Brahma Samhita 57

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Śrī brahma-saṁhitā 5.57

athovāca mahā-viṣṇur
bhagavantaṁ prajāpatim
brahman mahattva-vijñāne
prajā-sarge ca cen matiḥ
pañca-ślokīm imāṁ vidyāṁ
vatsa dattāṁ nibodha me


atha — then; uvāca — said; mahāviṣṇuḥ — the Supreme Lord; bhagavantam — unto the glorious; prajāpatim — Lord Brahmā; brahman — O Brahmā; mahattva — of the glory (of Godhead); vijñāne — in real knowledge; prajāsarge — in creating offspring; ca — and; cet — if; matiḥ — the inclination; pañcaślokīm — five ślokas; imām — this; vidyām — science; vatsa — O beloved; dattām — given; nibodha — hear; me — from Me.


On hearing these hymns containing the essence of the truth, the Supreme Lord Kṛṣṇa said to Brahmā, “Brahmā, if you experience the inclination to create offspring by being endowed with the real knowledge of the glory of Godhead, listen, My beloved, from Me to this science set forth in the following five ślokas.


The Supreme Lord became propitious when Brahmā with great eagerness chanted the names, “Kṛṣṇa” and “Govinda” expressive of the form, attribute and pastimes. Brahmā was actuated by the desire for mundane creation. Kṛṣṇa then said to Brahmā how pure unalloyed devotion can be practiced by souls engaged in worldly occupations by combining the same with the desire for carrying out the behest of the Supreme Lord. “The knowledge absolute is knowledge of the glory of Godhead; if you want to procreate offspring being endowed with such knowledge, listen attentively to the science of devotion that is contained in the following five ślokas.”

(How bhakti is practiced by performing worldly duties in the form of carrying out the commands of the Supreme Lord, is being described).

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