Abhimanyu, Radharani’s so called husband

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How Abhimanyu married Radharani

The Acharyas explain that how it was Krishna only who married Srimati Radharani in the form of Abhimanyu.

When Lord Brahma stole the calves and the Gopas and put them in mystic slumber for one full year, that time Lord Krishna personally expanded Himself as each and every calf and each and every Gopa, so identically that no one even considered the possibility that there was any difference.
At that time He married all the Gopis of Vrindavan who had always wanted Krishna as their husband and in the form of Abhimanyu (one of the Gopas) He married Radharani too.

So when Brahma brought back all the calves and all the cowhered boys including Abhimanyu, who was Krishna’s expansion, he understood that his purpose of existence was to increase the excitement of the rasa in the meetings and the separations of Sri Sri Radha and Krishna. As did Jatila her mother-in-law and Kutila her sister-in-law.



On one occasion Abhimanyu went to the market to buy some cows.
He selected nice cows and in the afternoon he came back to take some coins to purchase the cows.
Meanwhile by His arrangements, Krishna spread a rumor in Yavat that “Krishna is coming in the disguise of Abhimanyu to see Shrimati Radharani.”
When Jatila and Kutila heard this they stood at the gateway of the village with sticks.
They were determined that Krishna was not even going to have a moments glance upon Shrimati Radharani.
So Abhimanyu came not expecting anything. As soon as Abhimanyu arrived, Jatila, Kutila started screaming at him “Get out of here, we know that who you are, we know that you are Krishna in disguise. Get away from here or we will beat you with these sticks. Get out, get out, get out!”
As they were saying the whole village of Javat was in an uproar,
“Get out of here, Get out of here.”
Abhimanyu didn’t know what in the world was happening. So he tried to explain “I just came back to get some money for the cows to buy.”
They said “Get out, get out we know your tricks. We know your cunningness Krishna, get out of here now.” So he ran away.
Meanwhile from another direction Lord Shri Krishna came perfectly disguised as Abhimanyu.
When Jatila and Kutila saw Him their hearts were overwhelmed with parental affection.
They embraced Krishna.
They said, “Oh! Abhimanyu we are so happy to see you. You know? Krishna just came and He was disguised as you, but we drove Him out of this village. Now Radharani is waiting for you.”
Krishna said “It is an auspicious day for Radharani to perform the Puja to goddess Mangaldevi. She should fast today and She should go to the temple and She should worship throughout the day and throughout the night.”
So mother said, “All right that is very good. Whatever pleases you my son.”
So she sent Shrimati Radharani to the Mangaldevi temple to do Her prayers throughout the day and the night.
When She arrived at that temple, Lalita, Vishaka the Gopis and Krishna appeared there to the delight of Shri Radhika and they performed Rasa Leela throughout the night.

Jatila and Kutila are the mother and sister respectively of Abhimanyu, the “so-called husband” of Shrimati Radharani in Krishna’s pastimes.
Jatila and Kutila perform the service of facilitating the “Parakiya Rasa” or the mellow of paramour love in the loving pastimes of Shri Shri Radha and Krishna.
So they were always trying to keep Krishna away from Shrimati Radharani.
They would chastise Krishna and sometimes call Krishna bad names to drive Him away.
One time Jatila called Krishna a black snake and Krishna said, “Yes I am a black snake and with My fangs I will bite you.”
Later Krishna told Uddhava that “Actually the chastisements of these Gopis are more pleasing to My heart than the praises and glorifications of the great rishis and sages Because they have pure love, the pure desire to please Me.”


Understanding the position of Abhimanyu

To understand about the position of Abhimanyu, one can refer to the Chamatkara chandrika written by Vishvanatha Chakravarti Thakura.
Abhimanyu is described as the son of Jatila, her sister named Kutila, their family lives in Yavat Gram (2 miles from Nand Gram).
His character is described as follows :
“The foolish and dull-witted cowherd boy, who by Yoga-maya’s illusion, appears to be the husband of Shrimati Radharani; but in reality, never touches Her or has any factual relationship.”
Also ,while describing the character of Srimati Radharani, it is described as follows:
“She is marrried to Abhimanyu by the divine illusory arrangement of Yoga-maya.”

Now these explanations of the Abhimanyu as given by Vishvanatha chakravarti thakura, clearly shows that, it is by divine illusory arrangements of yoga maya, they both were married. But factually, Abhimanyu never touched her, nor he did he had any kind of relationship of that of the wife and husband.


How could Abhimanyu marry Radharani?

The Acharyas explain that how it was Krishna only who married Srimati Radharani in the form of Abhimanyu.

When Lord Brahma stole the calves and the Gopas and put them in mystic slumber for one full year, that time Lord Krishna personally expanded Himself as each and every calf and each and every Gopa, so identically that no one even considered the possibility that there was any difference.

At that time He married all the Gopis of Vrindavan who had always wanted Krishna as their husband and in the form of Abhimanyu (one of the Gopas) He married Radharani too.

So when Brahma brought back all the calves and all the cowhered boys including Abhimanyu, who was Krishna’s expansion, he understood that his purpose of existence was to increase the excitement of the rasa in the meetings and the separations of Sri Sri Radha and Krishna.
As did Jatila her mother-in-law and Kutila her sister-in-law.


Meaning of the name

Abhimanyu means one who injures or threatens, or proud


More stories

There are nice stories with Abhimanyu in the Camatkara Candrika by Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura.


From Camatkara Candrika

“This young bride is married to Abhimanyu (1). At the moment She is in Her husband’s house in Yavata, but Abhimanyu himself is here. He is just outside in the assembly hall, seeking advice about household affairs from Nandaraya (2), the King of the pasturing lands.

     * Camatkara Candrika

The foolish and dull-witted cowherd boy, who by Yoga-maya’s illusion, appears to be the husband of Srimati Radharani. But in reality, he never touches Her or has any factual relationship.

One of Nanda Maharaja’s names.






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