अनाग |
adj. |
anAga |
sinless |
अनागस् |
adj. |
anAgas |
innocent |
अनागस् |
adj. |
anAgas |
not injuring |
अनागस् |
adj. |
anAgas |
sinless |
अनागस् |
adj. |
anAgas |
blameless |
अनघ |
adj. |
anagha |
uninjured |
अनघ |
adj. |
anagha |
free from blame |
अनघ |
adj. |
anagha |
handsome |
अनघ |
adj. |
anagha |
innocent |
अनघ |
adj. |
anagha |
sinless |
अनघ |
adj. |
anagha |
faultless |
अनघ |
m. |
anagha |
white mustard |
अनागम |
adj. |
anAgama |
but possessed from time immemorial |
अनागम |
adj. |
anAgama |
and therefore without documentary proof |
अनागम |
adj. |
anAgama |
not come |
अनागम |
adj. |
anAgama |
not present |
अनागम |
adj. |
anAgama |
not constituting an accession to previous property |
अनागम |
m. |
anAgama |
non-arrival |
अनागम |
m. |
anAgama |
non-attainment |
अनगार |
m. |
anagAra |
houseless |
अनगार |
m. |
anagAra |
vagrant ascetic |
अनागत |
adj. |
anAgata |
not arrived |
अनागत |
adj. |
anAgata |
future |
अनागत |
adj. |
anAgata |
not attained |
अनागत |
adj. |
anAgata |
not learnt |
अनागत |
adj. |
anAgata |
not come |
अनागत |
adj. |
anAgata |
unknown |
अनागति |
f. |
anAgati |
non-arrival |
अनागति |
f. |
anAgati |
non-attainment |
अनागति |
f. |
anAgati |
non-accession |
अनागामिन् |
adj. |
anAgAmin |
not subject to returning |
अनागामिन् |
adj. |
anAgAmin |
not coming |
अनागामिन् |
adj. |
anAgAmin |
not arriving |
अनागामिन् |
adj. |
anAgAmin |
not future |
अनागम्य |
adj. |
anAgamya |
unapproachable |
अनागम्य |
adj. |
anAgamya |
unattainable |
अनागर्त |
adj. |
anAgarta |
without holes |
अनघता |
f. |
anaghatA |
innocence |
अनागामुक |
adj. |
anAgAmuka |
not in the habit of coming |
अनागामुक |
adj. |
anAgAmuka |
not likely to come |
अनगारिका |
f. |
anagArikA |
houseless life of such an ascetic |
अनागास्त्व |
n. |
anAgAstva |
sinlessness |
अनागतवत् |
adj. |
anAgatavat |
connected with or relating to the future |
अनागमिष्यत् |
adj. |
anAgamiSyat |
one who will not approach |
अनागताबाध |
m. |
anAgatAbAdha |
future trouble |
अनागतार्तवा |
f. |
anAgatArtavA |
girl who has not yet attained to puberty |
अनागमोपभोग |
m. |
anAgamopabhoga |
enjoyment of such property |
अनागतावेक्षण |
n. |
anAgatAvekSaNa |
act of looking at that which is not yet come or the future |
अनागतविधातृ |
m. |
anAgatavidhAtR |
disposer of the future |
अनागतविधातृ |
m. |
anAgatavidhAtR |
provident |
अनागतविधातृ |
m. |
anAgatavidhAtR |
name of a fish |
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