Radha brings ingredients for Sanatana
“One day Sri Rupa Gosvami thought of feeding Sanatana Gosvami (his guru) some ksira (sweet rice).
He became hesitant, but Sri Radhika had seen what was on his mind, so She blissfully came before Him as a cowherd girl, bringing ghee (clarified butter), milk, rice and sugar with Her.”
She told Sri Rupa:
“O Svamiji! Take all these ingredients, quickly cook for Krishna and offer it to Him! My mother told Me to do this, so don’t feel shy at all!”
After saying this, Sri Radhika joyfully left and Sri Rupa Gosvami blissfully began to cook.”
“After offering the food to Krishna, Rupa Gosvami served it to Sanatana Gosvami.
I cannot describe Sanatana Gosvami’s ecstasy when he smelled the nice fragrance of these dishes!
After he had eaten one or two mouthfuls, Sanatana became agitated with ecstasy and could not withold his tears of love.
When Sanatana Gosvami inquired about the origin of the ingredients, Sri Rupa Gosvami gradually told him everything.”
“Hearing the story, Sanatana Gosvami repeatedly forbade Sri Rupa Gosvami to prepare food for which Sri Radhika personally had to come to provide the ingredients.
After that he honoured the prasada, leaving Sri Rupa repenting his act.
Sri Radhika then appeared to Sri Rupa in a dream and consoled him.
Sanatana Gosvami was aware of that (so he did not blame Rupa Gosvami anymore).
Ahe Srinivasa! The Vaisnava-world was astonished at the gravity of Rupa Gosvami! One day he felt so much separation from Radha and Krishna that he cried and fainted, falling on the ground before the Vaisnavas.
His heart was as if burning in the high flames of a fire, but still none of this was externally visible.
But if Sri Rupa’s outgoing breath touched anyone’s body, that body was burned and caught a blister!”
This pastime happened in Pavana Sarovara.
This is a section of the book “Vrindavana Lila”.
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