A menos que se limpie tu corazón no podrás entender lo que es Hari
Lectura de lo Srimad Bhagavatan 6.2.11 — Vrndavana, 13 septiembre 1975 Si no aceptas el mandato de las śāstras, especialmente cuando Kṛṣṇa, La Suprema Personalidad de Dios, le está instruyendo en el Bhagavad-gītā… Esa … Read More
5000 anni fa…
Prima dell’inizio di Kali-yuga (poco piu’ di 5000 anni fa), gli uomini assorbivano la Conoscenza delle cose mondane e trascendentali attraverso l’ascolto ed erano capaci di ricordarla senza difetto. Con l’avvicinarsi dell’epoca piu’ degradata della … Read More
You have invented something to accelerate death
Srila Prabhupada says, ”you have invented something to accelerate death. That’s all. Is that very, very good credit?”…… #Prabhupada: They have invented nuclear weapon. What is that? To kill. But have you invented something so … Read More
Krishna blesses the fruit vendor
Once a woman selling fruit in Vrndavana called out, “O inhabitants of Vrajabhumi, if you want to purchase some fruit, come here!” Upon hearing this, Krsna immediately took some grains and went to barter as if … Read More
30 anni di internet in Italia: la timeline
Il 30 aprile 1986 dal Cnuce del Cnr partiva il primo ‘ping’ italiano alla rete americana nata come Arpanet. 1986 30 aprile – A Pisa, all’istituto Cnuce (oggi Cnit) del Cnr, avviene … Read More
Does to renounce mean to possess nothing?
Question: Does to renounce mean to possess nothing? Answer: A living being is finished as soon as there is nothing to possess. Therefore a living being cannot be, in the real sense of the term, … Read More
The loving affairs of Sri Radha and Krishna are transcendental manifestations
In CC Adi 1.5 it is said “The loving affairs of Sri Radha and Krishna are transcendental manifestations of the Lord’s internal pleasure-giving potency. Although Radha and Krishna are one in Their identity, They separated Themselves … Read More
Devotees of the Supreme Lord are not controlled by the scriptures
“Devotees of the Supreme Lord are not controlled by the scriptures since their activities are congenial to Divine Wisdom. When self-realized devotees ordain any new arrangement, this should be accepted as religious code, even if such … Read More
Pandita no significa uno que ha conseguido un título. Pandita significa Sama-cittah
Pandita no significa uno que ha conseguido un título. #Pandita significa Sama-cittah Srimad Bhagavatan 5.5.3 — Vrndavana, 25 octobre 1976 En Kali-yuga, brāhmaṇa significa usar un cordón con valor de dos paisas, eso es … Read More
Radha and Krishna taking shelter from the rain
The attitude of the gopis is like a mirror upon which the reflection of Krishna’s beauty develops at every moment. Both Krishna and the gopis increase their transcendental beauty at every moment, and there … Read More
Aksaya Tritiya
Durante este mes de mayo estaremos celebrando el festival de Akshaya Trithiya Akha Teej oro, un día muy auspicioso cae al tercer día después de qui Amavasya (sin luna) en el mes calendario hindú de Vaishakha. Este semble tradicional festival de insignificante en comparación con los Exámenes algunos de los festivales más glamorosos de la tierra. Por alguna razón este festival En cam ser blanco, hoy Akshaya Trithiya día Comercializado como ser blanco es un día para la compra de oro, … Read More