Conversation between Radha and Krishna

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Radha says,

“Who finger-taps my door?”

Krishna says,

“You crooked girl, it is Madhava.”

Radha says,

“Madhava is spring. Is spring knocking My door?”

Krishna says,

“Verily not. It is the bearer of the Sudarshana wheel.”

Radha says,

“Are you a potter to hold wheels?”

Krishna says,

“No. I behold all worlds.”

Radha says,

“Are you the forked tongued Ananta, the serpent King, who holds the worlds?”

Krishna says,

“No. I wreathe the serpents.”

Radha says,

“Are you Garuda, the king of birds, who wreathes the serpents?”

Krishna says,

“No. I am Lord Hari.”

Radha says,

“Are you Hanuman, the king of gorillas called Hari?”

Lord Krishna, the beholder of Sudarshana wheel, smiled at the clever jokes of Radharani. May He protect us.


This is a section of the book “Vrindavana Lila”.

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