Asta-kaliya Nitya Lila

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Asta-kaliya Nitya Lila

The following eight slokas are excerpts from Srila Kaviraja Gosvami’s classic, Govinda Lilamrita, and are named Sri Radha-Krishnayoh Asta Kaliya Lila Smarana Mangala Stotram[1].




Chanting during the first period.

(3:22 a.m. to 5:46 a.m.)


ratryante trastavrnderita

bahuviravaibedhitau kirasari-

paghairrhrdhyairapi sukhasayana

dunthitau tau sakhibhih

drstau hrstau tadatvoditarati-

lalitau kakkhatigih sasamkau

radha-krishnau satrsnavapi nija-

nijadhamnyapta talpau smarami

ratryante –at the close of night; trasta –afraid; Vrinda –Vrindadevi; irita urged; bahuviravai –with many chirping tunes; bodhitau –awakened; kira saripaghai –by poems of parrots and mynas; api –also; sukhasayanat –from happy sleep; utthitau –got up; tau –they both; sakhibhih by female friends; drstau –seen; hrstau –happy; tadatva –of that time; udita-rati-lilatau –attractive on account of profound love; kakkhati-gih-sasamkau –suspicious about the voice pronounced by a she-monkey; radha-krsnu –Radha and Krishna; api –also; satrsnau –having desire; nija-nija-dhamni –in Their respective residences; apta-talpau –occupying the beds; smarami –I remember.

“I remember Radha and Krishna at the close of night. Vrinda, who was attending Them, was not happy at that moment, knowing that before dawn the Divine Couple would separate Themselves. However, she did her duty. She prompted the parrot and the myna to sing many pleasing songs. These songs awakened Radha and Krishna, who rose from Their bed of bliss. Their female friends observed Them looking very charming because of the deep love and affection They shared at that time. Both were suspicious about the voice of a she-monkey, and although They desired to continue Their mutual association They left that place for Their own residences, where They occupied Their own beds.”



Chanting during the second period.

(5:46 a.m. to 8:10 a.m.)


radham snata-vibhusitam

vrajapayahutam sakhibhih prage

tadgehe vihitannapanasvatam


Krishnam buddhamavaptadhenusadanam

nivyuda-go dohanam

susnatam krtabhojanam sahacaraistam

catha tam casrye

radham –Radha; snata-vibhusitam –who had taken her bath and adorned Her person; vrajapaya ahutam –called by Yasoda; sakhibhih –through female friends; prage –in the morning; tad-gehe –in Her house; vihitannapanasvanam –having prepared food and drink; Krishnavasesasanam –who ate what was left by Krishna; Krishnam –Krishna; buddham –who was awake; avaptadhenusadanam –one who had reached the cowshed; nivyuda-go-dohanam –who had finished milking the cows; susnatam –who had taken a bath; krtabhojanam –who had taken His meals; sahacaraih –along with His friends; tam –Him; ca –and; atha–then; tam –Her; ca –and; ca –and; asraye –I remember.

“I worship Radha and Krishna. Radharani had finished Her ablutions and ornamenting Her body when She was called for by Mother Yasoda early in the morning through Her friends, and there in her house She prepared food and drink. Upon awakening, Krishna went first to the cowshed and milked the cows, and then came home and took His bath, eating His meal in the company of His playmates. Radha then took Her meal.”



Chanting during the third period.

(8:10 a.m. to 10:34 a.m.)


purvahne dhenuamatrairvipina

manusrtam gosthalokanuyatam

Krishnam radhapti lolam

tadabhisrtikrte prapta-tankunda-tiram

radham calokya Krishnam

krtagrhagamanamaryaya ‘rkarcanayai

distam Krishnapravrtyai

prahitanijasakhivartmanetram smarami

purvahne –in the forenoon; dhenuamatraih –by cows and friends; vipinam –towards the forest; anusrtam –followed; gostha-loka- ‘anuyatam –followed by cowherd people (i.e., Nanda and others); Krishnam –Krishna; radhaptelolam –anxious to find Radha; tadabhisrtikrte –for the purpose of secretly approaching Her; prapta-tankunda-tiram –who had gone to her pond (Radha-kunda); radham –Radha; ca –and; alokya –having seen; Krishnam –Krishna; krta- grha-gamanam –who had gone home; aryaya –by the mother-in-law; arkarcanayai –for worshiping the sun god; distam –ordered; Krishnapravrtyai –to get news of Krishna’s whereabouts; prahitanija- sakhivartmanetram –who was casting her eyes toward the path by which Her friends would return; smarami –I remember.

“I remember Sri Krishna in the forenoon. He was going toward the forest, followed by cows and cowherd friends. Others like Nanda Maharaja also followed Him. Because He was anxious to be with Radharani, Krishna went to search Her out on the banks of Sri Radha-kunda.

I also remember Sri Radha, who, having caught a glimpse of Krishna, went home, where She was ordered by Her mother-in-law (Jatila) to worship the Sun god. Radharani had sent Her girlfriends to discover Krishna’s whereabouts, and thus She was casting her eyes down the pathway by which they were likely to return.”

[1] “A sacred song of remembering the sports performed by Sri Radha and Krishna during the eight periods of the day.”


The articles continues in the book….


This is a section of the book “Vrindavana Lila”.

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