- Assuming the form of a cowherd boy, Sadasiva danced with Krishna in Vrajabhumi.
This is confirmed by the following statement of the Siva Tantra, where Bhairava[1] says:
- “One day, during the great festival of lights in the month of Karttika, Krishna enthusiastically danced with Balarama and Their cowherd friends.
- My dear Parvati, when Sadasiva, my spiritual master, saw this transcendental dancing, He yearned to become a cowherd boy and be able thus to dance with Krishna.
- By Krishna’s mercy Sadasiva was able to appear in two forms.
In one form He remained as Sadasiva, and in the other form He appeared as a cowherd boy in Vraja.”
[1] One of the many names of Siva
This is a section of the book “Gaura Ganoddesa Dipika”.
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