Katyayani Vrata

Katyayani Vrata   Chapter Twenty-one contains twenty verses, describing how Krishna entered the forest of Vrindavana in the autumn, playing His flute, and how He attracted the gopis, who were singing His glories. The Twenty-second Chapter … Read More


Next holidays….

  Next Holidays:   Sri Krsna Rasayatra……. Link Tulasi-Saligrama Vivaha (marriage)      Link Sri Nimbarkacarya — Appearance      Link Last day of Bhisma Pancaka End of Kartika Beginning of Kesava Masa     Full stories … Read More


Govardhana and places around

Braj Bhoomi Mohini: Shri Giriraj The Mount Blessed by Shri Krishna’s Touch   Sri Krishna & Balram with Sakhas on Mount Giriraj Lively noise of festivities, startling sound of delightful applause, loud rejoicing, feet of devotees … Read More


Nimbarka Acarya

Nimbarka Acarya Sri Nimbarka Acarya comes in the line of the Kumara Sampradaya and is believed to have lived around the 11th and 12th centuries. Born in the modern Murgarapattam in the southern Dravidian province, he … Read More


Krishna Rasayatra

Krishna Saradiya Rasayatra The first full moon of the autumn season marks the celebration of Krsna’s dancing with the gopis. On this day the deities of Vrndavana are nicely decorated in white. Krsna lila dramas are … Read More


Tulasi Salagrama Vivaha

This is the celebration of the marriage ceremony of Srimati Tulasi Devi and Lord Sri Krishna in the form of Salagrama Sila.     You find the full story of Tulasi Salagrama Vivaha in our Archive.   … Read More


Nimbarka Acarya

Nimbarka Acarya   Sri Nimbarka Acarya comes in the line of the Kumara Sampradaya and is believed to have lived around the 11th and 12th centuries. Born in the modern Murgarapattam in the southern Dravidian province, … Read More


Tulasi Salagrama Vivaha

Tulasi Saligrama Vivaha This is the celebration of the marriage ceremony of Srimati Tulasi Devi and Lord Sri Krishna. Marriage of Shalagrama and Tulasi written by Sri Padmanabha Gosai. Shri Vasishthaji said that what I have … Read More


Fourth month of Caturmasya

Fourth month of Caturmasya   Performing vrata in the month of Kartika (Damodara) is glorified profusely in the Puranas. Since this month is very dear to Krsna, by performing austerities, or restraining ones sense gratification and … Read More

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