Inattention as an Insult to the Name

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Inattention as an insult to the Name


Glory to Mahaprabhu, glory to the devotees. It is by their mercy that I am doing nama-sankirtana.

Inattention as an insult to the Name

Pramada-namaka aparadha

Hari Dasa said: O Lord, while You were traveling in the south, even where we are now, You taught Sanatana and Gopala Bhatta that one should not be careless during Sri-Krishna-bhajana. Thus, pramada[1] is considered an offense.

Some renounce all other offenses and constantly chant the Name, but nevertheless prema does not arise in their hearts.

I know that the namaparadha of pramada is hindering their sadhana and their attainment of prema-bhakti.

Inattention is known as Pramada

Anavadhanakei pramada bale

The original meaning of pramada is inattention. O Lord, from this defect come all other anarthas.

The three types of inattention

Tina prakara anavadhana

Those who are wise say that there are three types of inattention: audasinya (indifference), jadya (laziness) and viksepa (thinking about other things).


[1] Inattention.


This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.

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