Brahma Samhita 58

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Śrī brahma-saṁhitā 5.58

prabuddhe jñāna-bhaktibhyām
ātmany ānanda-cin-mayī
udety anuttamā bhaktir


prabuddhe — when excited; jñāna — by cognition or knowledge; bhaktibhyām — and by devotional service; ātmani — in the pure spirit soul; ānandacitmayi — full of knowledge and bliss; udeti — is awakened; anuttamā — superexcellent; bhaktiḥ — devotion; bhagavat — for Kṛṣṇa; prema — by love; lakṣaṇā — characterized.


When the pure spiritual experience is excited by means of cognition and service [bhakti], superexcellent unalloyed devotion characterized by love for Godhead is awakened towards Kṛṣṇa, the beloved of all souls.


Real knowledge is nothing but knowledge of one’s relationship to the Absolute. Real knowledge is identical with the knowledge of subjective natures of cit (animate), acit (inanimate) and Kṛṣṇa and of their mutual relationship. Here mental speculation is not alluded to, since that is antagonistic to service (bhakti). The knowledge that embraces only the first seven of the ten basic principles (daśa-mūla) is the knowledge of relationship. The substantive nature of the spiritual function (abhidheya) inculcated by the science of devotion hearing, chanting, meditation, tending His holy feet, worshiping by rituals, making prostrations, doing menial service, practicing friendship and surrendering oneself are identical with practicing the search for Kṛṣṇa. It is specifically described in Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu. Devotion (bhakti) characterized by love for Godhead makes her appearance by being awakened by such knowledge and practice. Such devotion is superexcellent bhakti and is no other than the final object of attainment of all spiritual endeavor of the individual soul (jīva).

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