Cit-Sakti Reveals the Supreme Substance

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Cit-sakti reveals the supreme substance

Cic-chakti-dvara vastu-prakasa

Cit-sakti reveals the Name, dhama, activities and forms of the Supreme substance.

Krishna is parama-vastu[1] and His body color is dark. Goloka and others are Krishna dhamas where He exhibits His lilas.

His Name, His dhama, His forms, His qualities, His lilas, etc., all belong to the category of akhandadvaya-jnana[2].

All varieties are due to para-sakti. Krishna is the natural owner of para-sakti and it is the eternal activity of Krishna.

Dharma[3] and dharmi[4] are not different from each other, indivisible and non-dual. In the abode of eternity and knowledge, variety is due only to visesa.

The nature of Maya-sakti

Maya-saktira svarupa

The shadow of that sakti is known as Maya[5]. By Krishna’s desire, she creates the external world[6].

The Jiva Sakti


The Jiva, or Jiva-sakti, are equal to and at the same time different from the Supreme. They are manifested by Krishna as tatastha[7] so that they can serve.

The two types of Jivas

Dui prakara dasa visista Jiva

There are two types of Jivas: nitya-baddha[8] and nitya-mukta[9]. Those who are nitya-mukta are eternally eligible to render service to Krishna.

Nitya-baddhas are bound by Maya and must go through the cycle of birth and death. They are of two types: bahirmukha[10] and antarmukha[11].

By association with sadhus, those who are antarmukha can attain Krishna-nama, and through the influence of Krishna-nama, they advance towards the abode of Krishna.


[1] The supreme substance.

[2] Indivisible non-dual knowledge.

[3] The property.

[4] The owner.

[5] Ma = not, ya = this.

[6] The material world, also known as Devi Dhama.

[7] Tatastha-sakti, marginal energy.

[8] Eternally conditioned to matter.

[9] Eternally liberated from material illusion.

[10] Averse to Krishna.

[11] Inclined to Krishna.


This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.

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