All This You Must Learn From a Bona Fide Spiritual Master

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Sri Krishna continued:

“This supreme science that I am offering you is the same one that in ancient times I imparted to Vivasvan. I am introducing this knowledge to you because you are my friend and devotee.”


Arjuna asked:

“How could you have passed this knowledge on to Vivasvan, who is much older than you?”

Sri Bhagavan said:

“We have lived many existences, but while I can remember them all, you cannot. Although I am the unborn, from millennium to millennium I descend into this world in My personal transcendental form, whenever there is a decline in religious practices. Whoever becomes aware of the spiritual nature of My appearance and activities will no longer take birth in this material world.


“Now remember the differences that exist between action and inaction: the one who acts free from the desire for sense gratification is a sage whose sins have been burned by the fire of perfect knowledge; he, although he engages in numerous activities, does not actually act at all and does not stain himself with any sin. Thus, while acting in various ways, he goes towards the Supreme Goal.

All this you must learn from a bona fide spiritual master, asking him questions and serving him, and then, even if you were to be considered by others to be the worst sinner, due to this transcendental knowledge you will be able to cross the ocean of material miseries.”


This is a section of the book “Maha-bharata, Vol. 2”.

To buy the complete book, click above

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