One who criticizes a Sadhu who has surrendered exclusively to Krishna, because of his previous sins, or because of remaining traces of such deeds, is an offender of the Holy Name
Purva-papera gandhavasesa o purva-papa laksya kariya yini krsnaika-sarana sadhura ninda karena, tini namaparadhi
When a preliminary enjoyment of Krishna-nama arises and someone even once chants the Holy Name, the results of his previous sins are destroyed.
Traces of previous sins may still remain in him for a time, but ultimately, they too are destroyed by the power of the Holy Name.
Very soon, every trace of bad deeds disappears. Thus, such a person becomes known as parama-dharmatma[1].
During the period when these negative elements are still present and visible, ordinary people may still consider him to be wicked.
Seeing his transgressions, they might criticize this sadhu. Furthermore, by pointing out his previous bad deeds, they can show contempt towards him.
Such a person is an atheist! By criticizing a Vaishnava, he commits an offense against the Holy Name. Krishna gets angry and he falls.
The quality of a Sadhu is that he takes exclusive shelter of Krishna, but it is arrogance to identify oneself as a Sadhu
Krsnaika-saranatai sadhu-laksana, apanake sadhu baliya paricaya deoya dambhikata
One who takes exclusive shelter of Krishna and chants Krishna-nama, by the mercy of Krishna becomes known as a sadhu.
Only devotees of Krishna, and no one else, are sadhus. But those who declare, ‘I am a sadhu!’ are the avataras of arrogance[2]!
A few short words on how to decide who is a Sadhu
Svalpaksare sadhu-nirnaya
One who says: I am a fallen person who has taken exclusive shelter of Krishna and whose mouth constantly chants Krishna-nama, such a person is a sadhu.
A person who considers himself lower than straw, who is tolerant like a tree, who does not desire honor from others, who gives respect to everyone and whose mouth chants Krishna-nama, such a person can give Krishna-rati[3].
A Vaishnava who is absorbed in the Name is a true Sadhu, and insulting him is an offense
Nama-parayana Vaisnava-i sadhu, tan-ninda-i aparadha
Any sadhu from whose mouth I hear the Holy Name even once, I call him Vaishnava and offer him respect.
A Vaishnava is the Guru of the entire world. He is a friend of the world. A Vaishnava is an ocean of mercy for all Jivas.
Whoever insults such a Vaishnava falls into a hellish condition birth after birth.
There is no other way to achieve bhakti. Everyone can attain bhakti only by the mercy of a Vaishnava.
The potency of Lord Krishna resides in the body of a Vaishnava. Only by touching his body can others attain Krishna-bhakti.
The nectar from the lips of a Vaishnava[4], the water that has washed his feet and the dust from his feet, these three things are the most powerful.
[1] An extremely virtuous person.
[2] Dambha-avatara refers to those who say they are sadhus without being so. They exploit the goodness of people to live comfortably.
[3] Attraction towards Krishna.
[4] The remnants of his food or what he drank.
This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.
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