animali domestici e nel giardinaggio.
She is especially expert in the lover’s quarrel between Radha and Krsna (the third of the six definitions of the word abhisarana).
Citra-devi can read between the lines of books and letters written in many different languages, perceiving the hidden intentions of the author. She is a skilled gourmet and can understand the testes of various foods made with honey, milk, and other ingredients simply by glancing at them.
She is expert in playing music on pots filled with varying degrees of water. She is learned in the literature describing astronomy and astrology, and she is well versed in the theoretical and practical activities of protecting domestic animals.
She is especially expert at gardenting and she can nicely make various kinds of nectarean beverages.
There are also eight other gopi maidservants, headed by Rasalika-devi, who are expert at making various kinds of nectarean beverages.
There are other gopis who mostly collect transcendental herbs and medicinal creepers from the forest and do not collect flowers or anything else. Citra-devi is the leader of these gopis. (SSRKGD)
She and Sri Krsna are very affectionate toward each other, and she is very devoted to her seva of bringing cloves and garlands.
Citra Yutha
There are also eight other gopi maidservants, headed by Rasalika-devi, who are expert at making various kinds of nectarean beverages.
There are other gopis who mostly collect transcendental herbs and medicinal creepers from the forest and do not collect flowers or anything else.
Citra-devi is the leader of these gopis:
Rasalika, Tilakini, Saurasen, Sugandhika, Vamani, Vamanayana, Nagari and Nagavallika.
Citra and Krishna
She and Sri Krsna are very affectionate toward each other, and she is very devoted to her seva of bringing cloves and garlands.
When Lord Madhava is full of bliss, she becomes satisfied.
Psicological description
She possesses the abhisarika-nayika-bhava,
Phisical description
She has a beautiful saffron complexion,
Her fair complexion resembles the color of kunkuma
Wears a dress that resembles crystal,
Her garments are the color of crystal
Gaura Lila
Sri Govindananda
(Chitra-sakhi) This heroine leaves her home and travels to meet her lover at the assigned rendezvous bower, all the while thinking, “I will serve Sri Krishna.” At the time of going for abhisara, she is absolutely silent and gorgeously decorated from head to toe.
As if out of shyness she contracts Her bodily limbs, and moves along the footpath accompanied by one affectionate sakhi.
She possesses the abhisarika-nayika-bhava
She is especially expert in the lover’s quarrel between Radha and Krsna (the third of the six definitions of the word abhisarana).
She is an adhika-mrdvinayika
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