Hare krishna maharaj
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to srila Prabhupada.
There is a new medecine thst claims to relief many people from anxiety stress sleep etc however is coming from the drug hemp is called CBD many devotees or aspiring devotees are recomemding it .Is is ok for devotees to use since is coming from cannabis. Or would it be consideted to be in the line of intoxication
Estimado Prabhu or Mataji,
Por favor accepte mis reverencias. Todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada.
Many of the items that are prohibited or discouraged in our culture are so because are not considered food but medicines. There is a list of that, like for instance onion and garlic.
So I don’t know anything about this medicine, if it works or not, but the fact that contains some cannabis is not prejudicial. There are even some poisons which are part of medicines, like arsenic, which can cure if taken as part of a prescription and can kill you if taken by itself.
So cannabis, like any other intoxicants, can harm or even kill you if taken for pleasure but cure you if taken as part of a bonafide medical prescription.
Hare Krishna
Su sirviente
Manonatha Dasa (ACBSP)
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