Pavana-Sarovara is Sri Krishna’s Own Lake

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Pavana-sarovara, which lies at the foot of Nandisvara Hill, is Sri Krishna’s own lake. Its banks are beautified by many charming pastime groves. Krishna’s grove is named Kama-mahatirtha, and inside is a small, bejewelled room called Mandara.


Sri Krishna’s famous banyan tree, well suited for pastimes, is called Bhandira and His kadamba tree is called Kadamba-raja.


The bank of the river Yamuna, which is beautified with pastime groves, is widely known as Anangaranga-bhumi.


The grove where Sri Krishna always performs lila-vilasas[1] with His highly beloved Srimati Radharani is called Khela-tirtha, which is the most sacred abode at Sri Yamuna.


[1] Sportive pastimes


This is a section of the book “Sri Sri Radha Krishna Ganoddesa Dipika”.

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