Chanting the Holy Name With Unwavering Concentration

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The Jivas of Kali-yuga who have firm faith in the Holy Name have the right to chant it

Kali-jivera name niskapata visvasa haile-i name adhikara haila

There are considerations when offering charity, when performing yajnas, when bathing at holy places and chanting japa. But with Krishna-sankirtana, one becomes qualified simply with sraddha.

Whoever, with strong sraddha, takes refuge in the Hari-nama chant, which is the yuga-dharma[1], achieves everything.

The Jiva of Kali-yuga should enter the family of Krishna sincerely and chant Krishna-nama constantly.

Accepting those things that are favorable to the Holy Name and rejecting those that are unfavorable

Namera anukula visaya grahana o pratikula visaya varjana

One must accept everything that is favorable to bhajana and reject everything that is unfavorable to bhajana.

Remaining in the family of Krishna, one should spend this life remembering Hari-nama constantly.

Chanting the Holy Name with unwavering concentration

Ananya buddhite nama grahana karibe

One should not follow any other dharma or karma. One should not consider any controlling deity as independent and therefore worship it[2].

One should always chant Krishna-nama and serve devotees. Thus, one will surely obtain Krishna-prema.

Weeping, Hari Dasa fell at the Lord’s feet and, grasping them, begged Him to allow him to become attached to the Holy Name.


This Hari-nama Cintamani has become the very life of Bhaktivinoda, who remains at the feet of Hari Dasa.



iti sri-hari-nama-cintamanau

nama-grahana-vicar nama dvitiyah paricchedaḥ


Thus ends the second chapter of Sri Hari-nama Cintamani entitled

“A Deliberation on the Chanting of the Holy Name”.


[1] The spiritual practice designated for this age.

[2] There are many deities and Devas, but they all originate from Krishna. One should not think that they are supreme and independent of Krishna.


This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.

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