Nanda Maharaja’s Brothers

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Nanda Maharaja’s brothers

Sri Nanda Maharaja has two elder brothers –

Upananda and Abhinanda

– and two younger –

Sananda and Nandana.

The four of them are Sri Krishna’s paternal uncles.

Nanda Maharaja brothers (Upananda)

The eldest of the brothers, Sri Upananda, has a pinkish bodily complexion like that of the mixture of white and the reddish colour of dawn. His beard is long and he wears green clothes.

His wife’s name is Tungi. Both her complexion and the colour of her sari are similar to that of the cataka bird.

Nanda Maharaja brothers (Abhinanda)

The second eldest brother, Sri Abhinanda, has a fair complexion resembling the colour of a conch shell and his beard is long. He wears black clothes.

His wife, Pivari, has blue clothing and a pinkish complexion.

Nanda Maharaja brothers (Sananda)

Sananda is also called Sunanda. His bodily complexion is pale whitish yellow and his garments are black. Only a few of his hairs have turned white. He is extremely dear to Kesava.

His wife, whose name is Kuvalaya, wears clothes of a mixed colour of blue and light red (kuvalaya), and her body also bears the same complexion.


This is a section of the book “Sri Sri Radha Krishna Ganoddesa Dipika”.

To buy the complete book, click above

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