Criticizing the Teachings of the Sruti is an Offense

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Criticizing the teachings of the Sruti is an offense

Ei sruti-siksa ninda aparadha

The Sruti is the pramana that teaches these nine prameyas. The Guru who is learned in these tattvas taught by the Srutis is able to reveal them.

One who criticizes the Srutis is an offender of nama. He is the lowest of men.

The various philosophies that oppose the Vedas

Veda-viruddha veda-samuha

Jaimini, Kapila, Nagna, Nastika, Sugata and Gautama – these six personalities are devoted to argumentative ideologies[1].

Their mouths talk about following the Vedas, but none of them mentions a Supreme Lord. Jaimini says karma-kanda is the most important system.

Kapila says that Isvara is imperfect but accepts yoga without understanding its meaning.

Nagna spread the Tamasika Tantra and preached a religion which is opposed to the Vedas.

Those who study these philosophies criticize the Srutis

Ei saba matavada dvara sruti-ninda haya

Nastika Carvaka did not accept the Vedas. Sugata described a type of Buddhism. Gautama, the authority of Nyaya, did not worship Isvara.

These are the six philosophical schools of argument in which human beings are completely engrossed.

All these doctrines insult the Srutis

Ei saba mata-vada dvara sruti-ninda haya

All these corrupt philosophies criticize the Srutis sometimes openly and sometimes in a subtle way, but those who are wise understand.

All who accept these philosophies are offenders. Therefore, one should avoid their company.

The Mayavadi philosophy, which is contrary to the Vedas, is the most corrupt

Mayavadira ati dusta mata – veda viruddha

One must reject all such evil ideologies including Mayavada, which are opposed to the realizations of suddha-bhakti.

Mayavada is asat-sastra[2] and is the hidden Buddhism that mutilates the meaning of the Veda. It is attractive to the people of the Kali age.

Umapati[3] appeared in the form of a brahmana, and by your order became the Acarya of this philosophy.

Just as Jaimini said only in words that the Vedas must be accepted, Sankara has given the world a distorted meaning of the Srutis.

In this way, Mayavadi Gurus establish Buddhist dharma using Vedic statements, hiding any meaning regarding Bhakti.

All these philosophies keep bhakti at a distance. By following them, the Jiva offends sri-krishna-nama.

[1] Jaimini is the founder of Karma Mimamsa philosophy. Kapila is the propagator of Sankhya atheism. From a following verse it is deduced that Nagna (which literally means naked) is Siva. Nastika is probably the atheist Carvaka. Sugata is Buddha and Gautama is the founder of the Nyaya school.

[2] Contrary to the Sastras.

[3] The Lord of Uma, Shiva.


This is a section of the book “Harinama Cintamani (English)”.

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