The Meeting in the Disguise of Abhimanyu , from the Camatkara Candrika of Visvanatha Cakravarti
Second Prank – The Meeting in the Disguise of Abhimanyu Once, Sri Radha, the young daughter of Vrishabhanu Maharaja, took a vow to regularly bathe in the Yamuna River[1] early in the morning. This filled … Read More
Srila Prabhupada’s words of wisdom
Prabhupada: A living entity does not kill anyone; neither a living entity is ever killed. One who knows this, he knows. So that is the position. So killing does not mean that killing the living entity. … Read More
Balarama Rasayatra
Quién es Manonatha Dasa?
Quién es Manonatha Dasa? Manonatha Dasa es un devoto de Krishna y uno de los discípulos directos de Srila Prabhupada, de quien tomó la iniciación en 1974. Es uno de los gurús iniciadores de Iskcon. … Read More
Algunas instrucciones de Manonatha Maharaja a su discípulos
¿Porqué buscar un guru? En acuerdo a las Escrituras y los Acaryas, no es posible avanzar en la vida espiritual sin estudiar, servir y ser iniciado por un maestro espiritual fidedigno. tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya … Read More