The Power Transmission of a Vaishnava

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The power transmission of a Vaishnava

Vaisnavera sakti sancara

If one sits near a Vaishnava, after some time he will experience the potency of Krishna emanating from his body.

When that power enters the heart of someone who has sraddha, bhakti arises and his body trembles.

One who has sraddha and stays close to a Vaishnava feels bhakti arising in his heart.

When Krishna-nama enters his mouth, under the influence of the Holy Name he obtains all good qualities.

To find fault with a Vaishnava is to criticize a Vaishnava – To find fault with his birth, his previous defects, those defects which have almost disappeared and his momentary defects

Vaisnavera ki ki dosa dharile vaisnava-ninda haya – jati-dosa, purva-dosa, nasta-praya avasista dosa, kadacitka dosa

A person who finds fault with the birth of a Vaishnava, or his temporary previous defects, is guilty of criticism.

Even considering those flaws that have almost disappeared is offensive. All this is ignorance, and such a person will be punished by the staff of Yama.

The mouth of a Vaishnava always propagates the glories of the Holy Name. Krishna does not tolerate anyone who criticizes such a Vaishnava.

He who rejects dharma, yoga, yajna and jnana-kanda and worships Krishna-nama is the best of all.

A Sadhu who takes shelter of the Holy Name commits no offense against the Devas and Sastras

Anya deva-sastra-nindadi-sunya namasrayi sadhu

A sadhu who takes shelter of the Holy Name does not criticize different Devas or sastras[1].

If a person is a sadhu, whether he is a grhastha or a sannyasi, I want to have the dust of his feet on me.

One is a Vaishnava according to the degree of his attraction to the Holy Name. Vaishnava is determined according to this.

Position in the varnasrama, wealth, learning, youth, beauty, strength or number of followers is not a consideration.

Thus, anyone who takes refuge in the Holy Name avoids criticizing sadhus. This is his intrinsic nature.

A devotee who takes shelter of the Holy Name and engages in pure bhakti is the very embodiment of bhakti. A so-called devotee who is without bhakti is unpleasant and monstrous.

A person who criticizes a sadhu has no place at the feet of bhakti. Therefore, his offense makes him averse to bhakti.

A devotee avoids criticizing sadhus and should devote himself to them. Association with sadhus and serving them is the true practice of dharma.


[1] In other words, taking refuge in the Holy Name does not automatically imply that one despises everything else, thus committing offenses.


This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.

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