After taking bath in that pond and chanting that powerful mantra, Duhkhi Krishna Dasa suddenly attained the transcendental form of a Manjari with a golden effulgence. Then, in the eternal Sri Vrindavana, that Manjari placed that divine anklet on her head and entered Srimati Radharani’s temple inside a grove, closely following behind by Lalita Sakhi and Rupa Manjari. Following Srimati Radharani’s merciful direction, Lalita Sakhi touched the golden anklet to the forehead of that Manjari and by its mere touch her previous tilak in the form of a temple of Lord Hari immediately turned into a tilak that had the shape of Srimati Radharani’s lotus foot.
Then Srimati Radharani mixed sandal, camphor and honey with the saffron smeared on Her breasts, rubbed the mixture on a moonstone, and using the extremity of the anklet, with Her own hand She affectionately made a resplendent dot in the middle of the new tilak on the forehead of that doe-eyed Manjari. Seeing that, Sri Lalita Sakhi said:
“This beautiful dot in the middle of your tilaka will be called syamamohana. And since you gave much joy to Radharani, your name henceforward will be Syamananda”.
When Visakha Sakhi saw how Duhkhi Krishna Dasa had assumed the form of a Manjari, which was resplendent like gold, said:
“Your form as a Manjari is Kanaka Manjari.”
Srimati Radharani and Her companions had showered their special mercy on Syamananda.
Radharani said:
“Go back now to the mortal world to accomplish the mission assigned to you.”
However, upon hearing this instruction and apprehending the impending separation from Srimati Radharani, Syamananda started to wail very pitifully. With tears in his eyes, he humbly said:
“No, please do not send me there again. I can’t stay without Your service in transcendental Vrindavana.”
Srimati Radharani also felt deeply afflicted upon seeing Kanaka Manjari in such distress, and Her heart melted with pity. To relieve him from that mental agony, from Her lotus heart Srimati Radharani mercifully manifested Syamasundara, a faultlessly beautiful Deity, Her life and soul and Her Mahabhava personified, and then asked Lalita Sakhi:
“Give this Deity to Syamananda[1].”
Then She spoke directly to him, saying:
“Dear Syamananda, as long as you live in the mortal world you should keep yourself engaged in the loving service and worship of this Deity. In this way you will not suffer due to separation from Me. After that you will come back to my eternal service in the eternal abode.”
[1] This Deity of Syamasundara is still in Vrindavana. You can feast your eyes by going to the Radha Syamasundara Temple.
This is a section of the book “Syamananda, the Joy of Radharani (English)”.
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