Knowledge of One’s Relationship with Krishna

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Relationship, Method and Realization

Sambandha, abhidheya, prayojana

When the clouds and fog are gone, the Holy Name shines forth and manifests the highest kind of prema. The devotee receives that reward.

The authentic Guru bestows knowledge of Sambandha[1]. This leads to Abhidheya[2] in which the Holy Name is cultivated.

In a short time, the sun of the Holy Name will shine brightly and dissolve the mist of anartha.

Then Prayojana-tattva[3] gives the great treasure of prema, which is obtained when the Jiva performs nama-sankirtana.

Knowledge of one’s relationship with Krishna


With sraddha at the feet of a Sadguru, the Jiva first receives the correct understanding of sambandha-jnana.

Krishna is the eternal master and the Jivas are His eternal servants. Through Krishna-prema the intrinsic eternal nature of the Jiva manifests.

The Jiva is an eternal servant of Krishna, yet he forgets Him. Thrown into the world of Maya, he seeks happiness.

The world of Maya is a prison for the Jiva, where he receives punishment in order to correct the defect of being averse to Krishna.

However, by the mercy of a Vaishnava sadhu, the Jiva can obtain sambandha-jnana[4], along with Krishna-nama.

Then he reaches the treasure of prema, which is the essence of all dharma. Such a person feels disgusted with sayujya[5] and similar motives.

When he has no stable knowledge of sambandha, then he maintains anarthas and takes refuge in namabhasa.


[1] One’s relationship with Krishna.

[2] The method to obtain that relationship.

[3] The knowledge of the highest attainment.

[4] “I am an eternal spiritual soul and an eternal servant of Krishna. This material world is a prison intended for my purification.” This is sambandha-jnana.

[5] Impersonal liberation.


This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.

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