The rules for people of low birth
Antyajera vidhi
The sankara and antyaja[1] should completely renounce their low-class nature and activities and accept the role of sudras in the material world. This is because in this world without the four varnas there is no dharma.
Living within Varna-Dharma, a resident of this world walks on the path of Bhakti
Varna-dharmera dvara jivana-yatra kariya samsari vyakti bhakti-pathe bhavarjana kariben
In this world, one should be situated in one of the four varnas and perform one’s varna-dharma. Then execute pure Krishna-bhakti. This is always correct conduct[2].
Even if one belongs to the four varnas and follows the rules of conduct of varna-dharma, if he does not serve Lord Krishna, he falls into Raurava[3].
There is no other dharma for a grhastha. All the activities of a grhastha are found within the practices of varna-dharma. In this world one should follow varna-dharma and, according to his means, one should worship Lord Krishna[4].
During the time a man is under the rules of this world, he should take care to behave according to varna-dharma. This science is defined by the name Bhakti-yoga. In Bhakti-yoga, bhava arises. This is said to be the siddhanta[5].
When bhava arises, it is not necessary to follow the rules of the scriptures. One’s journey within this material body reaches perfection with the appearance of bhava. The sadhana of a grhastha Vaishnava is to accept Lord Vishnu, that Absolute Truth which is one without second.
The pure knowledge that Vishnu is no different from His Name and qualities
Nama-nami o guna-gunira abhede visnu-jnana suddha haya
Another point is that there is no duality regarding the Name, form and qualities of Vishnu.
One should not think that Vishnu is different from His form. Vishnu is non-dual, complete, transcendental and infinite.
If, due to ignorance, one is troubled by the wrong idea of duality[6], then namabhasa comes and the attainment of prema will be impossible.
By the mercy of a bona fide Guru, this anartha will be destroyed. By continuously engaging in bhajana, Suddha-nama eventually manifests.
[1] Two classifications of low birth outside the varnasrama system.
[2] Correct conduct depends on one’s position of spiritual advancement. Krishna taught us on this point, ordering Arjuna to fight and not to retreat into the forest.
[3] Raurava is one of the hells described in the Sastras. These are also called Naraka. The Srimad-Bhagavatam says that there are 28 hells: Tamisra, Andhatamisra, Raurava, Maharaurava, Kumbhipaka, Kalasutra, Asipatravana, Sukaramukha, Andhakupa, Krimibhojana, Samdamsa, Taptasurmi, Vajrakantaka-salmali, Vaitarani, Puyoda, Pranarodha, Visasana, Lalabhaksa, Sarameyadana, Avichi, Ayahpana, Ksharakardama, Raksogana-bhojana, Sulaprota, Dandasuka, Avata-nirodhana, Paryavartana and Suchimukha.
[4] While practicing varnas, one should offer devotional service to Lord Krishna.
[5] The pinnacle of perfection. By practicing the rules of various varnas and serving Krishna, bhava, love for Krishna, arises.
[6] Referring to the Name, form and qualities of the Lord.
This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.
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