Sri Purnachandra Gosvami is a member of the family that perform seva in Radha Damodara Temple under the guidance of his elder brother, present sevaite Acharya Sri Kanik Prasad Gosvami.
“Since when your family is worshiping Radha Damodara”?
Purnachandra Gosvami:
“We are coming in the line of successors of Jiva Gosvami. Our family is doing seva since fifteen generations. You can see all the names in the sevaite parampara, near the samadhi of Jiva Gosvami”.
“In some books it is written that the original Deities were moved to Jaipur but after almost seventy years they were brought back to Vrindavana. Is it true? Are the present Deities here in Vrindavana the original ones?”
“Yes, it is right. The original Deities came back here. You can see that the original Deities of Madana Mohan and Govindaji are always bigger of their pratibhu murtis. The Radha Damodara Deities of Jaipur are smaller than These in Vrindavana. Here we have the original murtis.”
“So, these four couple of murtis are all the original ones?”
“Yes, in Vrindavan Research Institute of Vrindavana you can find proof that the original Deities are here.
“Do you know some special story related to Radha Damodara Deities?”
“There are many examples of devotees that came here with problems and sufferings and after going in front of Radha Damodara and praying and crying they say they found their problem solved and their requests fulfilled. They offer some bhoga or maybe only prayers but after they come to us and then they say that the Deity has listened to them and helped them. We have so many stories!
My father Nirmalachandra Gosvami told us that when he was young there were many snakes that used to come to take darshan and never bite anybody. They were even hanging on the altar but they never caused any disturbance. Just coming for darshan and then go away.
When my father was very young, my grandfather (that invited Srila Prabhupada to live here) was becoming blind and was not able to do seva to Radha Damodara anymore. One day suddenly the pujari left, went away, and my grandfather told to my father that the day after he would have to do sringar and all the seva to the Deities. My father was little bit more than a child and felt unable to do anything.
But that night Krishna came in his dreams and explained exactly how to do seva the next morning. So the next morning he just went on the altar and did everything so nicely that all Vrajabhasis that came for darshan were astonished and wondering who could do such a beautiful sringar. And my father was crying.
There are so many stories! Damodara is very loving, very caring and very kind to the devotees. He always fulfills the desires of those who pray to Him…
“Vancha Kalpa taru”.
Purnacandra Gosvami:
” Yes, Vancha Kalpa taru….if you ask for health He will help you, and if you ask for prema bhakti He will give you.”
“Somebody told me that at the beginning the Seva Kunj property of the Temple was a very big area, but during the years your forefathers reduced it because they used to give pieces of land away just for very small donations.”
Sri Kanik Gosvami (just arrived):
“Yes! If somebody was coming and offering a small seva to Radha Damodara, he could receive a piece of land when desired. For some sweet rice our Damodar was reciprocating by giving land to whomever would ask for it.”
This is a section of the book “Brilliant as the Sun”.
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