A Reflected Glimmer of the Holy Name

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Chaya and Pratibimba are two types of Abhasa – Chaya Namabhasa

Chaya o pratibimba bhede abhasa dui prakara – chaya namabhasa

There are two types of abhasa[1]: pratibimba[2] and chaya[3]. These two types create sraddhabhasa[4]. These are all products of Your power of illusion, Maya.

Chaya-sraddhabhasa[5] produces chaya-namabhasa[6]. This namabhasa creates auspiciousness for the Jiva.



A reflected glimmer of the Holy Name

Pratibimba namabhasa

One who sees pure sraddha in other Jivas can attain sraddhabhasa within himself.

They may still desire bhoga[7] or moksa[8] and struggle day and night to obtain them.

External symptoms of sraddha may also be visible, but it is not a true sraddha. The Sastras say that this is pratibimba-sraddhabhasa.

Wherever there is pratibimba-sraddhabhasa, there will always be pratibimba-namabhasa.

The deception of Mayavada arises from Pratibimba Namabhasa

Pratibimba-namabhase mayavada kapatata utpanna kare

This kind of namabhasa leads to the wicked philosophy of mayavada by entering into which one becomes a cheater.

This deceptive Pratibimba Namabhasa is actually Namaparadha

Kapata pratibimba-namabhasa namaparadha

Anyone who thinks that the Holy Name is merely an instrument to achieve a higher eternal goal dishonors the glories of the Holy Name and this offense destroys him[9].

The difference between Chaya Namabhasa and Pratibimba Namabhasa

Chaya namabhasa o pratibimba-namabhasera bheda

Chaya-namabhasa comes only from ignorance, due to a state of hrdaya-daurbalya[10].

The Holy Name purifies all these defects. But pratibimba-namabhasa increases those defects.


[1] Glimmer.

[2] Reflection.

[3] Shadow.

[4] A glimpse of sraddha.

[5] A shadow of a glimmer of sraddha.

[6] A shadow of a glimmer of the Holy Name.

[7] Enjoyment of the senses.

[8] Liberation.

[9] The Holy Name is the end (sadhya) and only incidentally also the means (sadhana).

[10] Weakness of heart.


This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.

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