A Deliberation on Namabhasa

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A deliberation on Namabhasa

Namabhasa vicara

Glory to Gadai-Gauranga and the life of Jahnava Devi! Glory to Sita’s husband! Glory to Srivasa and all devotees!

Mahaprabhu extended His lotus hand and then raised Hari Dasa.

He said: Listen to My words, Hari Dasa. Now explain namabhasa[1] clearly.

He who understands namabhasa will attain Suddha-nama. Through the attributes of the Holy Name, the Jiva can be easily liberated.

Namabhasa – Ignorance and anarthas are like clouds and fog

Namabhasa—megha kujjhatika-rupa ajnana o anartha

The Holy Name, like the sun, destroys the darkness of Maya. However, again and again, clouds and fog cover the sun of the Holy Name[2].

All the various types of ignorance and anarthas of the Jivas are like thick clouds and fog.

When the sun of Krishna-nama ascends into the sky of the heart, once again fog and clouds cover it.

The fog of ignorance creates confusion about spiritual reality

Ajnana kujjhatika, svarupa bhrama

When one does not know the cit-svarupa[3] of the Holy Name, the fog of ignorance ushers in darkness.

One who does not know Krishna as Sarvesvara[4] worships many Devas on the path of karma[5] and becomes confused.

The Jiva who has no knowledge of his cit-svarupa[6] accepts the weak refuge of Maya and always remains in ignorance.

Then Hari Dasa said: Today I am very fortunate. Lord Caitanya will hear subjects about the Holy Name from my mouth.

Krishna and the Jiva are master and servant. Maya is characterized by physical matter. When one doesn’t know, he lives in the shadow of ignorance.

The clouds of Anarthas – Thirst for material things, weakness of heart and offenses

Megha-anartha – asat-trsna, hrdaya-daurbalya, aparadha

Thirst for material things[7], weakness of heart[8] and offenses[9], these anarthas are like clouds that create obstacles.

Namabhasa is present when the sun rays of the Holy Name are covered. However, pure Krishna-nama, which is perfect in itself, is always uncovered.

End of Namabhasa

Namabhasera avadhi

As long as he is unaware of sambandha-tattva[10], the Jiva takes refuge in namabhasa.

If a sadhaka takes shelter of a Sadguru[11] and becomes expert in bhajana, the clouds and fog move away.


[1] Namabhasa is a semblance of the Holy Name. This will be explained in detail in the next verses.

[2] No cloud is capable of covering the sun. The clouds cover us and so we cannot see the sun. The Holy Name evaporates these clouds.

[3] Transcendental nature.

[4] The Controller of all things.

[5] They are types of disciplines aimed at receiving material benefits, while bhakti is only love for Krishna.

[6] One’s own spiritual identity.

[7] Asat-trishna

[8] Hrdaya-daurbalya

[9] Aparadha

[10] One’s relationship with Krishna

[11] Authentic guru


This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.

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