Da, meaning

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(H1) द 1[p= 464,3][L=89217] the 3rd and soft letter of the 4th or dental class.
(H1) द 2[L=89219] mf(आ)n. ( √1. दा) ifc. ( Pa1n2. 3-2 , 3) giving , granting , offering , effecting , producing (e.g. अभी*ष्ट- , ” giving any desired object ” Pan5cat. ii , 50 ; गज-वाजि-वृद्धि- , ” promoting the welfare of elephants and horses ” VarBr2S. xviii , 5) Mn. MBh. &c (cf. अग्नि- ; अ-दोम-द्/अ ; अन्न-,अर्थ-,गर्भ-,जन्म- &c )
(H1B) द 2[L=89220] m. n. a gift L.
(H1B) दा 2[L=89221] f. id. L.
(H1) द 3[L=89222] mfn. ( √ दो) ifc. » अनल- , 2. जीव-
द da 3rd and soft letter of the 4th or dental class
ड Da 3rd cerebral consonant
द da adj. effecting
द da adj. giving
द da adj. granting
द da adj. offering
दा dA adj. giving
द da adj. producing
द da adj. granting
दा dA f. pain
डा DA f. basket carried by a sling



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