The sixty qualities present in Vishnu
Sasthi-gune visnutva
These fifty-five qualities are present in Vishnu in full. All the Sastras declare it. Besides these, there are five other qualities in Narayana that no one else has. The Supreme Controller, visnu-tattva, has sixty qualities. Girisa[1] and other Devas are His servants.
Girisa and the Devas are all vibhinnamsa. Vishnu is the Lord of all Jivas and the Lord of all Devas.
Ignorant people consider Vishnu and other Devas to be equal
Ajnana-vyakti anya devatara sahita visnu-ke samana mane kare
Extremely ignorant people think that Devas are equal to Vishnu. They do not understand Isa-tattva[2]. In this material world Vishnu is the Supreme Controller. Girisa and other Devas carry out His instructions.
Some say that when Brahman, which is always homogeneous, comes in contact with the three modes of Maya, He attains their qualities and becomes three Devas[3].
The conclusion regarding the debate between various doctrines
Nana-vidha vadanuvadera siddhanta
The Sastras conclude that Narayana should be worshiped, and that Brahma and Siva are responsible for the tasks of creation and destruction. Those who reject Vasudeva to worship other Devas are absorbed into the world of repeated births and deaths due to their rejection of the Supreme Controller[4].
Some say that: I know that Vishnu is the Supreme Truth and I accept that the Vedas say that Vishnu is present everywhere in the world. Therefore, Vishnu resides in all Devas, and therefore worship of Devas is the same as worshiping Vishnu.
Statements like these are prohibited because nowhere is this supported. Worshiping other Devas in this way is forbidden. It can be said that Vishnu presides everywhere in the world. By worshiping Vishnu, one also worships all the Devas. If you water the root of a tree, the branches will thrive. If only the leaves are watered, the tree will perish. So, if I abandon other Devas and worship only Vishnu, then I will get the result of worshiping all forms of other Devas[5].
From ancient times the Vedas have accepted this decree. There is only misery for those fools who reject this law.
When the age of Kali came and the Jivas became contaminated by mayavada, they came to believe in the philosophy that the worship of many Devas was equal to the worship of Vishnu. Each individual Deva offers a specific blessing, but Vishnu grants all boons and protects everyone. If people with material desires could understand this truth, they would abandon the Devas and get the results of worshiping Vishnu.
[1] Siva.
[2] The truth concerning the Supreme Controller.
[3] Brahma, Vishnu and Siva. The Mayavadis say that Brahman is nirvisesa (without qualities). But when he comes in contact with the three modes of material nature, he becomes savisesa (with qualities) and manifests as the three Devas, Brahma, Vishnu and Siva.
[4] This is called samsara, or endless wandering from body to body in this material world.
[5] Therefore, one does not worship Vishnu by worshiping the Devas but if one worships Vishnu, automatically the Devas are served.
This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.
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