All My Sufferings Have Vanished

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The desire to see the beloved Krishna is described in Krishna-karnamrta (40):

he deva he dayta he bhuvanaika-bandho

he krishna he capala he karunaika-sindho

he natha he ramana he nayanabhirama

ha ha kada nu bhavitasi padam drsor me

Oh my lord! Oh dear! Oh only friend of the universe! Oh Krishna, Oh You who are restless, Oh ocean of mercy! Oh My Lord, Oh You who rejoice in Me, Oh loved by My eyes! Alas! When will You be revealed?

The encounter with Krishna is revealed in these words of Krishna-karnamrta (68):

marah svayam nu madhura-dyuti-mandalam nu

madhuryam eva nu mano-nayanamrtam nu

veni-mrjo nu mama jivita-vallabho nu

krsno ‘yam abhyudayate mama locanaya

My dear friends, will that sweet and luminous Krishna, Cupid Himself, who is sweetness itself, the nectar of My eyes and mind, He who loosens the hair of the gopis, who is the supreme source of transcendental happiness and who is the will of My soul and My life itself, still appear before My eyes?

Seeing Krishna before My eyes, My body has begun to live again. All My sufferings have vanished. Oh friend! My heart has lifted now that it has its lost treasure back.

Krishna’s direct darsana is described in Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.32.2):

tasam avirabhuc chaurih


pitambara-dharah sragvi

saksan manmatha-manmathah

Then Krishna, with a smile on His lotus face, appeared before the gopis with a garland and dressed in yellow. It was clear that He could confuse Cupid’s mind, which in turn confuses the mind of ordinary people.

The feeling of Vraja is glorified in the Lalita-madhava. While meeting Krishna in Nava-vrndavana in Dvaraka, Radha asked Him:

cirad asa-matram tvayi viracayantah sthira-dhiyo

vidadhyur ye vasam madhurima gabhire madhupure

dadhanah kaisore vayasi sakhi tam gokulapate

prapadyethas tesam paricayam avasyam nayanayoh

O Krishna, steadfast-minded people have long hoped that You would return to Madhupuri which is filled with intense sweetness. Oh Lord of Gokula, please return to us in Your youthful form and perform Your pastimes before their eyes. This is My only request.

Feeling the separation from Krishna, Radha wishes to bring Krishna back to Vrndavana, which is filled with sweet eternal memories. Again in the Lalita-madhava:

ya te lila-rasa parimalodgari-vanya-parita

dhanya ksauni vilasati vrta mathuri madhuribhih

tatrasmabhis catula-pasupi-bhava-mugdhantarabhih

samvitastam kalaya vadanollasi-venur-viharam

Oh Krishna! Within Mathura-mandala is the luckiest forest, Vrndavana. It is surrounded by forests decorated with the fragrance of the sweet joy of Your pastimes, accomplished within Your inconceivable energy. In the pleasant atmosphere of that transcendental abode, You enjoy Yourself in different games with us gopis, who have hearts filled with love for You. O son of Nanda, we still wish to have fun there, in Your pastimes, when You play Your flute.


This is a section of the book “Bhajana Rahasya”, by Bhaktivinode Thakura.

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