Dana Nivartana Kunda

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Dan Nivartan Kunda

Dana Nivartana means “the place where the tax was excused.” After Krishna had taxed the gopis, the gopis wanted to get revenge. So all the gopis got together and hid in the forest. At that time, Krishna was walking through the forest with just a few friends. The gopis caught Krishna and His friends. They then made Krishna bow down to Srimati Radharani and beg her for forgiveness, as punishment for making them pay a tax.

Dan Nivartan Kunda

Getting there
This kunda (15m by 20m) is on the right side of the parikmma path, right next to Govardhana Hill. It is about 250m pass the ISKCON property and one km outside of the town of Govardhana.




#Dana Nivartana Kunda    #Dananivartanakunda

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