Prema-Sarovara, Which Means the ‘Lake of Love’

Prema-sarovara Kunda

Prema Sarovara pastimes

This is one of the most beautiful and famous lakes in Vraja and was created from the tears of Radha and Krishna. 

In the Bhakti-ratnakara it says. 

“At this place ‘prema-vaichittya-bhava’ was manifested by Radha and Krishna.” 

The words ‘prema-vaichittya’ means ‘intense love that brings about sudden grief due to the fear of separation’. 


One day, Radha and Krishna came to sit in a forest grove at this place and while enjoying loving pastimes together, they both manifested the particular mood known as prema-vaichittya-bhava. 

Radharani was sitting on the lap of Krishna when suddenly a madhu-makhi or honey-bee hovered around Radha’s ear. 

This slightly disturbed Radharani and therefore Krishna asked His friend Madhumangala to shoo it away. 

After chasing the bee and shooing it away, Madhumangala then shouted to Krishna saying,

“Madhu has gone away”

and was referring to the madhu-makhi or honey-bee. 

Hearing the words of Krishna’s friend, Radharani mistakenly took it to mean that ‘Madhu’ another name of Krishna, ‘has gone away’. 

Suddenly Her mood changed to one of intense grief due to fear of separation from Her beloved Madhu (Krishna), and not being able to see Krishna due to the effect of the prema-vaichittya-bhava, She began shedding torrents of tears. 

Seeing Radharani’s mood suddenly change, Krishna’s mood also changed due to the intensity and influence of Radha’s own bhava, and then Krishna, not being able to see Radha anymore, also began shedding torrents of tears. 


Their combined tears began to create a small lake and They began calling out each other’s name in desperation. 

When some parrots sitting in a nearby tree saw the piteous condition of the ‘divine lovers’, they began singing the holy names of Radha and Krishna. 

When Radha and Krishna heard Their names being sung, They returned to external consciousness and were able to see each other once again. 

Immediately they embraced one-another to Their hearts content. 

The lake created from the tears of Radha and Krishna became known as Prema-sarovara, which means the ‘Lake of Love’. 

It is said that by bathing in this lake one will achieve divine love for Radha and Krishna.


This is a section of the book “Vrindavana Lila”.

To buy the complete book, click above

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