Auspicious Material Works and Karma-Kanda

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Auspicious material works and Karma-kanda

Prakrta subha-karma karma-kanda

Those influenced by the potency of Maya who desire temporary pleasures easily obtain them through You.

This kind of pleasure is achieved through subha-karma[1]. For this, dharma, yajna, yoga, homa, and vrata were created.

All these virtuous activities are always futile. They can never match spiritual actions.

By performing sadhana aimed at obtaining virtues one obtains material benefits. With their power one can go to the higher planets to enjoy material pleasures.

The atma does not find peace by enjoying the results of all these material actions. Striving to achieve that kind of thing is a big mistake.

The result of performing all these virtuous activities is that one gets temporary material pleasure.




The method of rising above this state

Sei avastha haite uddharera upaya

If, through association with sadhus, one understands that “I am a Jiva and I am a servant of Krishna”, then one can go beyond Maya.

That rare achievement is achieved only through sukriti[2]. The mundane activities prescribed in karma-kanda cannot give it.

Jnana-kanda – the happiness of merging with Brahman

Jnana-kanda, brahma-laya sukha

He who knows that Maya brings only suffering, and who strives to attain mukti, is a jnani.

You are very merciful to everyone. Thus, You have given jnana-kanda and brahma-vidya[3].

Those who take refuge in the mayavada knowledge become free from matter and these Jivas merge into Brahman.

What is Brahman?

Brahma-vastu ki?

Brahman is the radiance of Your body, which is full of light. It is located on the bank of Viraja.

All the demons killed by Vishnu cross to the far shore of Maya and merge into Brahman.


[1] Auspicious activity.

[2] The word sukriti has several meanings. In this context it means spiritual activities

[3] Knowledge of Brahman


This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.

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