Rasika Murari was born in 1590. His father was Acyuta deva, a pious and devoted landholder, the zamindar of Rohini[1], a village on the banks of the Suvarnarekha river[2]. His mother’s name was Bhavani.
Rasika was their only son. He had as his second name Murari and for this reason he will be known as Rasika Murari, the most prominent disciple of Syamananda Pandita.
From his very childhood Rasika Murari was very devoted to Lord Krishna. As he attained the appropriate age, his father gradually engaged some panditas to see to his education. However he didn’t have much regard for material knowledge. He had already ascertained that the greatest goal in life is devotion to Lord Hari.
His parents married him at a very young age. His wife was called Iccha Devi and was a mine of good qualities. She hailed from the village of Ghonta Sila, not far from Rohini on the banks of the Suvarnarekha, where in days of old the Pandavas had lived in exile.
Then Rasika became anxious to take shelter at the lotus feet of a bonafide spiritual master.
One day as he was sitting alone contemplating on this subject, he heard a divine voice:
“Rasika! Don’t be in anxiety anymore. Very soon a very great personality of the name Syamananda will arrive here. Just take shelter of his lotus feet.”
Hearing this, Rasika was encouraged and took to continuously waiting and watching for the arrival of this great personality.
One day he was told that Syamanda Prabhu would come to Rohini whith his disciples. Having heard this wonderful news, Rasika Murari became very jubilant, and began to repeatedly murmur the name Syamananda, as though chanting japa. From moment to moment his eagerness increased without diminishing, as tears flowed from his eyes by his chanting of the name of Syamananda. He was in such a state that he spend most of the night sleeplessly, calling to his spiritual master.
Finally, towards the early morning, he fell asleep and in a dream he saw him, the very figure of charm and grace. Smilingly, Syamananda informed him:
“When tomorrow the eastern sky becomes tinged with pink, you will obtain me.”
Saying this, Syamananda disappeared.
After some time Syamananda approached from the distance, looking as beautifully effulgent as the sun and surrounded by his disciples like Kisora Dasa and others. His smiling face was like the lotus flower that opens to greet its friend the sun, and his chest was as broad as a door. His captivating appearance was made all the more irresistable by the sweet sounds of “Sri Krishna Caitanya Nityananda” emanating from his lotus mouth[3]. Absorbed in intense love he moved along the path like the clouds move in the sky.
When Rasika caught sight of this divine form, he fell down in front of him to touch his lotus feet. In great ecstasy Syamananda embraced him and began to bathe him with his tears of ecstatic love. Rasika Murari then felt himself to be one of the most fortunate living beings within this universe.
On an auspicious day Syamananda initiated Rasika and his wife in the Radha Krishna mantra. All his family members, wife and sons, all accepted Syamananda as their spiritual master[4].
After that, Rasikananda began to travel with his guru, during which time he became a very intimate disciple. Syamananda then bestowed upon him the service of Sri Radha Govinda Deva at Gopiballabhapur[5].
Accepting the order of his guru on his head, Rasikananda preached the message of Sri Gaurasundara in the world for approximately 16 years.
Thereafter he entered into his eternal pastimes through the lotus feet of Gopinatha at Remuna in the year 1652.
[1] Also known as Royni. It is said that Sri Ramacandra once came here and established a Siva Linga.
[2] Suvarnarekha literally means “streak of gold”. It flows through various Indian states, from Jharikanda to Orissa.
[3] The lotus is often used as analogy to indicate something pure and uncontaminated.
[4] According to some authority, at that time Rasika was 18.
[5] Gopiballabhapur is also situated on the banks of the Suvarnarekha river. It’s near to the border of West Bengal and Orissa states.
This is a section of the book “Syamananda, the Joy of Radharani (English)”.
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