Commemorating Jesus Christ

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Srila Prabhupada:

“Guru Maharaja (Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami) said, saktyavesa-avatara, powerful incarnation. Therefore whenever there was question of Jesus, I never disrespected Jesus, never criticized him, because I know that he is powerful representative of God. We took it from Guru Maharaja.”[1]


So on the basis of the words of our closest Acarya we give Jesus Christ much respect.

However none of our Acaryas has left instructions on what to do on Good Friday (Jesus’ apparent death) nor in Easter Sunday (Jesus’ apparent resurrection). As no Acaryas have spoken about this nor do we find anything in the sastras, we do not invent things on our own. Krishna consciousness is a very serious thing. We are not whimsical people.

Therefore I invite you to chant 25 rounds and not 16, and your celebration will be a success.

[1] From a room Conversation with Ram Jethmalani (Parliament Member), April 16, 1977 in Bombay, India.


This is a section of the book “Brilliant as the Sun”.

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