When the sacrifice began, the atmosphere vibrated under the magical effect of the sounds and melodies of the Vedic mantras recited by the Brahmanas, while the fire of the sacrifice, fueled relentlessly by the abundant libations of clarified butter, flared higher and higher.
For days and days the priests, dressed completely in black, continued to recite the hymns of the Vedas louder and louder and throw the purified butter into the flames. The intense heat caused sores all over their bodies and made their eyes so red that they almost bled, but they did not care for the pain and continued to carry out their respective duties disciplinedly. Then, when the spell became strong enough, they began to chant the mantras intended for the destruction of the reptiles in chorus and out loud, calling them by name, one by one.
This is a section of the book “Maha-Bharata As It Is vol. 1 of 2”.
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